Fire Emblem (GBA) - Items
Enemy Selection Process
In the Arena, the game finds out the type (other than staves) whose weapon experience is highest among the player unit’s weapon types. In a tie, the first weapon type in the order of Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Anima, Light, and Dark is chosen. The player unit is then equipped with the basic weapon corresponding to the determined weapon type, even if the unit has no weapons.
The enemy’s character class is chosen at random depending on whether the player unit is upper-class or lower-class. That is, if the player unit is lower-class, the enemy’s class is also lower-class. All classes listed below are the male versions.
Lower-Class Units
- Sword/Lance/Axe: Mercenary, Myrmidon, Fighter, Knight, Mage, Shaman, Cavalier, Peg Knight, Wyvern Rider, Soldier, Brigand, Pirate, Mercenary, Myrmidon, Fighter, Knight, Mage, Shaman, Cavalier, Peg Knight, Wyvern Rider, Brigand, Pirate, Soldier, Soldier
- Anima/Light/Dark: Mercenary, Myrmidon, Fighter, Knight, Archer, Mage, Shaman, Cavalier, Nomad, Peg Knight, Wyvern Rider, Soldier, Brigand, Pirate, Thief, Mercenary, Myrmidon, Fighter, Knight, Archer, Mage, Shaman, Cavalier, Nomad, Peg Knight, Wyvern Rider, Soldier, Soldier
- Bow: Archer, Mage, Shaman, Nomad
Upper-Class Units
- Sword/Lance/Axe: Hero, Swordmaster, Warrior, General, Bishop, Sage, Druid, Paladin, Valkyrie, Falcoknight, Wyvern Lord, Berserker
- Anima/Light/Dark: Hero, Swordmaster, Warrior, General, Sniper, Bishop, Sage, Druid, Paladin, Valkyrie, Nmd Trooper, Falcoknight, Wyvern Lord, Berserker
- Bow: Sniper, Bishop, Sage, Druid, Valkyrie, Nmd Trooper
The enemy’s weapon type is determined in the same way as that of the player unit, described above, but using the starting skill level for the enemy’s class instead of weapon experience. The enemy is equipped with the basic weapon corresponding to the determined weapon type.
The enemy’s level is set to the player unit’s level give or take 4, and is adjusted so it is neither below 1 nor above 20. If the player unit won five or more arena challenges in a row, the enemy’s level rises by 7.
Then the game creates the enemy based on the enemy’s level, character class, and weapon:
- The enemy begins with the starting stats for its character class, except Luck, which is set to 0.
- The enemy’s level is multiplied by X and divided by 10, where X is 12 in normal mode, and 24 in hard mode.
- The enemy’s weapon experience for each weapon type it can use is set to 181 (level A).
- For each stat except Luck:
- X is set to A times B, where A is the growth rate for the stat (depending on the enemy’s class), and B is the enemy’s level minus 1.
- Y is set to a random integer from 0 and up to but not including int(X/4).
- Z is set to Y-int(X/8)+X.
- The stat rises by int(Z/100). If a random integer from 0 through 99 is less than (Z modulo 100), the stat rises by 1.
- If the enemy is an upper-class unit, the previous step is repeated with level equal to 10 in normal mode and 20 in hard mode.
- The enemy’s level is adjusted so it is neither below 1 nor above 20.
- The enemy’s stats are adjusted so they don’t exceed the maximum stats allowed for its class.
- The enemy’s current HP is set to its maximum HP.
Then the steps listed below are taken ten times or until the process stops.
- D is set to the player unit’s strength value, and E is set to the enemy’s strength value.
A variable, C, is set to (A*100)/B, where A equals abs(D-E)
and B equals the higher strength value. If C is less than or equal to 20, the process stops.
- If the player unit’s strength value is less than the enemy’s, the enemy’s maximum HP, Str, Skill, Def, Res, Luck, and Speed are each reduced by 1, but not to less than 0.
- Otherwise, the enemy’s maximum HP rises by 2 if it is less than 80, and each of Str, Skill, Def, Res, Luck, and Speed rises by 1 if it is less than 30.
Then the steps listed below are taken five times or until the process stops.
- D is set to the player unit’s modified Str plus 5.
- E is set to the player unit’s modified Def or Res, depending on the enemy’s weapon type.
- F is set to the enemy’s modified Str plus 5.
- G is set to the enemy’s modified Def or Res, depending on the player unit’s weapon type.
- If D minus G is less than int(Enemy’s maximum HP/6), the enemy’s Def or Res, depending on the player unit’s weapon type, falls by 4, but not to less than 0, and the enemy’s Skill and Speed are increased by 1.
- If F minus E is less than int(Unit’s maximum HP/6), the enemy’s Str rises by 3, its Skill and Speed are increased by 2, and the enemy’s weapon is changed to an improved one (see "Improved Weapons", below).
- If neither of the two conditions above are true, the process stops.
Then the game calculates the wager:
Wager = int((X-Y)/2)*10+800
- X = Enemy’s strength value
- Y = Player unit’s strength value
If the wager is 0 or less, it equals 1.
As a final step, if the enemy somehow has a weapon it is unable to use, it instead receives the basic weapon of the same weapon type.
Strength Values
To find a unit’s strength value for the purposes of the Arena, the game uses the formula below.
StrengthValue = ((A+B+C+D)*2)+E+F+G+(H*2)+I
- A = Unit’s maximum HP, unmodified by effects
- B = Unit’s Str/Mag, unmodified by effects
- C = Unit’s Skill, unmodified by effects
- D = Unit’s Speed, unmodified by effects
- E = Unit’s Luck, unmodified by effects
- F = Unit’s starting constitution for unit’s class
- G = Change in unit’s constitution because of unit’s character
- H = Unit’s modified Def or Res, depending on its enemy’s weapon type
- I = Unit’s modified Str, if the unit is a Swordmaster or Berserker.
Constitution Change
- -3: Guy, Isadora
- -1: Raven, Wil, Erk, Priscilla, Florina, Heath
- 1: Oswin, Pent, Lowen, Rath, Matthew, Uther, Harken, Erik, Bauker, Ursula (regular), Pascal (regular)
- 2: Bartre, Fargus, Renault, Vaida, Jaffar, Puzon, Uhai (regular)
- 3: Dorcas, Hawkeye, Legault, Zagan, Kenneth (regular)
Basic Weapons
- Sword - Iron sword
- Lance - Iron lance
- Axe - Iron axe
- Bow - Iron bow
- Anima - Fire
- Light - Lightning
- Dark - Flux
Improved Weapons
- Sword: Iron sword, Steel sword, Silver sword
- Lance: Iron lance, Steel lance, Silver lance
- Axe: Iron axe, Steel axe, Silver axe
- Bow: Iron bow, Steel bow, Silver bow
- Anima: Fire, Elfire, Fimbulvetr
- Light: Lightning, Divine
- Dark: Flux