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Pokémon Battle Rules

Pokémon Battle Rules

Here are the different rules enforced in Pokémon tournaments through the years.

General Notes

  • In all of these rules, Eggs are not allowed.
  • In all of these rules, items from the Bag or the Wonder Launcher can’t be used.
  • In these rules, battle time means the total time of the battle, after players choose the Pokémon they will use, if necessary. If time runs out during a round of a battle, the game allows the round to finish before ending the battle.
  • In these rules, command time means the time required to make choices when allowed by the game. If command time runs out, the game automatically makes the first available choice, such as the first move or the first unfainted Pokémon.

2012 Modified Format

  • All Pokémon numbered 1 through 646 are allowed, except for Arceus, Celebi, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Kyogre, Kyurem, Lugia, Manaphy, Mew, Mewtwo, Palkia, Phione, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Shaymin, Victini, and Zekrom.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species, have different nicknames, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • A Pokémon’s nickname can’t be the same as the species name of another Pokémon character.
  • Before a battle begins, each player can see the Pokémon the other player has and chooses his or her Pokémon to send into battle.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon. During the battle, the levels of all Pokémon over level 50 are reduced to level 50.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by TM or HM, by a character in the game, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in an official event, or learned with Smeargle’s Sketch move. Sky Drop and Dark Void are not allowed.
  • The only Hidden Abilities allowed on a Pokémon are those that were released in the games or in an official promotion.

2011 Video Game Championships

  • All Pokémon with Unova Pokédex numbers 1 through 148 are allowed, as well as Landorus.
  • Four to six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species, have different nicknames, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • A Pokémon’s nickname can’t be the same as the species name of another Pokémon character.
  • Only items that can be obtained in Pokémon Black Version or White Version are allowed.
  • Before a battle begins, each player can see the Pokémon the other player has and chooses his or her Pokémon to send into battle.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon. During the battle, the levels of all Pokémon over level 50 are reduced to level 50. Battle time 15 minutes, command time 1 minute.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by TM or HM, by a character in the game, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in an official event. Sky Drop is not allowed because of a known glitch involving that move.

Because of the March 2011 earthquake, no qualifiers for the 2011 Video Game Championships took place in Japan.

GameStop KOTC Tournament

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 646 are allowed, except Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Manaphy, Shaymin Arceus, Darkrai, Reshiram, Sky Forme, and Zekrom.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Three Pokémon also enter the tournament as a "substitute team"; between rounds of a match, a player may swap Pokémon on his or her main team for those on the "substitute team". Each of the nine Pokémon must be of a different species and must be at level 100.
  • The moves, Abilities, and items on each Pokémon must have been possible in Pokémon Black Version or White Version.
  • Moves that raise evasiveness and one-hit KO moves are not allowed. (For Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version, these moves are Double Team, Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Minimize, and Sheer Cold.)
  • The items BrightPowder, Focus Band, King’s Rock, Lax Incense, Quick Claw, Razor Claw, Razor Fang, and Scope Lens are not allowed.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with six Pokémon.
  • If a player’s effect caused the other player’s Pokémon to sleep, that player can’t choose a move that causes a Pokémon of the other player to sleep.
  • If all Pokémon on both sides faint at the same time, the controller of the effect that caused that situation loses.

Remark: The rules against certain moves and items likely exist because they cause battles to rely more on luck than they already do, since they "sometimes", rather than always or almost always, bring an advantage: BrightPowder, Double Team, Lax Incense, and Minimize "sometimes" let a Pokémon dodge moves; Quick Claw "sometimes" makes the holder go first; Focus Band "sometimes" saves the holder from fainting; one-hit KO moves "sometimes" knock out the target; Scope Lens and Razor Claw "sometimes" bring more critical hits; and King’s Rock and Razor Fang "sometimes" cause flinching.

2010 Video Game Championships

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 488 are allowed, except Celebi, Deoxys, Jirachi, and Mew.
  • Four to six Pokémon enter the tournament; however, only up to four Pokémon from the following list (the "restricted Pokémon") are allowed: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina. Up to six held items also enter the tournament, from among which a player can change the held items of each Pokémon between battles. Each Pokémon must be of a different species, have different nicknames, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • A Pokémon’s nickname can’t be the same as the species name of another Pokémon character.
  • The Soul Dew item is not allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle, using Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version GS Cup format, with four Pokémon. No more than two restricted Pokémon can be chosen each battle.
  • The GS Cup format enforces a so-called "flat battle", where the levels of all Pokémon over level 50 are reduced to level 50.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by HM, Move Tutor, or TM, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in another game or an official event, or learned with Smeargle’s Sketch move.

Battle Challenge

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 488 are allowed, except Celebi, Deoxys, Jirachi, and Mew.
  • Four Pokémon enter the tournament; however, only up to four Pokémon from the following list (the "restricted Pokémon") are allowed: Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina. Each Pokémon must be of a different species and hold different items.
  • The Soul Dew item is not allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle, using Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version GS Cup format, with four Pokémon. No more than two restricted Pokémon can be chosen each battle.
  • The GS Cup format enforces a so-called "flat battle", where the levels of all Pokémon over level 50 are reduced to level 50.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by HM, Move Tutor, or TM, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in another game or an official event, or learned with Smeargle’s Sketch move.

2009 Video Game Championships

  • All Pokémon with Pokédex numbers 1 through 488 are allowed, except Celebi, Deoxys, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Kyogre, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Palkia, and Rayquaza. Also not allowed are Heatran, Regigigas, and Tyranitar, since they were not available at level 50 in 2009, and Rotom.
  • Four Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Each Pokémon must be a different species , and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • The items Custap Berry, Jaboca Berry, Rowap Berry are, and Soul Dewnot allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by HM, Move Tutor, or TM, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in another game or an official event, or learned with Smeargle’s Sketch move (limited to moves learned in a manner mentioned previously).

Official tournaments in Europe in the 2008-2009 season used Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version rather than Pokémon Platinum Version, since Pokémon Platinum Version was not released in Europe before the tournaments started.

Pokémon Video Game Showdown 2008

  • All Pokémon with Pokédex numbers 1 through 488 are allowed, except Celebi, Deoxys, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Kyogre, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Palkia, and Rayquaza. Also not allowed are Dragonite, Heatran, Regigigas, and Tyranitar, since they were not available at level 50 in 2008.
  • Four Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Each Pokémon must be a different species , and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • Only items that can be obtained in-game can be used as held items. Custap Berry, Jaboca Berry, Micle Berry, Rowap Berry are, and Soul Dewnot allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by HM, Move Tutor, or TM, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in another game or an official event, or learned with Smeargle’s Sketch move (limited to moves learned in a manner mentioned previously).

League 2007

  • All Pokémon with Pokédex numbers 1 through 488 are allowed, except Celebi, Deoxys, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Kyogre, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Palkia, and Rayquaza. Also not allowed are Dragonite, Heatran, Regigigas, and Tyranitar, since they were not available at level 50 in 2007.
  • Four Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Each Pokémon must be a different species , and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • Only items that can be obtained in a game up to Diamond and Pearl can be used as held items. Soul Dew is not allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon.
  • If all Pokémon on both sides faint at the same time, all players lose.
  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by HM, Move Tutor, or TM, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in another game or an official event.

Festa 2006

  • All Pokémon with Sinnoh Pokédex numbers 1 through 148 are allowed.
  • Three Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Each Pokémon must be a different species , and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with three Pokémon.

League 2005

  • Any Pokémon obtained in Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version, and any other GBA or GameCube titles, are allowed. The following are ineligible: Celebi, Deoxys, Dragonite, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Lugia, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Tyranitar. Also, Kyogre and Groudon are not allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Each Pokémon must be a different species , and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • Only items that can be obtained in the games just mentioned can be used as held items. Soul Dew and Enigma Berry are not allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon. Battle time is 8 minutes, command time is 30 seconds.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

League 2004

  • Any Pokémon obtained in Pokémon Ruby Version, Pokémon Sapphire Version, Pokémon FireRed Version, Pokémon LeafGreen Version, or Pokémon Colosseum are allowed. The following are ineligible: Celebi, Deoxys, Dragonite, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Lugia, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, and Tyranitar.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Each Pokémon must be a different species, have different nicknames, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • A Pokémon’s nickname can’t be the same as the species name of another Pokémon character.
  • Only items that can be obtained in Pokémon Ruby Version, Pokémon Sapphire Version, Pokémon FireRed Version, Pokémon LeafGreen Version, or Pokémon Colosseum can be used as held items. Soul Dew and Enigma Berry are not allowed.
  • Each battle is a Double Battle with four Pokémon. Battle time is 8 minutes, command time is 30 seconds.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Festa 2003

  • All Pokémon with Hoenn Pokédex numbers 1 through 201 are allowed.
  • Three Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50, or from 1 through 100. Each Pokémon must be a different species, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon.

Mobile Cup 2001

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 250, except Mew, are allowed.
  • Three Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 30.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon. Battle time 10 minutes.

Poké Cup 2000 (Pokémon Stadium 2, known as Pokémon Stadium Gold and Silver in Japan)

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 248, except Mew and Mewtwo, are allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item. Each Pokémon must be from level 50 through 55.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon. Their combined levels can’t exceed 155.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Free Battle - Anything Goes (Pokémon Stadium 2, known as Pokémon Stadium Gold and Silver in Japan)

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 251 are allowed.
  • One to six Pokémon enter the tournament.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Prime Cup (Pokémon Stadium 2, known as Pokémon Stadium Gold and Silver in Japan)

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 251 are allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species, and no more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Little Cup

  • Any Pokémon from 1 through 251 with a higher evolutionary stage and that doesn’t evolve from another species is allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be level 5. Each Pokémon must be of a different species and hold different items.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon.
  • Dragon Rage and SonicBoom will always miss.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Poké Cup 1999

  • Any Pokémon from 1 through 149 is allowed, except: Alakazam, Articuno, Chansey, Ditto, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Electrode, Exeggutor, Gengar, Golem, Gyarados, Hypno, Jolteon, Jynx, Kangaskhan, Lapras, Magneton, Snorlax, Starmie, Tauros, Vaporeon, Venusaur, and Zapdos.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 50. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Poké Cup 1998 (Pokémon Stadium, as it’s known in Japan)

  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species. Each Pokémon must be from level 1 through 30. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Poké Cup 1997 (Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan))

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 149 are allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species. Each Pokémon must be from level 50 through 55. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon. Their combined level can’t exceed 155.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Free Battle - Anything Goes

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 151 are allowed.
  • One to six Pokémon enter the tournament. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Prime Cup

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 151 are allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be of a different species. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

In Pokémon Stadium 2, known as Pokémon Stadium Gold and Silver in Japan, all Pokémon from 1 through 251 are allowed, no two Pokémon can hold the same item, and the use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail.

Petit Cup

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 150 with a higher evolutionary stage, with a maximum height of 2 m and a maximum weight of 20 kg, and that don’t evolve from another species are allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 25 through 30. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon. Their combined level can’t exceed 80.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Pika Cup

  • All Pokémon from 1 through 149 are allowed.
  • Six Pokémon enter the tournament. Each Pokémon must be from level 15 through 20. Items can’t be used.
  • Each battle is a Single Battle with three Pokémon. Their combined level can’t exceed 50.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time.
  • No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.

Rule Components

Each rule set given above can be broken down into common rule components. Each rule can belong to one of several categories. Some rules restrict which kinds of Pokémon can be entered; others restrict what levels an eligible Pokémon can be; and still others impose certain rules on the battle. Each rule below can be mixed and matched to create a custom rule set for certain tournaments.

Pokémon Restrictions

  • Either:
    • All Pokémon with regional Pokédex numbers X through Y are allowed.
    • All Pokémon with (national) Pokédex numbers X through Y are allowed.
  • Mew (and/or other species or forms) is not allowed.
  • Only the following Pokémon are allowed...
  • Only any Pokémon with a higher evolutionary stage and that doesn’t evolve from another species is allowed.
  • Either:
    • Only Pokémon with a maximum height of X m are allowed.
    • Only Pokémon with a height of X to Y m are allowed.
  • Either:
    • Only Pokémon with a maximum weight of X kg are allowed.
    • Only Pokémon with a weight of X to Y kg are allowed.

Pokémon Entry Restrictions

  • Required: X to Y Pokémon enter the tournament. (Y can’t be greater than 6.)
  • "Species Clause" - Each Pokémon must be of a different species. (This means each must have a different National Pokédex number.)
  • "Item Clause" - No more than one Pokémon entered can hold the same item. (Starting with Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version.)
  • Each Pokémon must have different nicknames.
  • If one Pokémon entered has Ability X, another Pokémon entered can’t have Ability Y. (Starting with Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version.)
  • Only up to X Pokémon from the following list (the "restricted Pokémon") are allowed... (Rules similar to those given in "Pokémon Restrictions" can be used to define the list of restricted Pokémon. This list must be a subset of the list of allowed Pokémon.)
  • X Pokémon also enter the tournament as a "substitute team"; between rounds of a match, a player may swap Pokémon on his or her main team for those on the "substitute team". (The other entry restrictions should apply to the combined main team and substitute team.)

Move Restrictions

  • The only moves allowed on a Pokémon are those learned by leveling up, by HM, Move Tutor, or TM, as an Egg move, or already learned by that Pokémon received in another game or an official event, or learned with Smeargle’s Sketch move (limited to moves learned in a manner mentioned previously). (Recommended for most rulesets.)
  • Sky Drop (and/or other moves) is not allowed.
  • "Evasion Clause" - Moves that raise evasiveness are not allowed.
  • Dragon Rage and SonicBoom are not allowed. (Recommended for Little Cup-like rules.)
  • One-hit KO moves are not allowed.
  • A Pokémon can’t have both move X and move Y.
  • A Pokémon with National Pokédex number X (and possibly form Y) can’t have move Z.

Ability Restrictions

  • Moody (and/or other Abilities) is not allowed. (Starting with Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version.)
  • The only Hidden Abilities allowed on a Pokémon are those that were released in the games or in an official promotion. (Starting with Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version. Recommended for most rulesets Starting with Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.)
  • A Pokémon with National Pokédex number X (and possibly form Y) can’t have Ability Z. (Starting with Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version.)

Item Rules

  • Items can’t be used. (Only in games before Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version, since these games doesn’t have held items. Starting with Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version, this can mean "held items are not allowed".)
  • Soul Dew (and/or other items) is not allowed. (Starting with Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version.)
  • BrightPowder and Lax Incense are not allowed. (Starting with Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version.)

Other Per-Pokémon Rules

  • Each Pokémon entered must be from level X through Y.
  • A Pokémon’s nickname can’t be the same as the species name of another Pokémon character.

Selection Rules

  • Mix Battle - Before battle begins, each player chooses one of the Pokémon the other player has and adds it to his or her team for the battle. (Not recommended if the rules allow entering only one Pokémon.)
  • Team Preview - Before a battle begins, each player can see the Pokémon the other player has and chooses his or her Pokémon to send into battle. (This has been the case in Pokémon Battle Revolution and Pokémon Stadium 2, among other titles. In Pokémon Black Version, Pokémon White Version, and later, the Team Preview time limit is 2 minutes.)
  • No more than X restricted Pokémon can be chosen each battle. (X can be up to the number of Pokémon used in the battle. Used only if there is a list of restricted Pokémon. A team will be rejected upon entry if it’s impossible to choose a subset of those Pokémon that meets this requirement.)
  • The combined level of a player’s Pokémon during the battle can’t exceed X. (A team will be rejected upon entry if it’s impossible to choose a subset of those Pokémon that meets the combined level requirement.)

Battle Mode

  • Required: Either:
    • Each battle is a Single Battle with one (or more) Pokémon.
    • Each battle is a Double Battle with two (or more) Pokémon. (Starting with Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version.)
    • Each battle is a Triple Battle with three (or more) Pokémon. (Starting with Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.)
    • Each battle is a Multi Battle with one (or more) Pokémon per player. (Starting with Pokémon Ruby Version and Pokémon Sapphire Version. For four players.)
    • Each battle is a Rotation Battle with three (or more) Pokémon. (Starting with Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.)
    (The number of Pokémon per player can’t be greater than 6.)
  • Either:
    • The battle system used in Pokémon Version A will be used. (This will restrict what Pokémon, moves, Abilities, items, and so on will be allowed, among other things.)
    • The battle system used in Pokémon Version A, up to Pokémon Version B, will be used. (This will restrict what Pokémon, moves, Abilities, items, and so on will be allowed, among other things.)
  • The Wonder Launcher can be used/can’t be used. (Starting with Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version.)

Level Adjustment

These rules don’t restrict what level an eligible Pokémon can be, but merely change its level temporarily, during the battle.

  • All Pokémon are adjusted to level X during the battle.
  • Either:
    • Flat Battle - All Pokémon over level 50 are adjusted to level 50 during the battle.
    • All Pokémon over level X are adjusted to level X during the battle.

Time Restrictions

  • Battle time is X minutes.
  • Command time is X minutes/seconds.

In-Battle Rules

These rules restrict what Pokémon can do in battle or help decide a winner.

  • Dragon Rage and SonicBoom will always miss. (Used in some official Little Cup rules.)
  • "Sleep Clause" - Either:
    • If a player’s effect caused the other player’s Pokémon to sleep, that player can’t choose a move that causes a Pokémon of the other player to sleep.
    • No two Pokémon on a single side can be asleep at a given time. (Used in the Pokémon Stadium series and Pokémon Colosseum.)
  • Either:
    • If all Pokémon on both sides faint at the same time, all players lose.
    • If all Pokémon on both sides faint at the same time, the controller of the effect that caused that situation loses.
  • "Freeze Clause" - No two Pokémon on a single side can be frozen at a given time.
  • The use of Destiny Bond or Perish Song by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will always fail. (Starting with Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version.)
  • "Self-KO Clause" - The use of Selfdestruct or Explosion by the only Pokémon remaining on a side will result in a loss for that side.