Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version - Abilities
This list describes each Ability in Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version and their effects.
- Adaptability
If an attack by this Pokémon shares a type with one of this Pokémon’s types, that attack’s damage is doubled instead of multiplied by 1.5.
- Aftermath
If a direct attack by another Pokémon causes this Pokémon to faint, that other Pokémon loses 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) unless a Pokémon in battle that isn’t rotated out has Damp (not considered recoil).
- Air Lock
No effects from the weather are applied. (The weather effects are still displayed and can still end as normal.)
- Analytic
Power of attacks by this Pokémon, other than Future Sight and Doom Desire, is multiplied by 5325/4096 if this Pokémon strikes last this turn.
- Anger Point
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by an attack that’s a critical hit, this Pokémon’s Attack rises by 12 stages.
- Anticipation
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, a message is displayed if any opposing Pokémon has a one-hit KO move or has a damaging move whose original type is "super effective" against this Pokémon’s types (without applying effects that change type matchups against this Pokémon).
- Arena Trap
An adjacent opposing Pokémon can’t switch out or run unless it has Levitate or it’s a Flying type. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, doubles the rate of wild Pokémon battles.
- Bad Dreams
At the end of each turn, each sleeping adjacent opposing Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). (This effect is cumulative.)
- Battle Armor
Attacks can’t be critical hits against this Pokémon.
- Big Pecks
Attacks by other Pokémon can’t lower this Pokémon’s Defense stat stage.
- Blaze
If this Pokémon has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, Attack and Special Attack for Fire-type attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Chlorophyll
During Sunny Day, this Pokémon’s Speed is doubled.
- Clear Body
{Attacks and Abilities by other Pokémon can’t lower this Pokémon’s stat stages.} (Effects that merely change stat stages without necessarily lowering them, such as Haze, are not affected.)
- Cloud Nine
No effects from the weather are applied. (The weather effects are still displayed and can still end as normal.)
- Color Change
At the end of all hits of a damaging attack by another Pokémon, if this Pokémon was damaged by that attack and if this Pokémon doesn’t share a type with that attack’s type, this Pokémon’s types change to that attack’s type. (Prevented by Sheer Force if the attack has an additional effect.)
- Compoundeyes
Accuracy of attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 130/100. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the rate of encountering wild Pokémon with common items is 60%, with rare items 20%, and with very rare items 5%.
- Contrary
Effects that would raise this Pokémon’s stat stages lower them by the same amount instead, and vice versa. (Effects that merely copy or reset stat stages are not affected.)
- Cursed Body
Whenever another Pokémon damages this Pokémon with an attack, the effect of Disable begins against that other Pokémon, at a 30% chance, with the affected move set to the move that other Pokémon chose for use this turn, unless Disable is in effect against that other Pokémon (not considered an additional effect; doesn’t stop any multi-hit attack in progress; doesn’t apply to Future Sight and Doom Desire).
- Cute Charm
{Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon becomes infatuated (at a 30% chance) if its gender is different from this Pokémon and neither is gender-unknown (not considered an additional effect). } [If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering Pokémon with the same gender as this Pokémon is 2/3.]
- Damp
Selfdestruct and Explosion will fail for all Pokémon in battle (doesn’t cause fainting).
- Defeatist
As long as this Pokémon has half its maximum HP or less, this Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack are halved.
- Defiant
Whenever an attack by an opposing Pokémon or an Ability reduces a stat stage of this Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Attack rises by 2 stages. (Triggers once for each different stat stage reduced. Effect happens immediately.)
- Download
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, if an opposing Pokémon that isn’t rotated out exists, this Pokémon’s Attack rises by 1 stage if the total current Defense among all opposing Pokémon that exist and aren’t rotated out is less than the total current Special Defense among those Pokémon, or this Pokémon’s Special Attack rises by 1 stage if the total Defense is greater or equal. (For this check, each stat is calculated by multiplying the Defense stat or Special Defense stat by the multiplier for the respective stat stage, ignoring Unaware and Wonder Room.)
- Drizzle
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, the effect of Rain Dance begins and continues indefinitely, even if already in effect, unless the effect is already indefinite.
- Drought
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, the effect of Sunny Day begins and continues indefinitely, even if already in effect, unless the effect is already indefinite.
- Dry Skin
At the end of each turn, if Rain Dance is in effect, this Pokémon gains 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). At the end of each turn, if Sunny Day is in effect, this Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). Power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokémon is multiplied by 5/4. Whenever a Water-type attack (even a non-damaging one) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, and the attack is not otherwise ineffective against this Pokémon, this Pokémon gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and the attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation.)
- Early Bird
The sleep count is reduced by 2 instead of 1 in this Pokémon’s sleep checks.
- Effect Spore
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon becomes poisoned, becomes paralyzed, or sleeps, at a combined 30% chance (not considered an additional effect, prevented by Safeguard but not Substitute).
- Filter
Damage from attacks whose types are "super effective" against this Pokémon’s types, if they are used by other Pokémon against this Pokémon, is multiplied by 3/4.
- Flame Body
{Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon becomes burned at a 30% chance (not considered an additional effect, Safeguard and Substitute don’t affect this). If this Pokémon is anywhere in the player’s party, every 256 steps lowers the "Egg counter" of each Egg by 2 instead of 1. (This effect is not cumulative with multiple instances of Magma Armor, this Ability, or both.) }
- Flare Boost
As long as this Pokémon is burned, the power of special attacks by this Pokémon against other Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Flash Fire
Whenever a Fire-type attack by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon (even non-damaging ones, even if this Pokémon is frozen, and even if the attack is otherwise ineffective against it), that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon, and Attack and Special Attack for Fire-type attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5 (effect is not cumulative) until this Pokémon leaves the battle or this Pokémon doesn’t have this Ability. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation.)
- Flower Gift
Anytime Abilities resolve, if Sunny Day is in effect and this Pokémon is a Cherrim and hasn’t transformed, this Pokémon assumes the Sunshine Form (until it has transformed) and this Pokémon reverts to Overcast Form when this Pokémon leaves the battle, Sunny Day is not in effect, or this Pokémon doesn’t have this Ability. During Sunny Day, if this Pokémon is a Cherrim and hasn’t transformed, Attack and Special Defense of this Pokémon and its allies are multiplied by 1.5. (This effect is cumulative.)
- Forecast
Anytime Abilities resolve, if this Pokémon is a Castform and hasn’t transformed, this Pokémon assumes the Sunny Form during Sunny Day, the Rainy Form during Rain Dance, the Snowy Form during Hail, and the Normal Form otherwise (until this Pokémon has transformed), and this Pokémon reverts to the Normal Form when this Pokémon leaves the battle or doesn’t have this Ability. (If it changes to a different form this way, its stats are recalculated and its types change to Fire, Water, Ice, or Normal, respectively, to conform to that form, except if it has transformed.)
- Forewarn
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, a message displays the name of a random move with the highest power among all moves known by all opposing Pokémon. (For this Ability, status moves, including Me First, have a power of 1; one-hit KO moves have a power of 150; Counter, Metal Burst, and Mirror Coat have a power of 120; and other moves with a power of 1 have a power of 80. Effects that vary an attack’s power are not applied here. Moves known by more than one opposing Pokémon are counted separately.)
- Friend Guard
Damage from attacks against allies of this Pokémon (except confusion damage) is multiplied by 3/4. (This effect is cumulative.)
- Frisk
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, { a message displays the name of one of the items actually held by an opposing Pokémon chosen at random, if any opposing Pokémon is actually holding an item. }
- Gluttony
This Pokémon uses certain Berries when this Pokémon’s HP is less than or equal to half instead of 1/4 of its maximum HP.
- Guts
This Pokémon’s Attack is multiplied by 1.5 if this Pokémon is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep. Damage from attacks by this Pokémon is not reduced because of burns.
- Harvest
At the end of each turn, if Sunny Day is in effect or else at a 50% chance, and if this Pokémon actually isn’t holding an item and the last item consumed by this Pokémon is a Berry, this Pokémon receives the last item consumed by this Pokémon and that item is reset.
- Healer
At the end of each turn, each of this Pokémon’s adjacent allies stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep at a 30% chance each. (This effect applies separately if more than one Pokémon on the same side has this Ability.)
- Heatproof
Power of Fire-type attacks against this Pokémon is halved, and this Pokémon loses 1/16 instead of 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) because of burns.
- Heavy Metal
This Pokémon’s weight is doubled.
- Honey Gather
If this Pokémon appears anywhere in party and actually isn’t holding an item, this Pokémon has an X% chance of picking up Honey after a battle in which Exp. Points can be gained ends if the player won the battle, where X equals ((((this Pokémon’s level)-1)/10)+1)*5.
- Huge Power
This Pokémon’s Attack is doubled.
- Hustle
This Pokémon’s Attack is multiplied by 1.5. Accuracy of physical attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 4/5. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering high-level Pokémon is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)
- Hydration
At the end of each turn, if Rain Dance is in effect, this Pokémon stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep. (No effect if Rain Dance’s effect just ended.)
- Hyper Cutter
{Attacks and Abilities by other Pokémon can’t lower this Pokémon’s Attack stat stage. }
- Ice Body
At the end of each turn, if Hail is in effect, this Pokémon gains 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and doesn’t lose HP because of the Hail effect.
- Illuminate
If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, doubles the rate of wild Pokémon battles.
- Illusion
As this Pokémon enters the battle, this Pokémon’s appearance becomes that of the last listed unfainted non-Egg Pokémon with the same controller as this Pokémon (unless it’s itself that Pokémon or that Pokémon is a Pokémon in battle) until another Pokémon damages this Pokémon with an attack or this Pokémon doesn’t have this Ability. (This Pokémon is not considered to have transformed.)
Detailed Information
This Pokémon has all attributes necessary to make it appear as though it were the last listed unfainted non-Egg Pokémon with the same controller as this Pokémon (just before this Pokémon entered the battle) (the "last listed Pokémon"). It will have the same appearance according to the last listed Pokémon’s gender, species, and form, and according to whether the last listed Pokémon is Shiny, and its info box will show the last listed Pokémon’s Poké Ball, gender, and nickname, but its level, type, stats, moves, and Ability remain unchanged, and effects still use its real gender, individual values, species, form, weight, friendship, and nature.
- Immunity
This Pokémon can’t be poisoned.
- Imposter
When this Pokémon enters the battle, its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed stats; types; moves; weight; gender; and stat stages become those of the Pokémon it’s facing, and the Ability this Pokémon actually has becomes the Ability that Pokémon actually has, unless there is no such Pokémon, that Pokémon has transformed, or that Pokémon is under the effect of Illusion. Moves copied this way have 5 PP and a maximum PP of no more than 5. (This Pokémon is considered to have transformed. No effect if activated with Ability Urge.)
- Infiltrator
Attacks by this Pokémon ignore the effects of Light Screen, Mist, Reflect, and Safeguard on the opposing Pokémon’s side. (Attacks can still end those effects.)
- Inner Focus
Effects can’t cause this Pokémon to flinch. (Triggers only after an attack that causes flinching is used, and not at the beginning of this Pokémon’s attack segment.)
- Insomnia
This Pokémon can’t fall asleep.
- Intimidate
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, adjacent opposing Pokémon’s Attack falls by 1 stage. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering Pokémon whose level is equal to or less than this Pokémon’s level minus 5 is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)
- Iron Barbs
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) (not considered recoil).
- Iron Fist
Power of punch attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 4915/4096.
- Justified
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a Dark-type attack by another Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Attack rises by 1 stage.
- Keen Eye
Attacks and Abilities by other Pokémon can’t lower this Pokémon’s accuracy stat stage. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering Pokémon whose level is equal to or less than this Pokémon’s level minus 5 is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)
- Klutz
Effects from this Pokémon’s held item are not applied. (No effect outside of battle.)
- Leaf Guard
During Sunny Day, effects can’t cause poison, burn, paralysis, freezing, or sleep against this Pokémon. (This includes Rest. Yawn will fail against this Pokémon.)
- Levitate
This Pokémon is immune to damaging Ground-type attacks.
- Light Metal
This Pokémon’s weight is halved.
- Lightningrod
Electric-type attacks (even non-damaging ones) by other Pokémon with a range of "single Pokémon except user" that could target this Pokémon are directed to this Pokémon instead of to any other Pokémon that could be a target of that attack (other than its user). (Applied after Follow Me, but before Magic Coat. If more than one potential target of the attack has this Ability, the attack is directed to the target (of that kind) with the highest Speed stat, or if there is a tie, to a random tied Pokémon.) Whenever an Electric-type attack (even a non-damaging one) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, and the attack is not otherwise ineffective against this Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Special Attack rises by 1 stage and that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation. An Electric-type Thunder Wave is ineffective against Ground-type targets in normal cases.)
- Limber
This Pokémon can’t be paralyzed.
- Liquid Ooze
If Absorb, Drain Punch, Giga Drain, Leech Life, Mega Drain, Dream Eater, Horn Leech, or the effect of Leech Seed, when it drains HP from this Pokémon, would cause another Pokémon to gain HP (before adjusting for maximum HP), that other Pokémon loses that much HP instead.
- Magic Bounce
Whenever this Pokémon is the target of an attack with flag "c" by another Pokémon and that other Pokémon is the original user of that attack (even if the attack is used by another move), instead this Pokémon uses that attack against that other Pokémon. (Applies to each target separately. Magic Coat takes precedence over this Ability. If the attack has more than one target, targets that are under the effect of Magic Coat, that have this Ability, or both, use that attack after the effects of other targets have resolved, in the same relative order. If that attack has a range of "all opposing Pokémon", this Pokémon uses that attack against each Pokémon it could target. If that attack has a range of "opposing Pokémon’s side", this effect applies only if this Pokémon isn’t rotated out and is the Pokémon closest to the left of its side among Pokémon in battle on its side that are under the effect of Magic Coat, that have this Ability, or both.)
- Magic Guard
Effects other than damage can’t lower this Pokémon’s HP, with these exceptions: Pain Split, Belly Drum, effects that make this Pokémon "faint", Curse when used, Substitute when used, confusion damage, Future Sight and Doom Desire, and HP loss from Struggle. (Liquid Ooze will cause neither HP loss nor HP gain.)
- Magma Armor
This Pokémon can’t be frozen. If this Pokémon is anywhere in the player’s party, every 255 steps lowers the "Egg counter" of each Egg by 2 instead of 1. (This effect is not cumulative with multiple instances of Flame Body, this Ability, or both.)
- Magnet Pull
An adjacent opposing Pokémon can’t switch out or run if it’s a Steel type. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering a Steel-type Pokémon, if possible, [is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)]
- Marvel Scale
This Pokémon’s Defense is multiplied by 1.5 if it’s poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep.
- Minus
If at least one of this Pokémon’s allies has this Ability or the Plus Ability, Special Attack of this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Mold Breaker
While this Pokémon is using an attack, effects from certain Abilities by other Pokémon are not applied. (See notes below.) (When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, a message reveals this Ability on this Pokémon.)
Detailed Information
The list of Abilities prevented by Mold Breaker is: Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp (both the Selfdestruct/Explosion effect and the Aftermath effect), Dry Skin (both the boosted power and absorbing Water attacks), Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift (both the Attack and Special Defense boosts), Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightningrod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious (including when Oblivious prevents Captivate from working), Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware (even if this Pokémon’s stat stages are less than 0), Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. Moreover, Mold Breaker doesn’t affect the returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire. For two-turn attacks, only the first and second attack segment of the attack are affected, not the entire effect (to avoid confusion with the term "using a two-turn attack"). This Ability also prevents Abilities that contain the words "This Pokémon can’t...", such as Limber, from removing the respective condition from Pokémon with these Abilities during the attack (including its additional effect), although the Abilities that contain such words can still remove it after all effects of the attack resolve.
- Moody
At the end of each turn, a random stat stage (of this Pokémon) that can be raised rises by 2 stages, and a different random stat stage (of this Pokémon) that can be lowered falls by 1 stage.
- Motor Drive
Whenever an Electric-type attack (even a non-damaging one) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, and the attack is not otherwise ineffective against this Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Speed rises by 1 stage and that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation.) [An Electric-type Thunder Wave is ineffective against Ground-type targets in normal cases.] }
- Moxie
Whenever an attack by this Pokémon against another Pokémon causes that other Pokémon to faint, this Pokémon’s Attack rises by 1 stage. (Mummy takes precedence over this Ability.)
- Multiscale
If this Pokémon’s HP is full, the damage from attacks by other Pokémon against this Pokémon is halved. (Treats each hit of a multi-hit attack as a separate attack.)
- Multitype
As this Pokémon enters the battle, if this Pokémon is an Arceus, its type becomes a type that depends on the Plate held if this Pokémon is actually holding a Plate, or Normal otherwise.
- Mummy
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon’s Ability becomes this Ability, unless that other Pokémon actually has Multitype or this Ability.
- Natural Cure
As this Pokémon leaves the battle (but not if it enters the battle), this Pokémon stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep. (Checks this Pokémon’s current Ability. Doesn’t apply during battle if this Pokémon is under the effect of Gastro Acid.) If this Pokémon is anywhere in party, this Pokémon stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep after each battle.
- No Guard
Attacks by and against this Pokémon are not avoided by their target because it is using or is under the effect of a two-turn attack, and they can’t be evaded. [Includes returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire.] (Includes one-hit KO attacks.) If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, doubles the rate of wild Pokémon battles.
- Normalize
Attacks by this Pokémon have the Normal type. (Applied before effects that vary an attack’s type. Doesn’t affect confusion damage or Struggle.)
- Oblivious
This Pokémon can’t be infatuated.
- Overcoat
This Pokémon doesn’t lose HP because of Sandstorm and Hail.
- Overgrow
If this Pokémon has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, Attack and Special Attack for Grass-type attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Own Tempo
This Pokémon can’t be confused.
- Pickpocket
At the end of all hits of a direct attack by another Pokémon, if this Pokémon was damaged by that attack and this Pokémon has at least 1 HP, this Pokémon receives the item that other Pokémon is actually holding if this Pokémon actually isn’t holding any items and unless that other Pokémon is one of the player’s Pokémon in a wild Pokémon battle and this Pokémon isn’t. (Effect happens even if that other Pokémon has 0 HP or has a substitute. Prevented by Sheer Force if the attack has an additional effect.)
- Pickup
At the end of each turn, if this Pokémon actually isn’t holding an item and there is at least one Pokémon that is currently adjacent to this Pokémon, that is not this Pokémon, that has a "last item consumed", and whose item was consumed this turn and since that Pokémon entered the battle, this Pokémon receives a copy of the "last item consumed" for one randomly chosen Pokémon of that kind and that item is reset. If this Pokémon appears anywhere in party and actually isn’t holding an item, this Pokémon picks up an item (at a 10% chance) after a battle in which Exp. Points can be gained ends and if the player won the battle.
- Plus
If at least one of this Pokémon’s allies has this Ability or the Minus Ability, Special Attack of this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Poison Heal
If this Pokémon is poisoned, this Pokémon gains 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) at the end of each turn instead of losing HP because of poison.
- Poison Point
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon becomes poisoned at a 30% chance (not considered an additional effect; prevented by Safeguard but not Substitute).
- Poison Touch
Whenever another Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by this Pokémon, that other Pokémon becomes poisoned at a 30% chance (considered an additional effect by Shield Dust; prevented by Safeguard and Substitute). (Takes precedence over Mummy.)
Detailed Information
Probably, in the Japanese language version, Poison Touch can poison Pokémon in battle other than this Pokémon at a 20% chance instead of 30%.
- Prankster
The priority level of this Pokémon’s status moves (including Me First) is treated as its priority level plus 1 while determining turn order.
- Pressure
Whenever an attack by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon when it’s used, the PP of [the move that attack’s user chose for use this turn] is reduced by an additional 1, but not to less than 0. [ Attack won’t fail solely because the move’s PP can’t be reduced this way. This effect doesn’t apply to moves used by other moves, whether or not the attacker has the move used by such other move.] (If the move’s user changes, effect applies only to the move’s original user. Doesn’t apply to Bide or to the "non-"ghost" variant of Curse. Doesn’t trigger for hits of multi-hit attacks after the first. For the purposes of this Ability, Imprison, Snatch, Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes target all opposing Pokémon.) (When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, a message reveals this Ability on this Pokémon.) If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering high-level Pokémon is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)
- Pure Power
This Pokémon’s Attack is doubled.
- Quick Feet
As long as this Pokémon is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep, this Pokémon’s Speed is multiplied by 1.5. This Pokémon’s Speed is not reduced because of paralysis. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, halves the rate of wild Pokémon battles.
- Rain Dish
At the end of each turn, if Rain Dance is in effect, this Pokémon gains 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP).
- Rattled
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a Bug-, Dark-, or Ghost-type attack by another Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Speed rises by 1 stage.
- Reckless
Power of attacks by this Pokémon that cause recoil, as well as Jump Kick and Hi Jump Kick, is multiplied by 4915/4096. [Struggle is excluded.]
- Regenerator
As this Pokémon leaves the battle (but not if it enters the battle or a battle ends), if it has at least 1 HP, this Pokémon gains 1/3 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP). (Checks this Pokémon’s current Ability. Doesn’t apply during battle if this Pokémon is under the effect of Gastro Acid.)
- Rivalry
Power of attacks by this Pokémon against other Pokémon is multiplied by 5/4 if this Pokémon and the attack’s target are both male or both female, or multiplied by 3/4 if one is male and one is female.
- Rock Head
This Pokémon doesn’t receive recoil. (Struggle’s HP loss is excluded.)
- Rough Skin
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) (not considered recoil).
- Run Away
{This Pokémon can always run from a wild Pokémon battle even if an effect prevents it from running. } (Sky Drop will still prevent running.)
- Sand Force
During Sandstorm, the power of Ground-, Rock-, and Steel-type attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 5325/4096, and this Pokémon doesn’t lose HP because of the Sandstorm effect.
- Sand Rush
During Sandstorm, this Pokémon’s Speed is doubled and this Pokémon doesn’t lose HP because of the Sandstorm effect.
- Sand Stream
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, the effect of Sandstorm begins and continues indefinitely, even if already in effect, unless the effect is already indefinite.
- Sand Veil
During Sandstorm, accuracy of attacks against this Pokémon is multiplied by 8/10 and this Pokémon doesn’t lose HP because of the Sandstorm effect. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, halves the rate of wild Pokémon battles while sand is blowing.
- Sap Sipper
Whenever a Grass-type attack (even a non-damaging one) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Attack rises by 1 stage and that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation. Aromatherapy doesn’t target any Pokémon.)
- Scrappy
Normal- and Fighting-type attacks by this Pokémon are normally effective against the Ghost type.
- Serene Grace
Chance of additional effects from attacks by this Pokémon is doubled. (Secret Power is not affected.)
- Shadow Tag
An adjacent opposing Pokémon can’t run or switch unless it has this Ability.
- Shed Skin
At the end of each turn, this Pokémon stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep at a 33% chance (combined).
- Sheer Force
Power of attacks by this Pokémon with an additional effect is multiplied by 5325/4096. No additional effects of attacks by this Pokémon can occur.
- Shell Armor
Attacks can’t be critical hits against this Pokémon.
- Shield Dust
No additional effects of attacks by other Pokémon can occur against this Pokémon. (Additional effects that don’t affect this Pokémon are not prevented.)
- Simple
Effects that raise or lower this Pokémon’s stat stages by a certain number of stages do so by twice that many stages instead.
- Skill Link
Multi-hit attacks that "strike two to five times in a row", if used by this Pokémon, strike five times. Triple Kick doesn’t stop because its target avoids the second or later hit.
- Slow Start
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, { this Pokémon’s Attack and Speed are halved for five turns, including this turn, or until this Pokémon leaves the battle [or is rotated out] or this Pokémon [doesn’t have] this Ability.}
- Sniper
If an attack by this Pokémon is a critical hit, its damage is multiplied by 1.5.
- Snow Cloak
During Hail, accuracy of attacks against this Pokémon is multiplied by 8/10 and this Pokémon doesn’t lose HP because of the Hail effect. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, halves the rate of wild Pokémon battles while snow is falling.
- Snow Warning
When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, the effect of Hail begins and continues indefinitely, even if already in effect, unless the effect is already indefinite.
- Solar Power
During Sunny Day, this Pokémon’s Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5. At the end of each turn, if Sunny Day is in effect, this Pokémon loses 1/8 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP).
- Solid Rock
Damage from attacks whose types are "super effective" against this Pokémon’s types, if they are used by other Pokémon against this Pokémon, is multiplied by 3/4.
- Soundproof
This Pokémon doesn’t receive the effects of sound-based attacks. (Uproar can still affect whether this Pokémon falls asleep or wakes up; this Pokémon doesn’t receive a perish count when Perish Song is used, but its perish count will still decline; doesn’t affect Heal Bell. Applied after accuracy check.)
- Speed Boost
At the end of each turn, raises this Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage unless this Pokémon entered the battle after the beginning of this turn.
- Stall
{This Pokémon strikes after all other Pokémon whose moves have equal or greater priority than this Pokémon’s move. (See timing.) }
- Static
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a direct attack by another Pokémon, that other Pokémon becomes paralyzed at a 30% chance (not considered an additional effect, prevented by Safeguard but not Substitute). If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering an Electric-type Pokémon, if possible, is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)
- Steadfast
Whenever this Pokémon flinches, this Pokémon’s Speed rises by 1 stage. (Triggers during this Pokémon’s attack segment.)
- Stench
Whenever this Pokémon damages another Pokémon with an attack that doesn’t have an additional effect of making its target flinch, that other Pokémon may flinch this turn (10% chance; considered an additional effect by Shield Dust and Serene Grace/Pledges; not cumulative with King’s Rock or Razor Fang; prevented by Substitute; treats each hit of a multi-hit attack as a separate attack). If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, halves the rate of wild Pokémon battles.
- Sticky Hold
This Pokémon’s held item can’t be removed from this Pokémon by other Pokémon. (This includes Bug Bite, Incinerate, Knock Off, and Pluck.) (This Pokémon can use Bestow, Switcheroo, and Trick normally, and Item Drop can still be used on it. Trick and Switcheroo will fail against this Pokémon even if it isn’t holding any items.) If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the fishing success rate raises.
- Storm Drain
Water-type attacks (even non-damaging ones, but not Water Pledge) by other Pokémon with a range of "single Pokémon except user" that could target this Pokémon are directed to this Pokémon instead of to any other Pokémon that could be a target of that attack (other than its user). (Applied after Follow Me, but before Magic Coat. If more than one potential target of the attack has this Ability, the attack is directed to the target (of that kind) with the highest Speed stat, or if there is a tie, to a random tied Pokémon.) Whenever a Water-type attack (even a non-damaging one and including Water Pledge) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, and the attack is not otherwise ineffective against this Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Special Attack rises by 1 stage and that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation.)
- Sturdy
One-hit KO attacks against this Pokémon will fail for other Pokémon (whether or not this Pokémon’s HP is full). If this Pokémon’s HP is full and damage (including confusion damage) would reduce this Pokémon’s HP to less than 1, instead that damage reduces this Pokémon’s HP to 1 (treats each hit of a multi-hit attack as a separate attack; takes precedence over Focus Sash and Focus Band; Endure takes precedence over this effect).
- Suction Cups
Attacks by other Pokémon and items held by other Pokémon can’t force this Pokémon to end a wild Pokémon battle or cause this Pokémon to be replaced with a different Pokémon not in battle. If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the fishing success rate raises.
- Super Luck
Attacks by this Pokémon have a heightened chance for a critical hit.
- Swarm
If this Pokémon has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, Attack and Special Attack for Bug-type attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Swift Swim
During Rain Dance, this Pokémon’s Speed is doubled.
- Synchronize
Whenever this Pokémon is burned, poisoned, or paralyzed by an attack by another Pokémon or an Ability from another Pokémon, that other Pokémon also receives the same condition. (This doesn’t include Toxic Spikes. Safeguard and Substitute don’t affect this. If this Pokémon became badly poisoned, that other Pokémon becomes badly poisoned. Effect happens immediately.) If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the rate of encountering wild Pokémon with the same nature as this Pokémon is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.)
- Tangled Feet
As long as this Pokémon is confused, accuracy of attacks against this Pokémon is halved.
- Technician
If an attack by this Pokémon against another Pokémon has a power of 60 or less, that attack’s power is multiplied by 1.5. (Includes Struggle. Applied after effects of the attack itself that vary its power and after Helping Hand, and before other effects that modify its power.)
- Telepathy
Whenever a damaging attack by an ally of this Pokémon targets this Pokémon, that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon if it isn’t otherwise ineffective against it. (Affects Future Sight and Doom Desire only at the time they return an attack.)
- Teravolt
While this Pokémon is using an attack, effects from certain Abilities by other Pokémon are not applied. (When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, a message reveals this Ability on this Pokémon.)
Detailed Information
The list of Abilities prevented by this Ability is: Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp (both the Selfdestruct/Explosion effect and the Aftermath effect), Dry Skin (both the boosted power and absorbing Water attacks), Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift (both the Attack and Special Defense boosts), Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightningrod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious (including when Oblivious prevents Captivate from working), Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware (even if this Pokémon’s stat stages are less than 0), Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. Moreover, this Ability do not affect the returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire. For two-turn attacks, only the first and second attack segment of the attack are affected, not the entire effect (to avoid confusion with the term "using a two-turn attack"). This Ability also prevent Abilities that contain the words "This Pokémon can’t...", such as Limber, from removing the respective condition from Pokémon with these Abilities during the attack (including its additional effect), although the Abilities that contain such words will still remove it after all effects of the attack resolve.
- Thick Fat
Attack and Special Attack for Fire- and Ice-type attacks against this Pokémon is halved.
- Tinted Lens
{Damage from attacks whose types are "not very effective" against this Pokémon’s types, if they are used by this Pokémon against other Pokémon, is doubled. }
- Torrent
If this Pokémon has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, Attack and Special Attack for Water-type attacks by this Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Toxic Boost
As long as this Pokémon is poisoned, the power of physical attacks by this Pokémon against other Pokémon is multiplied by 1.5.
- Trace
When this Pokémon enters the battle, its Ability becomes the Ability that a random adjacent opposing Pokémon, among those that actually have an Ability other than Flower Gift, Forecast, Illusion, Imposter, Multitype, Trace, Wonder Guard, and Zen Mode, actually has. {If there is no such Pokémon, this Ability doesn’t trigger. }
- Truant
{Every other turn, this Pokémon does nothing instead of using an attack. (See "notes" below for details.) }
- Turboblaze
While this Pokémon is using an attack, effects from certain Abilities by other Pokémon are not applied. (When this Pokémon enters the battle and whenever it adopts this Ability after it had another Ability, a message reveals this Ability on this Pokémon.)
Detailed Information
The list of Abilities prevented by this Ability is: Battle Armor, Big Pecks, Clear Body, Contrary, Damp (both the Selfdestruct/Explosion effect and the Aftermath effect), Dry Skin (both the boosted power and absorbing Water attacks), Filter, Flash Fire, Flower Gift (both the Attack and Special Defense boosts), Friend Guard, Heatproof, Heavy Metal, Hyper Cutter, Immunity, Inner Focus, Insomnia, Keen Eye, Leaf Guard, Levitate, Light Metal, Lightningrod, Limber, Magic Bounce, Magma Armor, Marvel Scale, Motor Drive, Multiscale, Oblivious (including when Oblivious prevents Captivate from working), Own Tempo, Sand Veil, Sap Sipper, Shell Armor, Shield Dust, Simple, Snow Cloak, Solid Rock, Soundproof, Sticky Hold, Storm Drain, Sturdy, Suction Cups, Tangled Feet, Telepathy, Thick Fat, Unaware (even if this Pokémon’s stat stages are less than 0), Vital Spirit, Volt Absorb, Water Absorb, Water Veil, White Smoke, Wonder Guard, and Wonder Skin. Moreover, this Ability doesn’t affect the returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire. For two-turn attacks, only the first and second attack segment of the attack are affected, not the entire effect (to avoid confusion with the term "using a two-turn attack"). This Ability also prevents Abilities that contain the words "This Pokémon can’t...", such as Limber, from removing the respective condition from Pokémon with these Abilities during the attack (including its additional effect), although the Abilities that contain such words will still remove it after all effects of the attack resolve.
- Unaware
Attacks by this Pokémon against other Pokémon ignore their target’s Defense, Special Defense, and evasiveness stat stages. Attacks by other Pokémon against this Pokémon ignore the Attack, Special Attack, and accuracy stat stages (affects Foul Play). (This effect applies only in damage calculation and accuracy checks. Power calculation for Punishment and Stored Power is not specially affected.)
- Unburden
This Pokémon’s Speed is doubled as long as it actually isn’t holding an item if an item that this Pokémon [actually] held { was consumed or removed from this Pokémon while this Pokémon had this Ability and since this Pokémon entered the battle. (This applies even if the item is swapped for the same or different item. This includes if this Pokémon has an item "knocked off".)}
- Unnerve
Whenever this Pokémon or another Pokémon enters the battle, berries held by opposing Pokémon can’t trigger, until this Pokémon leaves the battle [or is rotated out] or doesn’t have this Ability. (Item Urge will have no effect for Berries held by those Pokémon. An opposing Pokémon can use Natural Gift and Fling normally and items involved in Bug Bite, Fling, and Pluck attacks by and against an opposing Pokémon will take effect normally.)
- Victory Star
Accuracy of attacks by this Pokémon and its allies is multiplied by 1.1. (This effect is cumulative.)
- Vital Spirit
This Pokémon can’t fall asleep. {If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, the chance of encountering high-level Pokémon is 50%. (See "Encounters" in the notes.) }
- Volt Absorb
Whenever an Electric-type attack (even a non-damaging one) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, and the attack is not otherwise ineffective against this Pokémon, this Pokémon gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation. An Electric-type Thunder Wave is ineffective against Ground-type targets in normal cases.)
- Water Absorb
Whenever a Water-type attack (even a non-damaging one) by another Pokémon targets this Pokémon, and the attack is not otherwise ineffective against this Pokémon, this Pokémon gains 1/4 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) and that attack is ineffective against this Pokémon. (Applied after effects that change targets, but before accuracy check and damage calculation.)
- Water Veil
This Pokémon can’t be burned.
- Weak Armor
Whenever this Pokémon is damaged by a physical attack by another Pokémon, this Pokémon’s Defense falls by 1 stage and its Speed rises by 1 stage.
- White Smoke
{Attacks and Abilities by other Pokémon can’t lower this Pokémon’s stat stages. (Effects that merely change stat stages without necessarily lowering them, such as Haze, are not affected.) If this Pokémon is the first Pokémon that is in the player’s party and the first in the party isn’t an Egg, halves the rate of wild Pokémon battles. }
- Wonder Guard
This Pokémon is immune to damaging attacks whose type is not "super effective" against this Pokémon’s types. (Affects fixed-damage attacks in the same way as other damaging attacks. Doesn’t affect confusion damage or Struggle.)
- Wonder Skin
Accuracy of non-damaging attacks against this Pokémon (with an accuracy check) is 50 (before accuracy-modifying effects).
- Zen Mode
At the end of each turn, if this Pokémon is a Darmanitan and hasn’t transformed, this Pokémon assumes Zen Mode if its current HP is half its maximum HP or less (until this Pokémon has transformed), or Standard Mode otherwise, and this Pokémon reverts to Standard Mode when this Pokémon leaves the battle or doesn’t have this Ability. (If it changes to a different form this way, its stats are recalculated and its types change to conform to that form, except if it has transformed.)
Descriptions in normal text show effects that happen only in battle. Unless noted otherwise, such effects apply only if this Pokémon is in battle and isn’t rotated out. Descriptions in italics indicate effects that occur out of battle.
In Rotation Battles, Abilities that trigger "when this Pokémon enters the battle" do not trigger if this Pokémon enters the battle in a rotated-out state. They don’t trigger when the Pokémon rotates in.
If an Ability’s effect contains the words "This Pokémon can’t...", the affected condition, if the Pokémon has it, is removed if the Pokémon has this Ability. This effect triggers after each Pokémon’s attack segment and whenever a Pokémon (including this Pokémon) enters the battle (including when a battle begins). This effect won’t remove the affected condition when it leaves the battle or when a battle ends, even if this Ability is the Pokémon’s original Ability.