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Pokémon Crystal - The Trainers of Battle Tower

Pokémon CrystalPokémon Crystal - The Trainers of Battle Tower

Trainers' Names

Most of these names are surnames of famous people, or probably Nintendo employees.

Fisher Hanson
PokéManiac Sawyer
Guitarist Masuda
Scientist Nickel
PokéFan(m) Olson
Lass Zaborowski
Youngster Wright
Hiker Alexander
Teacher Kawakami
PokéFan(m) Bickett
Kimono Girl Saito
Boarder Crawford
Picnicker Diaz
Biker Erickson
Juggler Fairfield
PokéFan(f) Hunter
Firebreather Hill
Swimmer(f) Javier
Swimmer(m) Kaufman
Skier Lancaster
Camper McMahill
Camper OBrien
Gentleman Frost

Beauty Morse
Super Nerd Yufune
Blackbelt Rajan
Cooltrainer Rodriguez
Officer Santiago
Psychic Stock
PokéFan(f) Thurman
Scientist Valentino
Beauty Wagner
Camper Yates
Bird Keeper Andrews
Picnicker Bahn
PokéManiac Mori
Scientist Buckman
Sage Cobb
Schoolboy Hughes
Fisher Arita
Kimono Girl Easton
Psychic Freeman
Camper Giese
Lass Hatcher
Gentleman Jackson
PokéFan(f) Kahn

PokéManiac Leong
Youngster Marino
Teacher Newman
Sailor Nguyen
Blackbelt Ogden
Super Nerd Park
Cooltrainer Raine
Swimmer(m) Sells
Bird Keeper Rockwell
Boarder Thorton
Lass Turner
Officer Van Dyke
Skier Walker
Schoolboy Meyer
Swimmer(f) Johnson
Youngster Adams
Guitarist Smith
Bug Catcher Tajiri
Bug Catcher Baker
PokéManiac Collins
Scientist Smart
Super Nerd Dykstra
Swimmer(f) Eaton
Biker Wong

List discovered by Meowth346 of Pokémon Forever.

Trainers' Dialogue

The following is the dialogue said in the Battle Tower.

For each set:
1- at the start of battle
2- you lose
3- you win
{br} indicates a message break. 

Hello, glad to meet you!{br}I do hope we have a good battle.
Thank you! A most enjoyable battle!
Thank you. You are formidable. 

Work, work, work…I’m always busy!
But, I work hard in battle too!
I’m too busy to be battling! 

Brace yourself for my all-out attack!
What a cakewalk! You’re too easy!
I won’t lose next time, all right? 

Heh, your POK��MON look pretty cool.
Hey, hey, no way! You won’t win!
You serious? This is brutal! 

POK��MON every day! I love battling!
I’m on top of my game, but not you!
I don’t care that I lost, really! 

Hi, there! Let’s keep this clean!
Whoops, sorry for that wipeout!
Whoops! Come on, let me win one! 

Do you want to see my battle level?
Hehehe, I know your level now!
Ouch…I’m just too weak…

Hey, let’s battle. I’m your the target.
Wow, you’re not serious about it!
�������Urgh…Nothing positive here…

I’m your the target.{br}Get ready to be hammered.
Hahah! That was a pushover!
No way! There has to be a mistake! 

Hah! Let’s get rolling!
Wahahaha! Didn’t break a sweat!
Tough! I’m no match for you! 

I won?
I lost? 

You want to be a leader?{br}Let me battle you, then!
You need another ten years of{br}training to get better, I’d say.
You’re incredibly talented.{br}No one can touch you now!
Today, I’m going to whomp you.
I knew I’d win. I’m so great!
Uh? My plans are out of whack…

I bet you can’t beat me!
Those POK��MON aren’t enough!
I want your POK��MON. Please? 

I’ll show you a real battle!
This battle…I’m bored!
�������I won’t turn tail in battle! 

Let’s go! No holds barred!
Sorry! I wanted the win more!
Wahah! Congrats! I can’t do better! 

My POK��MON skills are phenomenal!
You’ve got a long way to go.{br}Well, keep trying! Best of luck!
Aww…Don’t lose after beating me. 

Who are you? I don’t know you�������
I must’ve imagined that.{br}There seems to be no one here�������
Who am I? I don’t know…

Um…Are you that…um�������person?
It doesn’t appear to be you�������
Then you really are the legendary�������
I heard that you’re hot!
Not bad. I was just a bit better.
Eh, you’re not that special. 

I’m scared about what might happen.{br}My POK��MON are way too strong.
See? My POK��MON were too strong.
Graa! My POK��MON were total wimps! 

Hey, there! I’ll take you on!
Don’t you have a better strategy?
You’ve got decent style! 

I wonder if I can battle properly�������
Um…Sorry…I think I won.
I guess I’m not good enough yet…

Wrrooar! I won’t lose!
Wrrooar! I knew I was a genius!
Arrooh! I hate it when I lose! 

Sorry, but I’m going to win.
Yeah! My POK��MON rule!
Oh, close! I lost by just a bit!
OK, I’m not fooling around!
Yay! Too easy! Like, no way!
No! Like, no way! 

Look! My POK��MON are really cute!
Aren’t they really adorable?
I’m sorry, it’s all my fault! 

Let’s get our battle started!
Was I too strong for you?
Ooh, you’re in a different class. 

Are we going to battle? Let’s!
Oh, you’re too weak. Shame.
Wow! Are you quite satisfied? 

Oh, you have some rare POK��MON.
May I have one of your POK��MON?
�������I want one of your POK��MON. 

Want to hear about my cute POK��MON?
What do you think about my cuties?
Oh! My! You’re a dreadful trainer! 

Battle? Sure! Right now!
Oh, I love it! Battling is wild!
Oh, how rude! Wait till next time! 

Please let me win! Please?
Wow, thank you! You’re so nice!
You’re mean! I hate meanies! 

Well, can we begin?
Well, I beg your pardon�������
Sob…That’s not fair! 

I’m good! You can’t win.
Giving up? You’re pretty weak!
I won’t accept this…No way! 

Are you treating this seriously?
Oh, sorry! Looks like I won!
Oh, how nasty! You were serious! 

Ahahah! I’ll take it easy on you!
Oops, sorry! But I’m happy too!
Oh, oh, I lost! Thanks. Bye! 

BATTLE TOWER is a tough place!
You might have a hard time.
Ooh, you might make a run here! 

I want to see your style in action!
Every battle is a drama!
Oh…Want to trade something? 

OK, here goes! I have momentum!
See, I rolled right over you!
No! This didn’t happen!