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Pokémon Crystal

Pokémon Crystal

Released December 14, 2000 (JP); July 30, 2001 (NA)


Once known as Pokémon X, Pokémon Crystal is part of the Pokémon library of games. Here are some of the features from the game.


  • Choose to play as a boy or girl Pokémon trainer.
  • Play on Pokémon Stadium 2.
  • It will be a Game Boy Color game only.
  • It is able to support the Game Boy Printer, Game Link Cable, Infrared Port, and Transfer Pack.

Crystal is much like how Pokémon Yellow (Pikachu Edition) was for Red and Blue. Pokémon Crystal is an upgraded version of Gold & Silver. While there are no new Pokémon, Crystal does offer the choice of playing as a boy or a girl, instead of always as a boy.

Also,, some graphics were improved, including towns, houses, and Pokémon. When you start a battle, the opposing Pokémon will animate when it appears, where they were previously still. Pokémon Crystal is a Game Boy Color game only.

Additional Features/Changes:

  • The Move Tutor, which appears in Goldenrod City, can teach your Pokémon some great moves.
  • Some Pokémon learn new moves, like Dugtrio knows Tri-Attack and Eevee learns Baton Pass.
  • There are more trainers with more phone numbers to get. Sometimes they offer to give you rare items. Other trainers will have different Pokémon to trade.
  • In Johto’s new "Password" show, Buena will say a password each day. Go to the second floor of the Radio Tower to meet Buena. When you first meet her, she’ll give you a Blue Card to save your points in. These points are redeemable for prizes. Then, when you visit Buena at night and say the right password, you’ll get one point for your Blue Card.
  • Some Pokémon can be found in different places than in Gold and Silver.
  • When you change routes or enter a city, a message pops up telling you your location.
  • The Egg Ticket. Because of the removal of the Mobile Adapter, instead you get an Odd Egg containing a Pokémon (given to you by the old man in the daycare center); same as those in the Egg Ticket feature.
  • New Unown Puzzles.
  • The Goldenrod Department Store now features a rooftop lookout, where you can find bargains on certain occasions.
  • The Pokémon Seer in Cianwood City will tell you where or when a Pokémon was caught, and how friendly it is, but only if that Pokémon had been obtained in Pokémon Crystal Version.
  • After beating Clair for the 8th gym badge, instead of going to the Dragon’s Den to get the Dragon Fang and the badge, now you’ll have to take a Dragon User Challenge. Pass the questions and you’ll get the badge.
  • West of Olivine City is a new building called the Battle Tower. You can fight trainers one after another, and possibly win great prizes in the process.
  • Suicune is a major player in the game.
  • More detailed info on the new features and changes in Crystal.
Features Exclusive to the Japanese language edition:
  • Mobile Adapter. The Mobile Adapter, released in Japan in January 2001, lets players connect their Game Boy Color with a cellular phone. When playing the Japanese version, you’ll notice that the Goldenrod Pokémon Center is a huge Pokémon Communication Center.
  • Encounter Pokémon #251, Celebi. After receiving the GS Ball in Goldenrod’s Pokémon Center, you can take it to the shrine in Ilex Forest where you’ll meet Celebi. (The Celebi sweepstakes held early in July 2001, and Nintendo’s recognition of game-enhancing devices like Gameshark, had something to do with the removal of this method of obtaining Celebi in English (and future) editions.)

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