Pokémon Crystal - What’s New?
After freeing the legendary creatures, of which Suicune is part, Suicune can be seen in Cianwood City, after which you’ll fight Eusine, a Suicune lover.
Afterward, Suicune can also be seen in Routes 36 and 42.
After chasing Team Rocket out of the Radio Tower, the Director will give you a Clear Bell, which you can take to Tin Tower and battle a L40 Suicune with. Once inside, you’ll battle three sages known as the Wise Trio.
Once you capture Entei, Raikou, and Suicune in Pokémon Crystal Version, you can get the Rainbow Wing in Tin Tower, which you can use to battle a L60 Ho-Oh at the top.
Pokémon Seer
Two additional bytes are reserved for the Pokémon that explains the location and time of day at which the Pokémon had been caught. This allows you to find this out when visiting the Pokémon Seer in Cianwood City.
National Park
There is now a fountain on the center pool in the park.
Strange Tree / Squirtbottle
When you reach the weird tree, talk to the small girl nearby. When she leaves, go to the house directly east of the Goldenrod City Gym, and talk to the little girl. She will give you a Squirtbottle. Return to the weird tree, and use the Squirtbottle on it.
Morty is absent
Before you can battle Morty, you must first go to the Burned Tower in Ecruteak City, and free the legendary creatures.
Phone Numbers
01 Mom 02 Bike Shop 03 Bill 04 Prof. Elm 05 Schoolboy Jack Fire Stone 06 Pokefan Beverly (National Park) (Marill needed) Nugget 07 Sailor Huey 0B Cooltrainer Gaven (Route 26) Kingdra will be holding King’s Rock. 0C Cooltrainer Beth (Route 26) Rapidash will be holding Focus Band. 0D Bird Keeper Jose (Route 27) Star Piece 0E Cooltrainer Reena (Route 27) Nidoqueen will be holding Pink Bow. 0F Youngster Joey 10 Bug Catcher Wade (Route 31) Berry, Psncureberry 11 Fisher Ralph (Route 42) 12 Picnicker Liz 13 Hiker Anthony 14 Camper Todd (Route 34) Informs of bargains at the Goldenrod Department store 15 Picnicker Gina (Route 34) Leaf Stone 16 Juggler Irwin 17 Bug Catcher Arnie 18 Schoolboy Alan
Getting the Radio
The woman at the Radio Tower asks new questions:
- Is there a Pokémon that appears only in the morning? (Yes)
- Is this statement correct? You can’t buy a Berry at a Mart. (Yes)
- Does HM01 contain the move Flash? (No)
- Is Falkner the Violet Gym Leader who uses bird Pokémon? (Yes)
- Do Goldenrod Game Corner’s slots have Charmander on their reels? (No)
Buena’s Password
Simply tune in to Johto’s "Password" show. Buena will say a password each day. Go to the second floor of the Radio Tower to meet Buena. When you first meet her, she’ll give you a Blue Card to save your points in. These points are redeemable for prizes. Then, when you visit Buena at night and say the right password, you’ll get one point for your Blue Card.
Dragon User Challenge
Instead of grabbing a Dragon Fang at Dragon’s Den, you’ll have to defeat the trainer guarding the entrance, and go to the shrine at the middle of Dragon’s Den. Once inside, you need only answer a few questions:
- What are Pokémon to you? - Pal,
Underling, Friend - What helps you to win battles? - Strategy, Raising,
Cheating - What kind of trainer do you wish to battle? -
Weak person, Tough person, Anybody - What is most important for raising Pokémon? - Love,
Violence, Knowledge - Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. Which is more important? -
Tough, Both,Weak
When you return to the shrine, the elder will give you a Dratini. It will know Extremespeed only if you answer all five questions correctly the first time.
More Unown
At each Sliding Panel chamber, you’ll notice Unown written on the wall. They’re easy to decipher if you consult the alphabet found on the Ruins of Alph walkthru page.
Kabuto: Written on the wall is the word "ESCAPE" (ANANUKE) in Unown. Use an Escape Rope to leave the room. Once you enter the room, a door will open. There is a room with four items (Heal Powder, Energypowder, Berry, Psncureberry). Go through the hole, and you’ll land on a floor with Unown scattered all around. The Unown are spelling the phrase:
There is yet another hole on the floor which will lead back to the ruins.
Aerodactyl: "LIGHT" (HIKARI) Use a Pokémon with Flash to light up the room. Take the four items (Heal Powder, Energy Root, Gold Berry, Moon Stone), and go through the hole. You’ll land on a floor with Unown spelling out the phrase:
Omanyte: "WATER" (MIZU) Attach a Water Stone to (or use a Water Stone to attempt to evolve) the top Pokémon in your party and enter the room. Take the four items (Stardust, Star Piece, Mysteryberry, Mystic Water ), and go through the hole. You’ll land on a floor with Unown spelling out the phrase:
Ho-Oh: "HO OH" (HOUOU) Have Ho-Oh at the top of your party. Take the four items (Revival Herb, Charcoal, Gold Berry, Mysteryberry), and go through the hole. You’ll land on a floor with Unown spelling out the phrase:
There are no additional rewards for discovering all four phrases.