Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - After the attack
For most successful attacks, the following effect order is used:
- Use
- Chople Berry and the like
- Critical hit message
- Anger Point
- Endure
- Show "It’s "super effective" or "It’s not effective", as applicable
- "If this attack is successful" effects
Additional effects
- An additional effect won’t occur on a target if it has zero HP remaining, but will occur on its user (such as Metal Claw’s additional effect) even if the target is defeated.
- Rage
- Ability effects, using the ability the target/user had when the damage was dealt
- Enigma Berry, Jaboca Berry, Rowap Berry, Sticky Barb
- The target faints if it has 0 HP
- The target thaws out if attack is a Fire-type attack
- Life Orb/Shell Bell (only if attacker has at least 0 HP)
For Selfdestruct/Explosion/Memento, the above effects resolve for each target before the user faints.