Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - End of turn
Before applying end-of-turn effects, the priority for the turn is again calculated.
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Mist
- Safeguard
- Tailwind
- Lucky Chant
- Wish
- Weather effect continues or ends
- Dry Skin/Rain Dish/Hydration/Ice Body (no order between them, resolved in turn order)
- Gravity
Resolved in turn order:
- Ingrain
- Aqua Ring
- Shed Skin/Speed Boost/Truant
- Black Sludge/Leftovers
- Poison
- Toxic
- Burn
- Nightmare
- Curse
- Multi-turn attacks
- HP loss from opposing Pokémon’s Bad Dreams
- Outrage and the like
- Uproar
- Disable
- Encore
- Taunt
- Magnet Rise
- Heal Block
- Embargo
- Yawn
- Sticky Barb
- Future Sight/Doom Desire (resolved in targets' Turn order)
- Perish Song (resolved in turn order)
- Switching fainted Pokémon (resolved leader-left, nonleader-left, leader-right, nonleader-right)
- Effects from abilities, form changes, items (see above). For Pokémon that have Slow Start and just entered the battle from fainted ones, the Slow Start effect begins (in turn order).