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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - End of turn

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - End of turn

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, battle-system, in-depth-guides, end-of-turn

Before applying end-of-turn effects, the priority for the turn is again calculated.

  1. Reflect
  2. Light Screen
  3. Mist
  4. Safeguard
  5. Tailwind
  6. Lucky Chant
  7. Wish
  8. Weather effect continues or ends
  9. Dry Skin/Rain Dish/Hydration/Ice Body (no order between them, resolved in turn order)
  10. Gravity
  11. Resolved in turn order:
    1. Ingrain
    2. Aqua Ring
    3. Shed Skin/Speed Boost/Truant
    4. Black Sludge/Leftovers
    5. Poison
    6. Toxic
    7. Burn
    8. Nightmare
    9. Curse
    10. Multi-turn attacks
    11. HP loss from opposing Pokémon’s Bad Dreams
    12. Outrage and the like
    13. Uproar
    14. Disable
    15. Encore
    16. Taunt
    17. Magnet Rise
    18. Heal Block
    19. Embargo
    20. Yawn
    21. Sticky Barb


  12. Future Sight/Doom Desire (resolved in targets' Turn order)
  13. Perish Song (resolved in turn order)
  14. Switching fainted Pokémon (resolved leader-left, nonleader-left, leader-right, nonleader-right)
  15. Effects from abilities, form changes, items (see above). For Pokémon that have Slow Start and just entered the battle from fainted ones, the Slow Start effect begins (in turn order).