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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Last move used

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Last move used

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, battle-system, in-depth-guides, last-move-used

The battle system uses four different versions of the last move used by Pokémon. The thing they have in common is that whenever a Pokémon uses a move, the variables are set to that move at the end of the Pokémon’s attack segment. However, there are different situations when they are set.

If... The last move used... The last move called... The last move used (for Sketch)... The last move used by a Pokémon (for Copycat)...
Move is used Is different for each Pokémon in battle Is different for each Pokémon in battle Is different for each Pokémon in battle Is shared among all Pokémon in battle
Move fails, misses, or becomes ineffective Is set Is set Is set [unsure for misses or becomes ineffective] Is set
Move is Pursuit and a Pokémon is about to switch Is set no matter whose attack segment it is [unsure] Is set no matter whose attack segment it is [unsure] Remains unchanged Remains unchanged
Move is prevented from being used Is reset to "no move" Is reset to "no move" Remains unchanged Is reset to "no move"
Move can’t be used because it has zero PP Is reset to "no move" Is set Is set Is set
Move can’t be used because it has no target Is reset to "no move" Is set Is set Is set
Move is used by another move Remains unchanged Is set Remains unchanged Remains unchanged
Move had been taken by Snatch Remains unchanged [unsure] Remains unchanged if Pokémon is the move’s original user [unsure otherwise] Is set no matter which Pokémon’s attack segment it is N/A
Move had been taken by Magic Coat Remains unchanged [unsure] Is reset to "no move" while the move is used, but is then set to that move at the end of its original user’s attack segment Remains unchanged N/A
Move is a two-turnattack Is set on both turns of use Is set only on the second attack segment; is reset to "no move" otherwise Is set only on the second attack segment; remains unchanged otherwise Is set only on the second attack segment; remains unchanged otherwise
Move is Hyper Beam or an equivalent move Is set only on the first attack segment [unsure if reset otherwise] Is set only on the first attack segment; is reset to "no move" otherwise Is set only on the first attack segment; remains unchanged otherwise Is set only on the first attack segment; is reset to "no move" otherwise
Move is Bide Is set on any attack segment of its use, but is reset to "no move" if it fails on the third attack segment of its use Is set on any attack segment of its use, but is reset to "no move" if it fails on the third attack segment of its use Is set on any attack segment of its use, but remains unchanged if it fails on the third attack segment of its use Is set on any attack segment of its use, but is reset to "no move" if it fails on the third attack segment of its use
Move is Mimic, Sketch, or Transform Is set Is set Is set Is set
The Pokémon leaves the battle Is reset to "no move" Is reset to "no move" Is reset to "no move" Remains unchanged
The Pokémon used Baton Pass, Healing Wish, Lunar Dance, or U-turn to leave the battle Is set to the corresponding move at end of new Pokémon’s attack segment Is set to the corresponding move at end of new Pokémon’s attack segment Is set to the corresponding move at end of new Pokémon’s attack segment Is set to the corresponding move at end of new Pokémon’s attack segment
If an item is used with the Bag command Remains unchanged Remains unchanged Remains unchanged Remains unchanged
If the Run command is used and running is unsuccessful Remains unchanged Remains unchanged Remains unchanged Remains unchanged