Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Priority and Turn Order
The order in which attacks will strike is set just after all commands are chosen, and again at the end of the turn. It is calculated according to the following rules:
- Attacks with a higher priority level strike first.
If two or more attacks have the same
priority level
, ties are broken using
each Pokémon in battle’s Speed
. The game does this by comparing the Speeds of two Pokémon at a time:
- If one Pokémon is holding Quick Claw and it activates for this turn (20% chance)*, or it is holding Custap Berry with the appropriate amount of HP remaining, it strikes before the other Pokémon. If this condition holds for both Pokémon, the one with the higher Speed strikes first; ties in Speed are broken at random.
- Otherwise, if one Pokémon is holding Full Incense or Lagging Tail, it strikes after the other Pokémon. If both Pokémon hold Full Incense, Lagging Tail, or both, the one with the lower Speed strikes first; ties in Speed are broken at random.
- Otherwise, if one Pokémon has Stall, it strikes after the other Pokémon. If both Pokémon have Stall, the one with the lower Speed strikes first; ties in Speed are broken at random.
- Otherwise, if Trick Room is in effect, the Pokémon with the lower Speed strikes first; ties in Speed are broken at random.
- Otherwise, the Pokémon with the higher Speed strikes first; ties in Speed are broken at random.
* If a Pokémon is holding Quick Claw at the beginning of the turn, that item will "activate" at a 20% chance. If it activates, its effect applies when turn order is determined both when commands are chosen and at the end of the turn, as long as the Pokémon is holding Quick Claw.
In Pokémon Battle Revolution, the above steps might not be accurate in some cases. For example, Trick Room’s effect takes precedence over Custap Berry’s and Quick Claw’s effect.
Priority Levels
All attacks are categorized in eleven priority levels.
- 5: Helping Hand
- 4: Magic Coat, Snatch
- 3: Protect, Detect, Endure, Follow Me
- 2: Feint
- 1: Quick Attack, Bide, Mach Punch, ExtremeSpeed, Fake Out, Sucker Punch, Vacuum Wave, Bullet Punch, Ice Shard, Shadow Sneak, Aqua Jet
- 0: All other moves
- -1: Vital Throw
- -3: Focus Punch
- -4: Revenge, Avalanche
- -5: Counter, Mirror Coat
- -6: Whirlwind, Roar
- -7: Trick Room
Modifications to Speed
- If the Pokémon has Simple, its Speed stat stage is doubled, then adjusted so it is neither less than -6 nor greater than 6.
- Speed stat stage is applied.
- During Rain Dance, the Pokémon’s Speed is doubled if it has Swift Swim.
- During Sunny Day, the Pokémon’s Speed is doubled if it has Chlorophyll.
- If the Pokémon is holding any one of the following, Speed is halved: Macho Brace, Iron Ball, Power Bracer, Power Belt, Power Lens, Power Band, Power Anklet, Power Weight. This applies even if Embargo is in effect for the Pokémon and even if it has Klutz.
- If the Pokémon is holding Choice Scarf, Speed is multiplied by 15/10.
- If the Pokémon’s current species is Ditto and is holding Quick Powder, its Speed is doubled.
- If the Pokémon has Quick Feet and is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep, Speed is multiplied by 15/10. Otherwise, if the Pokémon is paralyzed, its Speed is multiplied by 1/4.
- If the Pokémon has Slow Start and that ability is currently in effect, Speed is halved.
- If the Pokémon has Unburden, its Speed is doubled if it actually isn’t holding an item and if an item the Pokémon held was consumed or lost while the Pokémon had this ability and since the Pokémon entered the battle.
- If Tailwind is in effect for the Pokémon’s side, Speed is doubled.
Turn Order Rules
A Pokémon is considered to strike before other Pokémon when:
- It takes its attack segment during a turn.
- It uses Pursuit as a Pokémon is about to switch.
- It declares its intention to switch out normally or it changes to another Pokémon with Baton Pass, Healing Wish, Lunar Dance, or U-turn. (In either case, the Pokémon that replaces it will also be considered to strike before other Pokémon.)
- An item is used on it as commands are chosen in the turn.