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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Two-turn attacks

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Two-turn attacks

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, battle-system, in-depth-guides, two-turn-attacks

In a two-turn attack, the user prepares for the attack on the first attack segment, and hits target on the second attack segment. The user can’t take any action until the user finishes using a two-turn attack. If the user can’t use a two-turn attack because it has no target, or if the user is prevented from using the attack, the effect ends. PP is deducted on the first attack segment of the two-turn attack.

Two-turn attacks work by checking the last move called by the user. If that move is a two-turn attack, the "second attack segment" of the attack is done. Otherwise, the "first attack segment" of the attack is done. This behavior covers the circumstance of Metronome using a two-turn attack on the first attack segment, then Metronome using the same or a different two-turn attack on the next attack segment. (The second use of Metronome in this situation is normally only possible if Encore comes in effect for the user after the first use of Metronome.) (If, however, the move chosen by Metronome on the attack segment after the first attack segment is not a two-turn attack, the user won’t take any action on the following turns until the user uses a two-turn attack, since the user didn’t finish using the two-turn attack.)

A two-turn attack is not a multi-turn attack, and vice versa.

A two-turn attack remains a two-turn attack even if the attack would not take two attack segments.

For all two-turn attacks, on the first attack segment of the attack’s use, no accuracy check is done and no check is made to determine whether the attack will be ineffective against the target or otherwise be avoided by the target.

For the two-turn moves Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, and Shadow Force, all attacks that target the user will miss the user while it is using any one of these two-turn attacks, unless noted otherwise. This includes Acupressure, the returned attack from Future Sight and Doom Desire, and attacks that "can’t be evaded" or that have an accuracy value of "0". (Mean Look, Block, Spider Web, and Yawn will say that they "failed" instead.) Exceptions are Helping Hand, Memento, and the exceptions given in the attack descriptions for the corresponding two-turn moves.