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Pokémon Emerald - Battle Arena

Pokémon Emerald - In-Depth GuidesPokémon Emerald - Battle Arena


See Battle Tower.


A Pokémon can’t switch out, and Baton Pass, Roar, and Whirlwind will always fail. After a new set of two Pokémon is in battle as a turn begins, the Mind and Skill ratings are set to 0, then the result is judged if both Pokémon remain in battle at the end of the third turn (after end-of-turn effects). For each category, the Pokémon with the higher rating earns two judging points; in case of a tie, each Pokémon earns 1 judging point.

Because of the nature of judging, battles in the Battle Arena are Single Battles only.


To determine the Mind rating, certain moves chosen for use by Pokémon are given points, as shown here.

  • If the move is Detect, Endure, Fake Out, or Protect, subtract 1 point.
  • If the move is Bide, Counter, or Mirror Coat, add 0 points.
  • For all other moves:
    • If the move has a power of 0, add 0 points.
    • If the move has a power of 1 or more, add 1 point.


To determine the Skill rating, points are added and subtracted as follows:

  • If the attack is Future Sight, Doom Desire, Struggle, Beat Up, or a non-damaging attack:
    • Add 1 point if the attack was successful.
    • Subtract 3 points if the attack’s effect was prevented because of an ability the target has.
    • Subtract 2 points if the attack missed or failed in other ways, except if the attack was avoided because of Protect and Detect.
  • Otherwise, if the attack is a damaging attack:
    • If the attack was successful:
      • Add 1 point if its type is normally effective against the target’s types.
      • Add 2 points if its type is "super effective" against the target’s types.
      • Subtract 1 point if its type is "not very effective" against the target’s types.
    • Subtract 3 points if the attack was prevented because of an ability the target has (other than Wonder Guard or Levitate).
    • Subtract 2 points if the attack missed, failed, or became ineffective, except if the attack was avoided because of Protect and Detect. (Cumulative with the previous step.)

The Skill rating remains unchanged in the following cases:

  • When a move is prevented from being used or when it can’t be used because it has 0 PP.
  • When an attack is returned with Future Sight and Doom Desire (not when they’re used).
  • If the Pokémon is "storing energy" with Bide.

For the Skill rating change, the following cases are treated as successful attacks:

  • If the Pokémon couldn’t use Focus Punch because it "lost its focus", this is treated as a success.
  • Triple Kick is considered successful if at least one hit of the attack was done, even if the second or third hits cause a miss.
  • An attack that changes stat stages without necessarily lowering or raising them, such as Psych Up and Haze, is considered successful even if the change results in the same stat stages as before.
  • If the attack’s description says that it "does nothing" as part of its effect (Splash, for example), this is treated as a success.

For the Skill rating change, the following cases are treated as failures:

  • A non-damaging attack that raises or lowers stat stages, but fails to do so, is considered to fail even if the rest of its effect is successful.
  • For other moves, a move "fails" if it does none of its effect when used, unless the attack description states that it "does nothing" as its effect.

For the Skill rating change:

  • Moves used by other moves are taken into account.
  • If Snatch or Magic Coat is used, the ultimate user of the attack being snatched or bounced back is the Pokémon that receives the Skill rating change.
  • For multi-hit attacks, only the last hit of the attack is counted for the purposes of the Skill rating change.


The Body rating for a Pokémon is (((HP remaining at end)*100)/(starting HP)), rounded down. A Pokémon’s starting HP is set to its current HP as soon as a Pokémon on either side enters the battle.


The Pokémon with fewer judging points than the other Pokémon is eliminated. In a tie, both Pokémon are eliminated. A Pokémon eliminated this way doesn’t faint and retains its current HP and whether it’s poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep, but can’t be in battle again for the rest of the battle. This is important for the purposes of Beat Up and Assist, which depend on which Pokémon are unfainted.

As soon as a Pokémon faints or is eliminated, the next Pokémon in order is sent out.