Pokémon Emerald - Battle Frontier and Battle Tents
- This page is for general information about the Battle Frontier. For more detailed, in-depth information, see this page.
The Battle Frontier becomes available after beating the game, by taking the ferry at least once, making the "Battle Frontier" option available.
Once inside Battle Frontier, you will receive a Frontier Pass, which serves to hold your Trainer Card and to give access to all Battle Frontier facilities.
Battle Frontier consists of seven different facilities for holding Pokémon battles, each of which tests a different aspect for a trainer. Winning a challenge in a Battle Frontier facility will earn you Battle Points (BP) redeemable for prizes. In addition, you can record any battle in the Battle Frontier, except in the Battle Pike and the Battle Pyramid, on your Frontier Pass.
Certain conventions are common to Battle Frontier facilities and challenges. They are described here.
- Eligible Pokémon: When choosing Pokémon to enter a challenge, no two Pokémon may be of the same species, and all items that Pokémon hold must be different. Certain Pokémon species (namely, Celebi, Deoxys), Groudon, Ho-Oh, Jirachi, Kyogre, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, and Rayquaza, as well as Eggs, are not eligible.
- Level 30: Applied in Battle Tents. Opposing Pokémon’s levels are adjusted to match the highest level among the Pokémon chosen, with a minimum level of 30.
- Level 50: For Pokémon of level 50 and below. Opposing Pokémon will be level 50.
- Open Level: Opposing Pokémon’s levels are adjusted to match the highest level among the Pokémon chosen, with a minimum level of 60.
- Saving Progress: Before beginning a challenge, your progress will be saved. To end the game during a challenge, be sure to select "Rest" to save and quit the game. Otherwise, your challenge will be disqualified.
Battle Factory (Slateport City Battle Tent)
In the Battle Factory, your knowledge will be tested. This facility holds the Battle Swap Tournament. You start by choosing three of six rental Pokémon at level 30, which you will use in the battle. You can view a Pokémon’s information before you rent it. Your goal is to use the Pokémon you chose to defeat three trainers in a row.
After defeating the first and second trainers, you can choose to "swap" one of your rental Pokémon with one of the Pokémon that the last trainer had used, but you can’t view information about that trainer’s Pokémon, so it pays to focus on the last battle when choosing.
Note that you can’t have two Pokémon of the same species at any time during the tournament.
Battle Palace (Verdanturf Town Battle Tent)
In the Battle Palace, your spirit will be tested. Choose three eligible Pokémon for the challenge. Here, battles are held differently in that the only thing that trainers are allowed to do is switch Pokémon in and out. Other than that, all the decisions about which moves to use are made by the Pokémon themselves.
It appears that a Pokémon’s nature affects the moves it wants to use, so it is usually advantageous to match Pokémon moves with a Pokémon’s nature.
Battle Arena (Fallarbor Town Battle Tent)
In the Battle Arena, your guts will be tested. In the Battle Arena, the Set KO Tourney is held. Choose three eligible Pokémon to enter the challenge. In the Fallarbor Town Battle Tent, Level 30 rules are applied.
In the Set KO Tourney, a battle between two Pokémon lasts three rounds. Pokémon may not be switched out, and if neither Pokémon faints after three rounds, the result is decided by a referee. Three factors are considered in the decision:
- Mind: How often a trainer chose to use offensive moves. 2 points to the Pokémon whose trainer chose offensive moves; 1 point each for ties.
- Skill: Indicates the success of moves used. 2 points to the Pokémon with the higher Skill rating; 1 point each for ties.
- Body: Indicates the amount of HP lost by a Pokémon during the three rounds. 2 points to the Pokémon that lost less HP; 1 point each for ties.
The Pokémon with the lower score in judging is eliminated; in case of a tie, both Pokémon are eliminated. When a Pokémon faints or is eliminated, the next Pokémon in the determined order is sent out.
Battle Tower
In the Battle Tower, your ability will be tested. The Battle Tower consists of four modes for holding battles.
- Single Battle - Choose three eligible Pokémon. Defeat seven trainers in a row to receive Battle Points.
- Double Battle - Choose four eligible Pokémon to conduct Double Battles. Defeat seven pairs of trainers in a row to receive Battle Points.
- Multi Battle - Choose two eligible Pokémon to conduct Multi Battles. After doing so, you can choose a trainer to partner with you in the Battle Salon. Defeat seven pairs of trainers in a row with your partner to receive Battle Points.
- Link Multi Battle - You and a friend each choose two eligible Pokémon for the tournament. When you defeat seven pairs of trainers in a row, you will each receive Battle Points. You can’t interrupt this challenge in the middle.
Battle Pike
In the Battle Pike, your luck will be tested. Choose three eligible Pokémon for the challenge.
Battle Pyramid
In the Battle Pyramid, your bravery will be tested. Choose three eligible Pokémon for the challenge, who must not be holding items. When taking the challenge, you will get a Battle Bag for holding items during the challenge. The Battle Pyramid consists of seven floors. On each floor, you will encounter trainers, wild Pokémon, and items on the floor. When you start you will have a limited range of vision, but this range will increase as you defeat trainers and wild Pokémon. Be sure to talk to trainers you defeat to get useful hints. The goal is to reach the blue warp tile to advance to the next floor.
Each time you take the Battle Pyramid challenge, you will notice that the trainers use a single type of Pokémon and the Pokémon in the Pyramid are generally the same type.
When you win the challenge, you earn Battle Points and the items in the Battle Bag will be saved for next time.
Battle Dome
In the Battle Dome, your tactics will be tested. In the Battle Dome, tournaments of 16 trainers each are held. Choose three eligible Pokémon for the tournament. In each battle, trainers will battle with two of the three Pokémon. Before a battle begins, you will get a chance to view the three Pokémon that the other Trainer has and choose the order for your two Pokémon accordingly.
You win the tournament by defeating four trainers of increasing toughness.
Other Services
In one of the houses, you will find a little girl in red who can tell you what a Pokémon is thinking. What she says depends on the Pokémon’s nature. The information she gives tells you what kind of moves a Pokémon prefers. The text in parentheses indicates what the Pokémon will do "if it gets enough ouchies." You can find this information useful when choosing moves to teach to Pokémon for the Battle Palace.
In the house southwest of the Battle Dome, you can find two old women who can teach a variety of moves to your Pokémon in exchange for Battle Points.