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Pokémon Emerald - Battle Palace

Pokémon Emerald - In-Depth GuidesPokémon Emerald - Battle Palace


See Battle Tower.

Decisions about moves

For the purposes of the Battle Palace, all moves are divided into three categories: attack moves, defensive moves, and sneaky moves. Depending on a Pokémon’s nature, the Pokémon is more likely to use certain kinds of moves than others.

The percentage chances for a Pokémon to choose moves of a certain category for use are shown below. If the Pokémon has one or more moves of the selected category, it will choose one of them at random. If the Pokémon doesn’t have a move of the selected category, the following will happen:

  • If the Pokémon has two or more category A moves and fewer than two category D moves, it chooses a category A move at random, and it will "appear incapable of using its power" at a 50% chance.
  • Otherwise, if the Pokémon has two or more category D moves and fewer than two category A moves, it chooses a category D move at random, and it will "appear incapable of using its power" at a 50% chance.
  • Otherwise, the Pokémon chooses one of its moves at random, and it will "appear incapable of using its power" at a 50% chance.

A Pokémon won’t choose a move that it can’t choose for use because of an effect or because it has 0 PP.

Normally, the Pokémon uses the ratios in the first three A-D-S columns in the table below. However, at the end of any turn (after end-of-turn effects), if the Pokémon is not asleep and its HP is half its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, the game will note this (for example: "X began growling deeply!"). Then the Pokémon uses the ratios in the second three A-D-S columns until the Pokémon leaves the battle (even if its HP becomes greater than half of its maximum HP afterward).

The move chosen will have no particular target.

Move Categories

  • Category A: All moves not in Category D or S
  • Category D: All moves with a range of "user"
  • Category S: All moves with a range of "no particular target" or "opposing Pokémon’s side", and all moves with a power of 0 and a range other than "user"

Move Preferences

NatureADS A D SMessage
Hardy61% 7%32% 61% 7%32% X is eager for more!
Lonely20%25%55% 84% 8% 8% A glint appears in X’s eyes!
Brave 70%15%15% 32%60% 8% X is getting into position!
Adamant 38%31%31% 70%15%15%A glint appears in X’s eyes!
Naughty 20%70%10% 70%22% 8% A glint appears in X’s eyes!
Bold 30%20%50% 32%58%10% X is getting into position!
Docile 56%22%22% 56%22%22% X is eager for more!
Relaxed 25%15%60% 75%15%10% A glint appears in X’s eyes!
Impish 69% 6%25% 28%55%17%X is getting into position!
Lax 35%10%55% 29% 6%65% X began growling deeply!
Timid 62%10%28% 30%20%50% X began growling deeply!
Hasty 58%37% 5% 88% 6% 6% A glint appears in X’s eyes!
Serious 34%11%55% 29%11%60% X is eager for more!
Jolly 35% 5%60% 35%60% 5% X is getting into position!
Naive 56%22%22% 56%22%22% X is eager for more!
Modest 35%45%20% 34%60% 6% X is getting into position!
Mild 44%50% 6% 34% 6%60% X began growling deeply!
Quiet 56%22%22% 56%22%22% X is eager for more!
Bashful 30%58%12% 30%58%12% X is eager for more!
Rash 30%13%57% 27% 6%67%X began growling deeply!
Calm 40%50%10% 25%62%13% X is getting into position!
Gentle 18%70%12% 90% 5% 5% A glint appears in X’s eyes!
Sassy 88% 6% 6% 22%20%58% X began growling deeply!
Careful 42%50% 8% 42% 5%53% X began growling deeply!
Quirky 56%22%22% 56%22%22% X is eager for more!