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Pokémon Gold and Silver - Game Shark Codes - Miscellaneous Codes

Game Shark and Game Genie CodesPokémon Gold and Silver - Game Shark Codes - Miscellaneous Codes
Miscellaneous Codes

Setting the Time

  • Day of week Modifier: 01XXDCD1 (for this code, Monday is 00 and
  • Sunday is 06)
  • Hour Modifier: 01XXDDD1 (for this code, 12 AM is 00)
  • Minute Modifier: 01XXDED1
  • Second Modifier: 01XXDFD1

Various Codes

English Japanese
Walk through walls[2] 010AA6CE
Modify item found in fruit-bearing trees 01??2ACF
Fly to any city 01??EDCE
Pokémart will have almost everything in stock 01FF41D0
Fight any trainer [3] 01XX18D1
Character Sprite Modifier 01XXFFD1
Change Character’s Clothes 01XX03D2
No random battles 01000BD2 010065D5
Edit money 01??73D5
Infinite Game Corner Coins 01277AD5
All Johto Badges 01FF7CD5 01FF6FD5
All Kanto Badges 01FF7DD5 01FF70D5
Always On Bike 010182D6
Clone Pokémon (Old Man) [5] 018140DC
Clone Pokémon (Old Woman) [5] 018140DC
Able to get more than one
Pokémon from Professor Elm [1]
Infinite Park Balls 0114C3D9
Fight Gym Leaders of Johto again [4] 01007DD5
Different Steps 01??08F2
Replace XX with the following Digits
for the "Character Sprite Modifier" code

00 - Hero
0C - Rival
18 - Woman
24 - Fat Man
3C - Boy
48 - Pokémon
54 - Old Man
60 - Little Boy
6C - Girl

Replace XX with the following Digits
for the "Change Character’s Clothes" code

00 - Red
01 - Blue
02 - Green
03 - Brown
04 - Orange
05 - Gray

Replace XX with the following Digits
for the "Fight any trainer" code
00 Glitch (Wild Pokémon)
01 Leader Falkner 
02 Leader Whitney 
03 Leader Bugsy 
04 Leader Morty 
05 Leader Pryce 
06 Leader Jasmine 
07 Leader Chuck 
08 Leader Clair 
09 Rival (Johto)
0A Prof. Oak 
0B Will 
0C Yourself 
0D Bruno 
0E Karen 
0F Koga 
10 Lance 
11 Brock 
12 Misty 
13 Lt. Surge 
14 Team Rocket Scientist 
15 Erika 
16 Youngster 
17 Schoolboy 
18 Birdkeeper 
19 Lass 
1A Janine 
1B Cooltrainer #1 
1C Cooltrainer #2 
1D Beauty 
1E Pokémaniac 
1F Rocket Member 
20 Gentleman 
21 Skier 
22 Teacher 
23 Sabrina 
24 Bug Catcher 
25 Fisher 
26 Swimmer (Male) 
27 Swimmer (Female) 
28 Sailor 
29 Super Nerd 
2A Rival (Kanto) 
2B Guitarist 
2C Hiker 
2D Biker 
2E Blaine 
2F Burglar 
30 Firebreather 
31 Juggler 
32 Blackbelt 
33 Rocket 
34 Psychic Channeler 
35 Picnicker 
36 Camper 
37 Rocket (Female) 
38 Sage 
39 Medium 
3A Boarder 
3B Pokéfan 
3C Kimono Girl 
3D Twins 
3E Pokéfan (male) 
3F Red
Different Steps (not useful)

01 Ice skater
02 Big steps
03 Tornado dance
04 Weird
07 Football
09 Quad vision
0B Front/back slide
0F Migraine

Note 1 - May prevent you from trading Pokémon.

Note 2 - Careful - If you stray too far, the game will freeze and there is a possibility that your save game might be destroyed.

Note 3 - When you get into a wild Pokémon battle or talk to a trainer, you’ll be able to fight the trainer you chose.

Note 4 - If you do this, you won’t be able to get the eighth badge again (because you don’t get it directly after defeating Clair). You should be able to get it back by applying the All Johto Badges code.

Note 5 - Just give the Pokémon to be cloned to either one (which ever code you’re using), turn the code on, and Pick up as many copies as you want.