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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Azalea Town

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Azalea Town

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

"Where People and Pokémon Live in Happy Harmony"

Azalea Town is where you go to fight the second Gym Leader, Bugsy, who uses bugs.

You can buy Charcoal (which powers up Fire-type attacks) in the Mart.

The townspeople will tell you that all the Slowpokeeeeeeeeeeeees in the town have disappeared, and their tails are being sold. (Slowpoke is welcome at Azalea Town.) That might explain the man near Union Cave. Why? Their tails are believed to be a delicacy.

The Pokémon Gym is blocked by a man in black.

On the north side of the city is Kurt’s house. He is a skilled craftsman who builds Poké Balls from Apricorns. Nearby is a fruit-bearing tree that has Apricorns. The Apricorns can be found on this tree once a day and you can use them to build Poké Balls. Go to his house and talk to him. He tells you that Team Rocket has stolen the Slowpoke and cut off their tails. He runs out of the house.

Now, go east to Slowpoke Well.

You’ll see Kurt at Slowpoke Well. Looks like you’re on your own.

You’ll see some Slowpoke with their tails cut off. Beat all the Rocket Members in the well, and they’ll leave and Kurt arrives. You and Kurt then leave the well.

Back in Kurt’s house, where you can now see a Slowpoke inside. Talk to Kurt. Now that he’s able to do his job making Balls, he gives you a special Poké Ball, the Lure Ball.

What are the kinds of Balls that Kurt can make?

Kurt can make different kinds of Poké Balls based on the Apricorn you bring him. Here’s a chart:

Item Where? What Ball? Description Practical Description
WHT APRICORN North of Kurt’s house Fast Ball A Ball for catching fast Pokémon. Four times as effective as Poké Ball for catching Grimer, Magnemite, and Tangela.
RED APRICORN Route 37 Level Ball ...for lower-level Pokémon. Raises chances of successful capture of Pokémon if the Pokémon currently out in battle is of a greater level.
BLU APRICORN Route 37 Lure Ball ...for Pokémon hooked by a Rod. Triples chances of successful capture of Pokémon if it had been fished.
YLW APRICORN Route 42 Moon Ball ...for Moon Stone evolvers. Four times as effective as Poké Ball for catching Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidoran, Nidorina, or Nidorino
GRN APRICORN Route 42 Friend Ball ...that makes Pokémon friendly. Just as effective as Poké Ball, but caught Pokémon have friendship raised to 200.
BLK APRICORN Route 37 Heavy Ball ...for catching heavy Pokémon. Raises chances of successful capture of heavy Pokémon.
PNK APRICORN Route 42 Love Ball For catching the opposite gender. Eight times as effective as Poké Ball for Pokémon of the opposite gender of the Pokémon currently out in battle.

Kurt takes a day to make a Poké Ball for you.

Leave the house. The Slowpoke have returned to Azalea Town, and the Pokémon Gym is no longer blocked. Enter the gym now.

Bugsy is a master of bugs. Pokémon like Cyndaquil/Quilava can defeat bugs quickly. So can flying types like Hoothoot, Pidgeotto, or Pidgey. Bugsy’s gym is, surprisingly, a garden. Bugsy is at the center.

image Bugsy - The Walking Bug Pokémon Encyclopedia
L14 Metapod- Tackle, Sand-Attack
L14 Kakuna- Harden, Poison Sting
L16 Scyther- Quick Attack, Fury Cutter
For Bugsy,using Cyndaquil, Pidgey, and Spearow is recommended.

imageUpon defeating Bugsy, you’ll receive the Hivebadge, which forces all Pokémon up to L30 to obey you and allows you to use Cut outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM49 (Fury Cutter), which may lower the accuracy of foes.

Now try to go west through the gate. As you try to, you’ll be stopped once again by your rival, who will battle you. After defeating him, you can now enter the tunnel to Ilex Forest.