Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Ilex Forest
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.
Follow the path left, up, and right until you see a man on the
forest. He’ll tell you that a Farfetch’d for cutting trees has
flown away. Follow the path down, left, and up until you see the
Farfetch’d. Go over to it, and it flies away. Continue going up,
and you’ll see the bird again. You’ll just have to chase the little
bird around the forest. Keep chasing it, and pretty soon it’ll
finally reach the hands of the man in the forest. There’s the bird,
along with another man (the Charcoal Man). Talk to the Charcoal
Man. To thank you for finding the Farfetch’d, he gives you HM01
(Cut). Once you teach Cut to a Pokémon, you can Cut down the
tree near the path. Trees you can cut down look like this:
When you return to Azalea Town, go to the house on the southeast side of the town and talk to the man in blue who will give you Charcoal. |
By the path is the Ilex Forest Shrine, honoring the protector of this forest.
Then you’ll see a building in the forest. Enter it.
The woman on the right here, with her Butterfree, will give you TM12 (Sweet Scent). Sweet Scent, when used outside of battle, will attract Pokémon to you. |
Pass through and you’ll reach Route 34.
You’ll see quite a lot of trainers on this path. You can avoid most of them if you stay on the grass. Also on this path is the Daycare.
Here you can find two psychic Pokémon - Abra and Drowzee. At the end of the path is Goldenrod City.