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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Blackthorn City

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Blackthorn City

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

Blackthorn City
"A Quiet Mountain Retreat"

Blackthorn City is the last city on the Johto map and is home to the eighth Gym leader, Clair, who uses dragons. If you caught an ice Pokémon in the Ice Path, you’ll be in good shape, since dragons are weak to the ice type.

image Move Deleter

The Move Deleter will let one of your Pokémon forget one of its moves. This is especially helpful when you want to delete a move you rarely use, or if you want to remove a move learned from an HM.

Santos of Saturday

You can find Santos in here on Saturdays. He’ll give you a Spell Tag, which powers up ghost-type attacks.

Enter the gym now.

If the gym is blocked by someone, then you might not have been following this Walkthrough. You’ll have to go to Goldenrod City to fix this.
Clair’s Pokémon Gym

To get to Clair and her dragons, you’ll have to build a stone bridge. The stones are on the second floor, and you can push them down using Strength.

image Clair - The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon
L37 Dragonair - Thunder Wave, Surf
L37 Dragonair - Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Dragonbreath
L37 Dragonair - Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Dragonbreath
L40 Kingdra - Smokescreen, Hyper Beam

Upon defeating Clair, you won’t receive a badge, yet. You’ll have to take one more challenge before you can obtain the badge. North of the gym is Dragon’s Den. If you can make it through, you’ll win the badge.


Now, surf north to Dragon’s Den.

Dragon’s Den

In Dragon’s Den, you’ll have to surf through the water. In the water you’ll find Dratinis and Magikarps.

There are whirlpools you’ll have to fill up. Somewhere in the surface is a Dragon Fang. Once you find it and pick it up, Clair arrives and gives you the Risingbadge, which forces all Pokémon to obey you and allows you to use Waterfall outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM24 (Dragonbreath). Have Dratini or Gyarados learn this.

Leave the Den and fly back to New Bark Town.