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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Pokémon League

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Pokémon League

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

New Bark Town

First, go to Professor Elm’s lab. To thank you for helping him in his research, he gives you a Master Ball, which never fails in catching a wild Pokémon. Then heal your Pokémon in Elm’s lab.

Now that you have all eight badges and plenty of strong Pokémon, you should go for those exotic Pokémon out there. Be sure to return to New Bark Town and heal your Pokémon afterwards.

Now, surf east.

image When you reach solid ground again, a man nearby will tell you that you’ve taken your first step into Kanto and will tell you to check your Pokégear Map. Go into the cave. This is Tohjo Falls. You’ll need Surf and Waterfall to make it on the other end.

At the other end, enter the house. The lady checks to see if your Pokémon are loyal enough to take on the Pokémon League. If they are, she gives you TM37 (Sandstorm). Then, make your way through the Cooltrainers and Psychics. It’s fortunate that on this road is a house that will let your Pokémon take a rest.

At the end of the route, the guard will check your badges and let you enter. You will now enter a cave called Victory Road.

Victory Road presents nothing particularly special. Simply make your way through. At the end, you will encounter your rival. After defeating him, you will eventually reach Indigo Plateau.

Indigo Plateau and the Elite Four

In Indigo Plateau, you’ll fight the top four Pokémon trainers in battle. You must defeat all four of them in succession. If you lose, you’ll have to start all over. Make sure your Pokémon are trained to Level 40 or higher, and stock up on recovery items. Remember, once you enter the door leading to the Elite Four, there’s no turning back. After defeating each trainer, make any necessary repairs with your recovery items.

Above all, good luck.

image Will
L40 Xatu- Confuse Ray, Psychic, Quick Attack, (Future Sight)
L41 Slowbro-Psychic, Curse, Body Slam, Amnesia
L41 Exeggutor - Leech Seed, Psychic, Reflect, Egg Bomb
L41 Jynx (female) -Doubleslap, Psychic, Ice Punch, Lovely Kiss
L42 Xatu- Psychic, Confuse Ray, Quick Attack, Future Sight
Will uses psychics. Apparently, Will’s Pokémon are combination types, not pure psychics like Kadabra or Hypno. Use an electric type on the two Xatu and Slowbro, and a fire type on Jynx and Exeggutor.
image Koga
L40 Ariados - Spider Web, Baton Pass, Double Team, Giga Drain
L42 Muk- Sludge Bomb, Minimize, Toxic, Acid Armor
L43 Forretress - Protect, Spikes, Swift, Explosion
L44 Crobat - Double Team, Wing Attack, Toxic, Quick Attack
L41 Venomoth- Psychic, Gust, Supersonic, Toxic
Koga uses poisonous bugs. A fire type can beat Ariados, Forretress, and Venomoth, an electric type will electrocute Crobat, and use your psychic powers on Muk.
image Bruno
L42 Hitmontop - Quick Attack, Dig, (Abandon), Pursuit
L42 Hitmonlee - Hi Jump Kick, Swagger, Double Kick, (Foresight)
L42 Hitmonchan - Thunderpunch, Mach Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch
L43 Onix- Sandstorm, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Bind
L46 Machamp- Rock Slide, Cross Chop, (Expected Suicide), (Foresight)
Water is great against Onix, and psychics are super-effective on the others.
image Karen
L42 Umbreon - Faint Attack, Sand-attack, Confuse Ray, (Trickery)
L44 Murkrow - Whirlwind, Faint Attack, Pursuit, Quick Attack
L45 Gengar - Curse, Spite, Lick, (Destiny Bond)
L46 Vileplume- Stun Spore, Petal Dance, Acid, (Lucky Dance)
L47 Houndoom- Crunch, Pursuit, Flamethrower, Roar
Karen uses Pokémon of many types, but prefers the Dark type. Pokémon of the Dark type are weak against the fighting type, but if you don’t have one, use your strongest on Umbreon, fire on Vileplume, a psychic type on Gengar, water on Houndoom, and electricity on Murkrow.
image Champion Lance
L44 Gyarados - Rain Dance, Surf, Hyper Beam, Flail
L47 Dragonite - Thunder Wave, Hyper Beam, Thunder, Twister
L47 Dragonite - Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave, Blizzard, Twister
L46 Aerodactyl - Hyper Beam, Rock Slide, Wing Attack, (Atomic Force)
L46 Charizard - Flamethrower, Slash, Hyper Beam, Wing Attack
L50 Dragonite - Outrage, Fire Blast, Hyper Beam, Safeguard
Lance is the Dragon trainer that you met in the Lake of Rage. All of his Pokémon know Hyper Beam. The Dragonite are weak to ice like Jynx, Piloswine, or Dewgong, or other dragon-type moves. The others, Gyarados, Aerodactyl, and Charizard, can be beaten using electricity and water. A good strategy is to make your weaker Pokémon succumb to the Hyper Beam attack, since Hyper Beam takes two turns.

imageimageAfter defeating Lance, you are the new Champion. Suddenly, Mary from Pokémon Talk and Professor Oak arrive and congratulate you. Lance follows you to the next room, the Pokémon League Hall Of Fame, and makes you and your Pokémon Hall Of Famers.

What’s next?