Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Ecruteak City
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.
Ecruteak City
"A Historical City Where the Past Meets the Present"
Ecruteak City is famous for its two towers. One of them, in the west, has burned, while the other, called Tin Tower, still stands.
First, go into the Pokémon Center. Bill appears. He’ll tell you he just finished fixing his Time Capsule. The Time Capsule will let you transfer Pokémon from older games (Red, Blue, and Yellow) to Gold or Silver. He tells you that you can’t have any new moves from Gold and Silver or Pokémon when trying to use the machine. The Time Capsules come in effect the next day.
Bill will then return to his home in the southwest part of Goldenrod City. When you enter his house, talk to Bill and he’ll give you an Eevee. When it’s friendly enough, it will evolve into Espeon during the day, or Umbreon at night. |
Go to the Dance Theater to see the Kimono Girls.
Dance Theater
Here are the Kimono Girls, from the left.
In the house left of the Pokémon Center, the boy will give you an Itemfinder.
Next, visit the Burned Tower, once known as the Brass Tower.
Burned Tower
Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version:Once inside, you’ll engage in a battle with your rival. After the battle, go to the left side, smash the rocks in the way, and fall in the hole to the basement. You will soon see three Pokémon on a platform. Come closer, and they will disappear. Leave the tower now. Crystal:You won’t find Morty in his gym right away, so you’ll have to go here. Walk through the floor, you have to beat your Rival first. He and Morty will be at the Burned Tower. After you do, Morty will return and you will meet Eusine, a man who dreams of getting a glimpse of a creature named Suicune. |
Now, go to Morty’s gym.
Morty and his trainers use Pokémon of the ghost type. No
normal or fighting type attacks can hurt Gastly, Haunter, and
Gengar. To prevent challengers from meeting him, Morty installed
invisible floors on the gym. Also, "the path is right before our
eyes." That means, that you must walk directly in front of a
trainer to make it here.
On the map on the right, the pink steps are the ones you can safely step on. |
Morty - The Mystic Seer of the Future Although psychics like Abra and Drowzee are strong against ghosts, it’s best to use Pokémon of all types to defeat Morty. Remember, attacks of the normal or fighting type are harmless to Morty’s Pokémon. Bring along a few Awakening potions just in case. |
Upon defeating Morty, you’ll receive the Fogbadge, which
forces Pokémon up to L50 to obey you and allows you to use
Surf outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM30 (Shadow Ball).
Now, leave Ecruteak City west to Route 38.
Route 38
Here you’ll find the Pokémon, Magnemite, and Snubbull. Very little to offer on this route.
MooMoo Farm
This is a milk farm. The problem is that one of the Miltank, the cow Pokémon in this farm, "ain’t givin' me milk nomore." The sick Miltank can be found in the small house on the left, which is a barn. Try feeding Moomoo the Miltank some Berries. (You’ll need to find the regular Berries, not the special berries like Ice Berry or Gold Berry.) If you feed it seven Berries (it doesn’t necessarily have to be in a row), it will get better. Then talk to the woman in the other house, and she will give you
TM 13 (Snore). Plus, you’ll now be able to buy milk from the farmer
(for |
Hidden Item: At the southwest side of the topmost Miltank in the Moomoo Farm (position is shown in the picture above), face down and press A to find a Nugget.
Go south to Olivine City.