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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Olivine City

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Olivine City

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

Olivine City
"The Port Closest to Foreign Lands"

Olivine City is home to a new ship, the S.S. Aqua.

As you explore the city further, your rival arrives from the gym but won’t battle you. He tells you that the Gym Leader has left for Olivine Lighthouse to take care of a sick Pokémon. When you enter the Pokémon Gym, you’ll find that it’s empty.

At the house below the gym, talk to the man inside to get a Good Rod. If you don’t have a water Pokémon, use the Good Rod now and fish for Corsola or Staryu. Afterward, teach it Surf.

At the house to the left of the Pokémon Center, talk to the man on the table to get HM04 (Strength). Strength lets Pokémon move boulders in caves.

Finally, there is a house with a man inside who would like to trade his Voltorb for your Krabby.

image Monica of Monday

On Mondays, Monica will appear on the west side of Olivine City. She’ll give you a Sharp Beak, which powers up flying-type attacks. Have Pidgeotto hold this. Monica is the oldest of her siblings.

Next, go into the tall building known as the Olivine Lighthouse, which was built to honor the Pokémon that light up the sea at night.

As you explore you will notice there is no direct route to the top. You will have to climb to the 4th floor and fall through the hole that is near the trainer.

When you finally reach the top, you’ll meet the sick Pokémon, Amphy (an Ampharos), and Jasmine. Talk to Jasmine, say Yes, and you offer to help get some medicine for her. Left behind in the room is a Super Potion.

Leave the tower, and surf into the water.

image Battle Tower

A feature exclusive to Pokémon Crystal Version, the Battle Tower is a big building found west of Olivine City. Here is where you can test your true Pokémon skills with other trainers, and win great prizes in the process.

The rare Pokémon, Mantine lives in the water. Surf down, then left, to Cianwood City.