Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Mahogany Town
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.
Mahogany Town
"Welcome to the Home of the Ninja"
Mahogany Town’s store is the one by the sign that tells about the RageCandyBar. A man prevents you from going east. The gym is blocked by someone. Of greater interest is the Lake of Rage, which you can reach north by Route 43.
Route 43 is split by two paths. The one on the right is a toll
path which requires 1000 to pass through. Therefore, take the path on the left.
Straight ahead is the Lake of Rage.
Also known as Gyarados Lake, the Lake of Rage was a crater formed long ago by a swarm of Gyarados.
Wesley of Wednesday
On Wednesdays, Wesley will appear around here. He’ll give you a Blackbelt, which powers up fighting-type attacks. Have Machoke hold this. |
Surf through the lake.
Fight the Gyarados on the water. Amazingly, this one is red. Fight it or catch it, and you’ll get a piece of the Gyarados, a Red Scale.
Later on, you can give the scale to Mr. Pokémon in Route 30 to get an Exp.Share, which allows the Pokémon holding it to earn EXP even when it isn’t participating in battle. The Exp.Share is useful when leveling up a weak Pokémon. |
Next to the sign is Lance, "a trainer like you". He plans to investigate the mystery of the Lake of Rage and asks for your help. He believes that a radio broadcast might be the cause of Magikarp being forced to evolve in the Lake. Check your Pokégear Radio for the mysterious signal, if you want, and then head back to Mahogany Town.
Go to the store in Mahogany Town. Lance will be there. He appears to have found the source of the mysterious radio signal and found some hidden stairs, which supposedly leads to a hidden basement.
The statues are actually hidden cameras. Whenever you pass through the statues, two Rocket members will battle you, one after the other. To avoid a barrage of Rocket Members, simply avoid the statues. Go down the small passage on the hall and follow the path to the scientist. Defeat the scientist and use the computer to press a secret switch. The switch turns off the hidden cameras and allows you to safely pass through the statues. The item by the computer is X Accuracy. Now look for the diamond-shaped warp tile (which takes you to the entrance), and take the stairs nearby.
In the next room, you’ll find Lance again. Luckily, he is there to heal your Pokémon.
In the next stairs, Lance tells you that you have to find two passwords that you can get by defeating Rocket members. You can find both in this floor. There is no need to write them down when you get them. You’ll have to talk to the Rockets after battling them to get their passwords. After you receive the two passwords, take two stairways into the Boss’s room. After a short talk with your rival, face the door and press A. You’ll then enter the two passwords.
The door will then open and you reach the boss’s room. The Boss, Giovanni, is away, which means you must fight his Executive instead.
After defeating him, talk to Murkrow, the bird in the room, who’ll give another, important password.
Go back down to the floor that had the large machine behind a gate, and inspect the door to enter the new password. As you start to enter, you’ll be stopped by two members of Team Rocket. Lance battles one, and you battle the other.
After defeating her, Lance follows you to the machine that’s sending the radio signal. He looks for a switch, and, finding no switch, decides that fainting all the Electrode in the machine could stop the signal. He lets you do the left side of the machine. Now, get to work. You’ll need a strong fire Pokémon to defeat them all. You can also catch them. When you beat all three, the signal has stopped and the Lake of Rage is safe. Lance thanks you by giving you HM06 (Whirlpool). Whirlpool allows you to surf through whirlpools.
This ordeal having been dealt with, the Lake of Rage is now open for fishing. The house in the southeast side of the Lake of Rage holds a fishing contest: If you can fish for the longest Magikarp possible, you win a Max Ether. |
You can finally leave the basement and go into the gym.
Pryce’s gym is mainly a slippery "maze" of ice. Be careful not to slide your way into any trainers. To reach the gym leader Pryce, you should "think before you skate." Use the map shown here to show you where you should skate. |
Pryce - The Teacher of Winter’s Harshness Use a fire Pokémon for most of the ice Pokémon, but for combination Ice/Water types, like Dewgong, an electric type is better. |
Upon defeating Pryce, you’ll receive the Glacierbadge, which
raises your Pokémon’s Special and allows you to use
Whirlpool outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM16 (Icy
As soon as you leave the gym, Professor Elm will call you and say that he is hearing broadcasts about Team Rocket on radio and will tell you to go to Goldenrod’s Radio Tower. Fly back to Goldenrod City.