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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Route 32

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - Route 32

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

Route 32

The first man you see on this route will hand you a Miracle Seed, which powers up Grass-type moves. Have Bellsprout or Chikorita hold this.

Just go south and through the small path on the route. Here you can find Pokémon such as Mareep, an electric type, and Wooper, a water type. Try catching both of these Pokémon. Bellsprout will come in handy if you didn’t get Chikorita.

At the end of it, you’ll meet a man who will sell you a SlowpokeeeeeeeeeeeeeTail for $1 million. That’s too much money than you have, so say no. Fortunately, there’s a Pokémon Center nearby. Talk to the man inside the center to get an Old Rod. The Old Rod allows you to fish for water Pokémon. This rod allows you to get only Magikarp at Level 10 (and Poliwag, but very rarely). Fish for one now, since it will evolve to the all-powerful Gyarados at Level 20.

image Frieda of Friday

On Fridays, Frieda will appear north of the Pokémon Center. She’ll give you a Poison Barb, which powers up poison-type attacks.

You should reach a cave called Union Cave.

In the cave, you’ll meet new Pokémon like Geodude and Onix, battle trainers called Hikers, and possibly find TM39 (Swift) somewhere inside.

Make your way through the cave, and you’ll end up in Azalea Town.