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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - The Kanto Region

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Walkthrough - The Kanto Region

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version, too.

This is an overview of the things to do in the Kanto region.

Vermilion City

Go to the gym and fight Lt. Surge for the Thunderbadge.

image Lt. Surge
L44 Raichu-
L40 Electrode- Double Team
L40 Electrode- Double Team, Screech, Explosion
L40 Magneton- Zap Cannon, Double Team
L46 Electabuzz- Quick Attack, Thunder
Use fire all the way, but beware of Electrode’s Explosion.

Saffron City

Next, go north to Saffron City. The Magnet Train in this city is down because of a problem with the Power Plant. Go to the gym, get through the warp spots, and fight Sabrina for the Marshbadge.

image Sabrina
L46 Espeon- Sand-attack, Psychic
L46 Mr. Mime- Psychic, Reflect, Baton Pass
L48 Alakazam- Psychic, Reflect

After defeating her, you get the Marshbadge from her.

Next to the gym is a Fighting Dojo, where you can find a Focus Band. Also in Saffron is Mr. Psychic’s house. Talk to him to get TM29 (Psychic).

Go east to Lavender Town.

Lavender Town

Lavender Town has a Radio Tower, but the radio station is down because of the Power Plant. Hmm, the Power Plant. Head north, through the Rock Tunnel, continue north, and surf through the water until you reach the Power Plant.

Power Plant

A thief broke into the Plant and took an important part of the electrical generator, rendering it useless. Talk to the Manager in the generator, then try to leave the plant. You’ll be told that a shady character has been spotted in Cerulean City. Go west (through Route 9) to Cerulean City.

Cerulean City

In Cerulean, enter the gym and a Rocket will bump in you. (He is a foreigner.) The gym is empty. Inspect the pool as shown on the picture on the left, and you’ll find a Machine Part, the missing piece of the Power Plant’s generator. When you find the Part, go north.


Route 25 is like Nugget Bridge all over again. Defeat all 6 (actually, seven) trainers to win a Nugget. Afterward, near the Sea Cottage, you’ll find Misty. Looks like she’s in love. She’ll return to her gym.

In the Sea Cottage, is Bill’s grandfather. If you give him a Pokémon that he describes, he’ll give you a special item.

Go back to Cerulean City.

Misty’s Gym
image Misty
L42 Golduck- Surf,
L42 Quagsire- Amnesia, Surf,
L44 Lapras- Rain Dance, Surf,
L47 Starmie- Confuse Ray, Surf, Ice Beam

Don’t use an electric type on Quagsire because it’s also a ground type as well.
Power Plant

In the Power Plant, talk to the manager to return the missing part, and he’ll give you TM07 (Zap Cannon).

Now what?

Next, go to Saffron City and visit Copycat’s house. Go upstairs and talk to the girl in the room named Copycat. She’ll tell you about the doll she lost. Now, go to Vermilion City and visit the Pokémon Fan Club, above the Vermilion Gym. Talk to the chubby man on the left side of the table to get Copycat’s Pok Doll, labeled "Lost Item".

Return to Copycat’s house, speak to her, and you hand her the doll. In return, she gives you a Pass to go on the Magnet Train.

Magnet Train

The Magnet Train allows you to get from Kanto to Johto and back, lightning fast. Terminals are found in Saffron City in Kanto, and in Goldenrod City in Johto.

Fan Club

Visit the Fan Club in Vermilion City. Talk to the Chairman and listen to him going on about his Pokémon. He’ll soon give you a Rare Candy for waiting patiently.

Lavender Town

Fly to Lavender Town, and go to the Radio Tower. The man in the hat will give you an Expn Card, which attaches to your Pokégear and allows you to tune in to Kanto’s radio stations.

The Name Rater can be found in Lavender Town.

Take the road west from Saffron City to Celadon City.

Celadon City

In Celadon, defeat Erika for the Marshbadge. But first, get some items. At the roof of Celadon Mansion, talk to the man to get TM03 (Curse). There are Grimers in the water in the city, surprisingly. The nickname for the Game Corner is nicknamed, "The Playground for Everybody."

image Erika
L42 Tangela- Bind, Sleep Powder, Giga Drain
L42 Jumpluff- Leech Seed, Giga Drain
L46 Victreebel-
L46 Bellossom-

As well as the Rainbowbadge you’ll receive for defeating Erika, you’ll also get TM19 (Giga Drain). After that, go west, through Cycling Road, to Fuchsia City.

Fuchsia City

Since the Warden has left, the Safari Zone is closed. The only thing you can do is to fight Koga’s daughter Janine in the Gym. Janine inherits her father’s gym. In the gym, you’ll find not only invisible walls, but Janine lookalikes. The real Janine is the one in the lower left: "I’m sorry to disappoint you... I’m only joking!"

image Janine
L36 Crobat- Wing Attack, Confuse Ray
L36 Weezing- Toxic, Smog
L36 Weezing-
L33 Ariados-
L39 Venomoth- Double Team

After defeating Janine, getting the Soulbadge and TM06 (Toxic), head back to Vermilion City.
