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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Weekly Events

Pokémon Gold and SilverPokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Weekly Events

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal

Weekly Events
Monica of Monday When you appear on the west side of Olivine City, she’ll give you a Sharp Beak.
Bargain Shop Come to the Underground in the morning to find an old man on the top counter.
S.S. Aqua Departs from Olivine City. (If you want to get off the boat, you’ll need to take a nap in your bed.)
Clefairy in Mt. Moon Go to Mt. Moon at night to have a chance to meet Clefairy. [6 pm to 3:59 am]
Pokémon Lullaby on the radio Pokémon Lullaby plays on the Radio. This lowers the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Rare Item shop in the Underground It’s open. [4 am to 9:59 am]
Rival Your rival will appear in Indigo Plateau to battle you.
Tuscany of Tuesday When you appear on Route 29, she’ll give you a Sharp Beak.
Rival Your rival will appear in Dragon’s Den to battle you.
Bug-Catching Contest It’s held today.
Pokémon March on the radio Pokémon March plays on the Radio. This raises the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Pokémon Salon The older groomer will appear in the Underground.
Wesley of Wednesday When you appear near the Lake of Rage, he’ll give you a Blackbelt.
S.S. Aqua Departs from Vermilion City. (If you want to get off the boat, you’ll need to take a nap in your bed.)
Pokémon Salon The younger groomer will appear in the Underground.
Pokémon Lullaby on the radio Pokémon Lullaby plays on the Radio. This lowers the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Rival Your rival will appear in Indigo Plateau to battle you.
Arthur of Thursday When you appear on Route 36, she’ll give you a Hard Stone.
Rival Your rival will appear in Dragon’s Den to battle you.
Bug-Catching Contest It’s held today.
Pokémon March on the radio Pokémon March plays on the Radio. This raises the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Pokémon Salon The older groomer will appear in the Underground.
Frieda of Friday When you appear on Route 32, she’ll give you a Poison Barb.
S.S. Aqua Departs from Olivine City. (If you want to get off the boat, you’ll need to take a nap in your bed.)
Pokémon Salon The younger groomer will appear in the Underground.
Pokémon Lullaby on the radio Pokémon Lullaby plays on the Radio. This lowers the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Lapras Appears deep inside Union cave
Lucky Number show A new number is drawn.
Santos of Saturday When you appear on Blackthorn City, he’ll give you a Spell Tag.
Bug-Catching Contest It’s held today.
Pokémon March on the radio Pokémon March plays on the Radio. This raises the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Pokémon Salon The older groomer will appear in the Underground.
Bitter Item shop in the Underground It’s open.
Sunny of Sunday When you appear on Route 37, he’ll give you a Magnet.
Goldenrod Department Store A lady appears on the fifth floor today.
S.S. Aqua Departs from Vermilion City. (If you want to get off the boat, you’ll need to take a nap in your bed.)
Pokémon Salon The younger groomer will appear in the Underground.
Bitter Item shop in the Underground It’s open.
Pokémon March on the radio Pokémon March plays on the Radio. This raises the chance of encountering random Pokémon.
Daily Events
Berries / Apricorns A new one appears at midnight.
Trainer House You can battle there only once a day.
Where is Mom? Morning - Fridge
Day - Table
Night - Stove
What will the receptionist say? Morning - "Good morning!"
Day - "Hello!"
Night - "Good evening! You’re out late."
Buena’s "Password" show Airs from 6 to midnight (Crystal version).
Daisy in Pallet Town Grooming service from 3 to 3:59 pm
Times of Day (not affected by Daylight Saving Time.)
Morning 4:00 a.m. to 9:59 a.m.
Day 10:00 a.m. to 5:59 p.m.
Night 6:00 p.m. to 3:59 a.m.