Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver - Pokéathlon Performance and Aprijuice
In Pokémon HeartGold Version, Pokémon SoulSilver Version, each Pokémon has five values indicating its "Performance": Jump, Power, Skill, Speed, and Stamina. Each value can range from 1 to 5 stars.
A Pokémon’s Performance starts to display as soon as the player reaches the Pokéathlon Dome.
Calculating Performance
Each attribute of a Pokémon’s Performance is calculated as follows:
Raw Value = ((((D + 3 + X) * (D + 7 - X) + Y) mod 10) * 2 - 9) + Z + A
- D is the day of the month (such as the 23rd).
- X and Y depend on the Performance attribute:
- Power - X is 0 and Y is the personality ID’s ones digit.
- Stamina - X is 1 and Y is the personality ID’s tens digit.
- Skill - X is 2 and Y is the personality ID’s hundreds digit.
- Jump - X is 3 and Y is the personality ID’s thousands digit.
- Speed - X is 4 and Y is the personality ID’s ten-thousands digit.
- Z is the change to the Performance attribute depending on the Pokémon’s nature:
- Hardy: +10 Power, -10 Speed
- Docile: +10 Stamina, -10 Jump
- Serious: +10 Speed; -10 Skill
- Bashful: +10 Jump; -10 Power
- Quirky: +10 Skill; -10 Stamina
- Lonely: +35 Power; -35 Stamina
- Brave: +35 Power; -35 Speed
- Adamant: +35 Power; -35 Jump
- Naughty: +35 Power; -35 Skill
- Bold: +35 Stamina; -35 Power
- Relaxed: +35 Stamina; -35 Speed
- Impish: +35 Stamina; -35 Jump
- Lax: +35 Stamina; -35 Skill
- Timid: +35 Speed; -35 Power
- Hasty: +35 Speed; -35 Stamina
- Jolly: +35 Speed; -35 Jump
- Naive: +35 Speed; -35 Skill
- Modest: +35 Jump; -35 Power
- Mild: +35 Jump; -35 Stamina
- Quiet: +35 Jump; -35 Speed
- Rash: +35 Jump; -35 Skill
- Calm: +35 Skill; -35 Power
- Gentle: +35 Skill; -35 Stamina
- Sassy: +35 Skill; -35 Speed
- Careful: +35 Skill; -35 Jump
- A is a modifier to the Performance attribute if Aprijuice was used on it (see "Using Aprijuice", below).
- "A mod B" means "remainder of A divided by B."
This raw value is converted to the number of stars to increase or decrease from the Pokémon’s base Performance, as follows:
- -120 or less -- 4 stars fewer than normal
- -119 to -80 -- 3 stars fewer than normal
- -79 to -40 -- 2 stars fewer than normal
- -39 to -15 -- 1 star fewer than normal
- -14 to 14 -- Normal
- 15 to 39 -- 1 star greater than normal
- 40 to 79 -- 2 stars greater than normal
- 80 to 119 -- 3 stars greater than normal
- 120 or greater -- 4 stars greater than normal
Each Pokémon has a minimum and maximum Performance for each attribute. After adding or removing stars from the base Performance, the result is adjusted as necessary to fit the limits of the minimum and maximum Performance.
An Aprijuice internally consists of six bytes: five for each Performance attribute, and one for its mildness. Each value ranges from 0 through 255.
Aprijuice is created using an Apriblender. (To get an Apriblender, talk to the woman to the west of the Pokéathlon Dome. To get an Apricorn Box, go to the first house on Route 30 from Cherrygrove City.)
Colors, Flavors, and Performance Attributes
Each color corresponds to a different flavor and Performance attribute as follows:
- Red - Spicy - Power
- Yellow - Sour - Stamina
- Blue - Dry - Skill
- Green - Bitter - Jump
- Pink - Sweet - Speed
Blending Aprijuice
When blending a new Aprijuice, the game does the following for each Apricorn in the Apriblender, in the order that the Apricorns were put there. (Up to five Apricorns can be placed in the Apriblender at one time.)
- For each Performance attribute in the order of Power, Stamina, Skill, Jump, and Speed, a value is set to the corresponding intensity of that attribute in the current Aprijuice, or 0 if there is no Aprijuice.
- The game sets X to the attribute with the highest value and Y to the attribute with the second-highest value. In a tie, attributes closer to the first in the order of Power, Stamina, Skill, Jump, and Speed are ranked higher.
- The game sets Z to false.
- For each Performance attribute in the order of Power, Stamina, Skill, Jump, and Speed:
- The game determines how to adjust that attribute’s value depending on the Apricorn:
- Red Apricorn - Power +4, Stamina -2
- Ylw Apricorn - Stamina +4, Skill -2
- Blu Apricorn - Skill +4, Jump -2
- Grn Apricorn - Jump +4, Speed -2
- Pnk Apricorn - Speed +4, Power -2
- Wht Apricorn - Power, Stamina, Speed, Jump, Skill -2
- Blk Apricorn - Power, Stamina, Speed, Jump, Skill +2
- If the adjustment is +4 or +2, and the attribute is neither X nor Y, and the current values corresponding to attributes X and Y are each not 0, the game sets Z to true.
- The adjustment is added to the corresponding value. That value is then set to 0 if it’s less than 0 and to 63 if greater than 63.
- The game determines how to adjust that attribute’s value depending on the Apricorn:
- If Z is true, the Aprijuice’s mildness falls by 10, but not to less than 0.
- If the Apricorn isn’t a Wht Apricorn and the sum of all five values is greater than 100, the game chooses the highest Performance attribute among those that haven’t changed to a greater value during step 4, or for a Blk Apricorn, among all attributes. If more than one attribute is the highest, the first one among them in the order of Power, Stamina, Skill, Jump, and Speed is chosen. The chosen attribute falls by (the sum of all five values minus 100) and truncated to an unsigned 8-bit integer (a negative number can be greater than 0 this way). (This truncating behavior appears to be a bug.)
The type of Aprijuice depends on the highest Performance attribute for that Aprijuice, or if more than one is the highest, the first among them in the order of Power, Stamina, Skill, Jump, and Speed. The "flavor" value given by the game is the sum of all attribute values, up to a maximum of 100. Mildness can be as high as 255. When a new Aprijuice is blended, the number of uses of Aprijuice resets to 3.
Every 100 steps after Apricorns are added, the Aprijuice’s mildness rises by 1, and if there are Apricorns in the Apriblender, a new Aprijuice is blended with them as described above. Once at least one Apricorn is placed in the Apriblender, any existing Aprijuice can’t be used until a new Aprijuice is blended. Once five Apricorns are placed in the Apriblender, no additional Apricorns can be added until a new Aprijuice is blended. Mildness resets to 0 when all Aprijuice is used up.
Tasting Aprijuice
Tasting an Aprijuice gives an idea of its flavors:
- One flavor:
- Flavor 1-20: It’s a spicy flavor/A little sour/A refined, dry taste/A somewhat bitter taste/A sweet taste.
- Flavor 21-30: A pungent flavor!/An invigorating flavor/A strong, dry taste!/A slightly bitter flavor/A nice, sweet taste.
- Flavor 31-40: So spicy, you’ll sweat!/Mmmmmph! Sour!/Incredibly dry!/An intense bitterness!/Very sweet!
- Flavor 41-50: So spicy, it causes coughing!/Unbearably sour!/A pervadingly dry taste!/A massively bitter taste!/A sickly-sweet flavor!
- Flavor 51-60: A resounding spiciness!/A deep sourness!/A deep-seated, dry taste!/A sinking bitterness!/A melt-in-your-mouth sweetness.
- Flavor 63 or greater: The ultimate spiciness!/An extremely sour taste!/An extremely dry taste!/The peak of bitterness!/So incredibly sweet!
- The game also says "A refreshing aftertaste!"
- Two flavors:
- In addition to the highest flavor, the game reports the second highest flavor as follows:
- Flavor 1-20: A hint of spicy taste/A hint of sourness/A slight dry taste/Barely a hint of bitterness/Barely a hint of sweetness...
- Flavor 21-30: A little salty/A little sour/A light dry taste/Just a little bitter/Just a little sweet...
- Flavor 31-40: Quite spicy/Quite sour/A quite dry taste/A strongly bitter taste/A strongly sweet taste...
- Flavor 41 or greater: A strong spiciness/Intensely sour/An intensely dry taste/Intensely bitter/An intensely sweet taste...
- The game also says "A refreshing aftertaste!"
- Three flavors:
- In addition to the highest and second highest flavor, the game reports the third highest flavor as follows:
- Flavor 1-10: A very faint spiciness/sourness/dry taste/bitterness/sweetness.
- Flavor 10-20: Merely a hint of spiciness/sourness/bitterness/sweetness/A hint of dry taste.
- Flavor 21 or greater: The spiciness/sourness/dryness/bitterness/sweetness comes through.
- Four or five flavors:
- "The flavor is still quite weak. It would be good to put in some Apricorns with color..." -- Four or five flavors, highest flavor is 7 or less
- "Unspeakably incredible flavor! Its tastes are evenly balanced. I can’t tell what kind of flavor!" -- Four or five flavors, highest flavor is from 8 through 20, difference between highest and second lowest flavor (among all five flavors) is 12 or less
- "Incredibly unspeakable flavor! Its tastes are all competing. I can’t tell what kind of flavor!" -- Four or five flavors, highest flavor is 21 or greater, difference between highest and second lowest flavor (among all five flavors) is 12 or less
- "There’s absolutely no flavor! It seems like you need to put in a colored Apricorn." -- No flavors.
- If none of the above apply, then the game reports the highest and second-highest flavors. For four flavors, the game says "Eliminating spiciness/sourness/dry flavor/bitterness/sweetness" for the flavor not present. For five flavors the game says "A disgusting aftertaste."
In the four cases given in "Four or five flavors", the Aprijuice will appear black. Otherwise, the Aprijuice’s color corresponds to its highest flavor/Performance attribute.
In a tie when determining which flavors are highest, attributes closer to the first in the order of spicy, sour, dry, bitter, and sweet are ranked higher.
Using Aprijuice
Using an Aprijuice on a Pokémon sets five modifiers to the Pokémon’s Performance. Using another Aprijuice on the same Pokémon replaces these modifiers with different ones rather than adjusting the existing modifiers. The Aprijuice modifiers disappear when the Pokémon is placed in a PC Storage System box, or, probably, when the Pokémon is traded.
An Aprijuice can modify up to three Performance attributes as follows:
- For the Aprijuice’s highest flavor, the adjustment equals the flavor times 1.5, rounded down. If the highest flavor is not 0, then 10 is added to the adjustment, treating the adjustment as a signed 8-bit integer.
- For the Aprijuice’s second highest flavor, the adjustment equals the flavor times 1.5, rounded down.
- For the Aprijuice’s lowest flavor (among all five flavors), the adjustment calculation depends on the Aprijuice’s mildness:
- If mildness is 255, the adjustment is 0 - int(((X + Y) mod 256) * 0.1), rounded down.
- If mildness is 200 through 254, the adjustment is 0 - int(((X + Y) mod 256) * 0.2), rounded down.
- If mildness is 199 or less, the adjustment is 0 - int(((X + Y) mod 256) * (1.0 - int(M / 25) * 0.1)), rounded down.
- In the above formulas, X is the highest flavor, Y is the second highest flavor, M is the mildness, "A mod B" means "remainder of A divided by B.", and values are rounded only when noted.
Each adjustment is truncated to a signed 8-bit integer, then adjusted so that it’s neither less than -127 nor greater than 127.
In a tie when determining which flavors are highest, attributes closer to the first in the order of spicy, sour, dry, bitter, and sweet are ranked higher.
Aprijuice Stand
At the Aprijuice stand near the Pokéathlon Dome (near the southern gate to the National Park), three kinds of Aprijuice are sold.
There are five different Aprijuices total that can be sold:
- Holden - Power/Spicy 22; Stamina/Sour 10; Mildness 116; Cost 100
- Elaine - Stamina/Sour 20; Skill/Dry 14; Mildness 120; Cost 100
- Gilmore - Skill/Dry 28; Jump/Bitter 20; Mildness 125; Cost 150
- Krise - Jump/Bitter 24; Speed/Sweet 14; Mildness 136; Cost 100
- Victor - Speed/Sweet 20; Power/Spicy 12; Mildness 104; Cost 100
Moreover, different Aprijuices are sold depending on the day of the week:
- Sunday/Friday - Holden (Power), Gilmore (Skill), Victor (Speed)
- Monday/Saturday - Elaine (Stamina), Krise (Jump), Holden (Power)
- Tuesday - Gilmore (Skill), Victor (Speed), Elaine (Stamina)
- Wednesday - Krise (Jump), Holden (Power), Gilmore (Skill)
- Thursday - Victor (Speed), Elaine (Stamina), Krise (Jump)
Huge Pokémon
Found in the Performance data. Not known what purpose this serves.
Huge: Steelix, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Wailord, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Regigigas, Giratina, Arceus
Very huge: Lugia, Ho-Oh, Wailord, Groudon