Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Quiz-Taking Aid
Quiz Aid
Use this aid while taking the interview when starting a new game. You can also view the full list of questions.
Nature | Boy | Girl |
Hardy | Charmander | Pikachu |
Docile | Bulbasaur | Chikorita |
Brave | Machop | Charmander |
Jolly | Squirtle | Totodile |
Impish | Pikachu | Cubone |
Naive | Totodile | Eevee |
Timid | Cyndaquil | Mudkip |
Hasty | Torchic | Skitty |
Sassy | Treecko | Torchic |
Calm | Mudkip | Bulbasaur |
Relaxed | Psyduck | Squirtle |
Lonely | Cubone | Psyduck |
Quirky | Meowth | Treecko |
The full partner list consists of Bulbasaur, Charmander, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Pikachu, Squirtle, Torchic, Totodile, and Treecko. Depending on the player’s Pokémon, this list can change; namely, all species that share a type with or match the Pokémon’s species are removed from the list.