Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Various Notes
The experience formula in Mystery Dungeon is different from the ones in the RPG games.
Exp. Points = int((int(A*(B-1)/10)+A)*C)
- A = Pokémon’s base experience (see the list)
- B = Pokémon’s level
- C = 0.5 if only regular attacks were used; 1 if moves were also used; 1.5 if linked moves were also used.
If the calculated Exp. Points is 0, it becomes 1.
If a Pokémon holds a Joy Ribbon, it gains Exp. Points equal to the HP it lost (for any reason), as long as it doesn’t faint from the HP loss.
Experience Gain Stages
- Stage 0
- Only regular attacks were used against the foe.
- Stage 1
- A move targeted the foe at least once, with these requirements:
- The move must have hit the foe. If the move is a damaging move, it must also have dealt at least 1 damage to the foe.
- Moves used by the foe can target it even if the foe itself uses it; for example, if the foe uses a move with a range of "user" or "allies in room."
A successful use of a life-draining move (Absorb, Baton Pass, Dream Eater), Giga Drain, Leech Life, Mega Drain, Pain Split, or Switcher by the foe also counts in stage 1, but not in stage 2.
- Stage 2
- At least one of the moves in a linked move targeted the foe at least once. The requirements above apply.
- Let’s go together
- The Pokémon follows the team leader. Default behavior.
- Go the other way
- The Pokémon ignores the team leader.
- Go after foes
- If a foe is within room range, it follows the foe instead of the team leader.
- Avoid the first hit
- If a foe is within room range, it follows the foe instead of the team leader. The Pokémon tries to attack first whenever possible.
- Avoid trouble
- If HP is half (rounded down) or less, the Pokémon avoids all other Pokémon and can’t use or throw items. Otherwise, the Pokémon follows the team leader.
- Be patient
- If HP is half (rounded down) or less, the Pokémon doesn’t move. Otherwise, the Pokémon follows the team leader.
- Keep your distance
- The Pokémon follows the team leader. The Pokémon tries not to be within a 1-tile range of foes.
- Wait there
- Doesn’t move but can still do everything else. Can still switch places with the team leader.
- Get away
- The Pokémon avoids all other Pokémon, can’t use or throw items.
- All for one
- The Pokémon will try to avoid being alone. It will try to stay with the team. (Perhaps similar to "Let’s go together.")
- Group safety
- The Pokémon will try to avoid being alone. It will try to stay with friends of the same species.
- Red Rescue Team only: Plusle, Roselia, Porygon, Feebas, Milotic, Mantine
- Blue Rescue Team only: Minun, Aipom, Porygon2, Magikarp, Gyarados, Lapras
- ** (2 stars): Mantine, Salamence, Metagross, Latios
- **** (4 stars): Onix, Gyarados, Lapras, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Dragonite, Steelix, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Wailord, Milotic, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza
- Once after a weather move is used.
- Once at the beginning of the team leader’s turn. The exception is when a new floor is entered, in which case the event triggers three times instead of once.
- Cloud Nine/Air Lock ability (highest priority)
- Weather change from moves and Orbs
- Drought ability
- Sand Stream ability
- Drizzle ability
- Floor’s prevailing weather (lowest priority)
- Clear: Usual weather.
- Sunny: damage from Fire-type moves is multiplied by 1.5. Damage from Water-type moves is halved.
- Sandstorm: Each Pokémon, except Ground, Rock, and Steel types, loses 5 HP every 10 turns (see below)
- Cloudy: Damage of non-Normal-type moves and attacks is multiplied by 3/4.
- Rain: damage from Water-type moves is multiplied by 1.5. Damage from Fire-type moves is halved. Explosions and huge explosions are prevented.
- Hail: Each Pokémon, except Ice types, loses 5 HP every 10 turns (see below)
- Fog: damage from Electric-type moves is halved.
- Snow: Raises the Movement Speed of Ice-type Pokémon by 1.
- Moves learnable by same species (for example Venusaur) on or before current level
- Moves learnable by previous form’s species (for example Ivysaur) on or before the level it first evolved in Luminous Cave (or 0 if it never evolved there).
- Moves learnable by next-to-previous form’s species (for example Bulbasaur) on or before the level it last evolved in Luminous Cave (or 0 if it evolved there only once).
- Lots of money.
Six landing spots within a zero- or one-tile range of Jirachi are randomly determined. For each of these landing spots, nine money items land on that spot. (Their actual location follows the landing rule.) The same landing spot can be chosen more than once. See money items for information on the value of each money item; for Wish Cave 99F, the base money is 25.
- Lots of items.
Six landing spots within a zero- or one-tile range of Jirachi are randomly determined. For each of these landing spots, nine items land on that spot. (Their actual location follows the landing rule.) The same landing spot can be chosen more than once. The possible items are listed in item chances under the heading "Wish Cave 99F."
- A Friend Area.
A random Friend Area sold in the Wigglytuff Club is opened. If no such Friend Area exists, this wish can’t be chosen.
- More strength.
Five landing spots within a zero- or one-tile range of Jirachi are randomly determined. For each of these landing spots, four items land on that spot. (Their actual location follows the landing rule.) The same landing spot can be chosen more than once. The items are chosen from among Calcium, Ginseng, Iron, Joy Seed, Life Seed, Protein, Sitrus Berry, and Zinc.
- Something good!
In this wish, a Pokémon will join the player’s rescue team. The team also gains access to the Pokémon’s Friend Area if it doesn’t already. A Pokémon that joins the team this way has a level of 1 (0 Exp. Points) and an IQ of 1. A species can be a companion through this wish if it meets these conditions.
- The species is not one of the following:
- Articuno, Castform (Hail/Sun/Rain form), Groudon, Kyogre, Lugia, Moltres, Rayquaza, Zapdos, Deoxys (all forms), Mewtwo, Jirachi, Mew, Latias, Latios, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Celebi
- The species is not one of the following unless access to that Pokémon is activated
(see Exclusive Pokémon):
- Porygon, Porygon2, Magikarp, Gyarados, Feebas, Milotic, Plusle, Minun, Lapras, Mantine, Roselia, Aipom
- If the player has access to the species’s Friend Area, all of the following must also be true:
- The species can’t be found in any Friend Area.
- There is room for the Pokémon in its Friend Area.
The game follows the process below when determining which species will join. This process triggers after the player leaves the dungeon without giving up the adventure. The process checks species with IDs of 1 through 419; therefore, any species outside of this range--namely, Decoy, Munchlax, and Statue--are excluded from the check.
- X is set to a number from 0 through 31.
- Z holds the number of matches. It is set to 0.
- The game starts by checking a Pokémon species chosen at random.
- A match for a Pokémon species is found if it meets the conditions described above.
- If a match is found, X decreased by 1 and Z (the number of matches) rises by 1. If X is less than 0, the process stops and the game returns the last Pokémon species for which a match was found.
- After checking a species for a match, it moves on to the next species in the list and the game goes to step 4.
- After checking all species, as well as checking the randomly chosen species again:
- If no matches can be found (Z equals 0), the process stops.
- If X is greater than or equal to Z, X is set to a random integer from 0 through (Z-1), Z is not modified, and the process starts checking all species again from step 4.
If no matches can be found, then the player’s rescue rank is raised to the next level (the rescue team will have the minimum number of rescue points needed for that rank). If the team’s rank is already Lucario Rank, then the rescue team gets a 10,000 POKe reward (this money can be received only if the team has less than 90,000 POKe).
- The species is not one of the following:
- Having Wish status: -0
- Cutting corners when moving: -0
- Digging through walls: -0
- Using a linked move this turn:
- 2 moves in the link: -1
- 3 moves in the link: -2
- 4 moves in the link, or 2 linked moves: -4
- Turn ended on a wall: -5
- Passing off moves and attacks: -2 (each time, not each turn)
- If the Pokémon has the Wish status:
- The recovery rate is 30.
- Else if the weather is rainy and the Pokémon has Rain Dish:
- If the Pokémon is holding a Heal Ribbon:
- The recovery rate is 30.
- Else:
- The recovery rate is 50.
- If the Pokémon is holding a Heal Ribbon:
- Else if the Pokémon is holding a Heal Ribbon:
- The recovery rate is 100.
- Else:
- The recovery rate is 200.
- X = (X+(Maximum HP))%(Recovery rate)
- Gains 1/(Recovery rate) of its maximum HP, rounded down.
- If the new X is less than the old X, it gains 1 HP.
The list of tactics that the team leader has available depends on its level.
Tactic | Min. Level |
Let’s go together | 1 |
Go the other way | 25 |
Go after foes | 1 |
Avoid the first hit | 1 |
Avoid trouble | 35 |
Be patient | 40 |
Keep your distance | 20 |
Wait there | 15 |
Get away | 10 |
If a Pokémon’s actual species is a cocoon (Kakuna, Silcoon, Cascoon), it doesn’t move no matter what tactic is currently active.
A Pokémon’s tactics and IQ skills can’t be changed while it’s asleep, napping, having a nightmare, petrified, paused, infatuated, terrified (in narrow sense), or has the Blinker status.
A Pokémon’s can’t be changed to the team leader while it’s asleep, napping, having a nightmare, petrified, paused, infatuated, or terrified (in narrow sense).
Notes on tactics
In addition, the following tactics are hidden, regardless of level. These tactics can’t be activated.
Exclusive Pokémon
To make a Pokémon exclusive to one version appear as wild Pokémon in the other version, a Wonder Mail for that Pokémon must be received and its mission fulfilled.
Body Size
The body size is important only in recruiting members and choosing the members who should enter a dungeon. All species not listed below have a body size of 1.
All items, all allies, and the stairs within discovered portions of the floor are shown on the map. Items within walls and items behind locked doors are not shown. Only foes within room range of the team leader are shown on the map. Walls within room range of the team leader are drawn on the map as the team leader moves.
Landing Spots
If an item lands somewhere it can’t enter, it tries to land on an adjacent tile up to two tiles away, in this order (the "0" indicates the tile the item couldn’t land on):
9 10 11 12 13 14 5 1 6 15 16 4 0 2 17 18 7 3 8 19 20 21 22 23 24
An item can’t land on magma, sky, or cliff tiles; on another item; or on the stairs, a warp zone, or a trick tile, but it can land on a Pokémon.
If the thrown item is not a rock and the item’s first landing spot is magma, sky, or a cliff, the item is lost. If a rock’s first landing spot is one of these spaces, it tries to land according to the order shown in the diagram above.
The landing order ignores facing and throwing direction.
If there is no place to land, the item is lost. If the item lands in magma or lands on a sky tile, the item is also lost.
If a Pokémon drops an item, it lands one space away in the direction it’s facing (the "0" in the diagram above). If the item can’t land there, it tries to land according to the order shown in the diagram above.
Pushing, throwing, and warping of Pokémon
If an effect causes a Pokémon to warp, that Pokémon lands on a random room tile on the floor without an item on it; which is not a trick tile or the stairs; and which is off screen from the Pokémon’s previous location, and takes a facing 1/8 or 1/4 turn clockwise from its previous facing.
The location of a Pokémon when it lands follows the landing rule. A Pokémon can’t land on an item, a trick tile, another Pokémon, or any non-regular floor tiles such as magma, even if it could enter them. However, it can land on the stairs or a warp zone. If there is no place to land, the Pokémon lands on its current position.
If after it is pushed, a Pokémon is on a space it can’t enter, it warps at the end of its turn. If a Pokémon hits a wall, it loses 5 HP. If a Pokémon hits another Pokémon, both Pokémon lose 5 HP.
When a Pokémon is pushed or thrown, or if it warps, it loses the Ingrain, Constriction, Petrified, Wrapped by foe, Wrapped around foe, and Leg Hold statuses.
A floor’s "prevailing weather" is the weather condition present when the floor is entered. This condition is usually "clear".
Whenever a weather move is used, a variable is set to 20 (even if the weather would change to the same condition). Whenever the weather change event triggers as described below, this variable falls by 1. Then, if the variable equals 0, the current weather reverts to the floor’s prevailing weather.
Weather change event
The weather change event triggers at these moments:
The weather change event applies weather effects in a certain order. This order is given below, with effects appearing earlier having higher priority than other effects:
Sandstorm and Hail
To determine when to trigger the Sandstorm and Hail effect, the game uses a variable, X, that begins at 9 whenever the player enters a floor. Whenever the weather change event triggers as described above, X falls by 1 if it is greater than 0, or X is set to 9 otherwise. At the end of a Pokémon’s turn, if X equals 0, the Sandstorm and Hail effect triggers for that Pokémon.
If a reward is a statue, or access to a Friend Area, and the team already has that statue or Friend Area, the team receives 1000 POKe instead.
Recallable moves
For any given Pokémon, these are the moves that it could learn from the Gulpin Link Shop.
Moves the Pokémon already has are, of course, removed from the list of moves to be recalled.
Boss floors
Warping is not possible, Orbs can’t be used, moves can’t be passed off.
The 99th floor of Wish Cave is a room 7 tiles in length and 8 tiles in height. If Jirachi is defeated and the player has a Wish Stone (even if it’s sticky), Jirachi will grant one of the wishes below.
The list below shows how much the team leader’s Belly empties upon taking actions. The effect triggers at the end of the team leader’s turn.
Taking a step, waiting, or using an attack or move:
Action | Usual | Energy Saver enabled |
Usual | -0.1 | -0.075 |
Holding Tight Belt | -0 | -0 |
Holding Diet Ribbon or Heal Ribbon | -0.2 | -0.1 |
Holding Munch Belt | -0.2 | -0.1 |
Holding Stamina Band | -0.075 | -0.05 |
Each Pokémon’s Belly begins at 100, and its maximum Belly size is set to 100, when a dungeon is entered.
After emptying the team leader’s Belly, if the team leader is famished, it loses 1 HP unless it only waited that turn. If a team member other than the leader is famished, it becomes unable to move (has the Hungry Pal status), but can still do everything else as normal.
A Pokémon’s maximum Belly size can be raised up to 200 while in a dungeon.
A Pokémon’s Belly doesn’t change when it joins the player’s team.
Throwing range of rocks
This is the range of rocks when thrown by a Pokémon that faces west and northwest. F is the location of the foe and X indicates each position where the Pokémon can hit the foe. The throwing range ignores obstacles and visibility.
If there is more than one foe that the Pokémon can hit, the closest foe to the Pokémon (ignoring obstacles and visibility) is chosen. If there is no foe that the Pokémon can hit, the Pokémon throws the rock two spaces in the direction it’s facing.
HP Regeneration
To determine the amount of HP regenerated each turn, each Pokémon has a variable, X. The process triggers at the beginning of each Pokémon’s turn.
Recovery rates:
Recovery process:
When the player enters a new floor, X is set to 0 for all Pokémon.
Pressing and holding A+B will end the team leader’s turn in about 0.1 second, thus making it appear that it speeds up the HP regeneration process.
The Kecleon that manages the shops within dungeons is at level 90. If somehow, at least one item was taken from the shop without being paid for, and the team leader is visible, the "thief" mode will begin. During "thief" mode, the Escape Orb will fail.
In thief mode, leaders can’t be switched, and if the team leader is defeated during thief mode, it is simply returned to its rescue team base and all items become Plain Seeds and all held items become lost.