Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Celadon City
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, too.
"The City of Rainbow Dreams"
Celadon City is a popular vacation spot for weary trainers.
There’s a very big department store where some items can only be bought such as Pok Dolls. Just go to the big store, go to the fourth floor, and buy a Pok Doll, which you can use to run away from a wild Pokémon. Of course, look around the store and buy all you need. On the third floor, the clerk will give you TM18 (Counter, a fighting attack). Now go all the way up the stairs to the roof (you can’t reach it by the elevator) and buy four drinks from the vending machine -- one for later, and three for the girl on the roof. When you give the girl the drinks, she’ll give you a TM as a reward -- TM13 (Ice Beam) if you give her Fresh Water, TM48 (Rock Slide) if you give her Soda Pop, and TM49 (Tri Attack) if you give her Lemonade.
Leave the store now and go west to the small road near Celadon. Cut down the bush on the road, go north and enter the building. Pass the hall and go the house nearby. Talk to the girl in the house to receive HM02 (Fly). Teach this to Pidgey/Pidgeotto. Fly is a very important attack that allows flying Pokémon to take you to any city you’ve visited without having to do it the "hard way." If you have a flying Pokémon with you, you can try it now by flying back to Celadon.
You’ve now landed on the Celadon Pokémon Center. Walk the path to the right of the center, and follow it left, up, and left again to the back door of the mansion (second-largest building). Go up the steps to the small "building" on the roof. Go in and pick up the Poké Ball. That’s Eevee.
Eevee can evolve into one of three forms.
Water Stone ----> #134 Vaporeon Thunder Stone ----> #135 Jolteon Fire Stone ----> #136 Flareon
Now just leave the building.
Go now to the second building on the bottom of the city. Talk to the guy in the upper-left corner to get a Coin Case, which you can use to play at the Game Corner.
Now, head over to the Game Corner building and talk to the Rocket member by the poster. He’ll challenge you to a battle. After defeating the Rocket, he’ll leave. Go over to the poster and press the switch behind it. A door will open, which is the gateway to Team Rocket’s hideout.
You’ve reached Team Rocket’s hidden base. Simply make your way. You’ll need the Lift Key to access the elevator in the hideout. The Rocket member on the fourth basement floor has the lift key. You can tell who it is when he says, "Who has the lift key?" After defeating him, talk to him, and he’ll drop the key. Take it, and go to the elevator. In the elevator, take yourself to floor B4. Go straight ahead, and you’ll reach Giovanni, the Boss of Team Rocket.
Giovanni L25 Onix- Screech, Bind, Rock Throw, Rage
L24 Rhyhorn- Horn Attack L29 Kangaskhan- Comet Punch, Rage, Bite |
Upon defeating Giovanni, he’ll vanish, leaving the Silph Scope behind. The Silph Scope is a handy tool that allows you to see otherwise invisible Pokémon. Now leave the Game Corner building. Back to Celadon City. Visit the gym now.
You’ll notice that in this gym, there’s no assistant. The
trainers, all female, use Grass-type Pokémon over Level 20.
Use Fire or Psychic Pokémon to beat them. After beating them
all, cut down the bush in the gym, and talk to Erika, the girl in
the black hair.
Erika - The Nature-Loving Princess L29 Tangela- Constrict, Bind, Mega Drain, Vine Whip
Grass against grass won’t do the job. Water Pokémon will
do terrible on Erika’s Pokémon unless they learn Ice Beam.
Charmeleon will defeat these plants easily. Bugs, birds, and
psychic Pokémon will also work, but not as well as fire
Pokémon.L32 Weepinbell- Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Acid L32 Gloom- Petal Dance, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder |
Upon defeating Erika, you’ll receive the Rainbowbadge, which
forces all Pokémon up to L50 to obey you and allows you to
use Strength outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM21 (Mega
Drain). Now fly back to Lavender Town.
Lavender Town
Once in Lavender Town, enter Pokémon Tower.
Simply make your way through the tower. Gary is on the second floor and you’ll meet him. Defeat him, and continue on.
The Silph Scope allows you to identify the spirits in the tower, such as Gastly. Without it, you would see unidentified Ghosts.
Ghosts like these can’t be identified. The ghosts will dodge your Poké Balls, and your Pokémon can’t attack them. The only thing you could do is run away or distract them with a Pok Doll. |
The white tiles are a special magical zone that heals your Pokémon automatically. Very handy. When you get to the last staircase, you will be blocked by a ghost. The Silph Scope identifies the ghost as Marowak (Level 30), the mother of Cubone. (You can’t catch Marowak.) When you defeat Marowak, its soul is calmed, and you can continue.
When you enter the stairs, you’ll need to get through Team Rocket until you reach Mr. Fuji. Talk to him. He’ll tell you that he came here on his own. He then follows you down the tower back to his home.
At his home, talk to Mr. Fuji at the top of the room. To thank you, he gives you a Pok Flute. The flute allows you to awaken sleeping Pokémon, even outside of battle. Fly back to Celadon City.
Celadon City
Then go west to the small road near Celadon City. Go over to the sleeping Pokémon, save the game, and use your Pok Flute on it. After you hear the tune you play, the Pokémon (which turns out to be Snorlax) wakes up and attacks you.
Snorlax is a heavy and very defensive Pokémon, so make sure to catch it. It may take very long to weaken it enough to catch it, because of its Rest attack. When you get its HP down to a little bit, use your Great Balls. If you’ve weakened it enough, you caught it!
Next, go east from Celadon to Route 7, and go through the city gates. If you still have the drink you got from Celadon, the guard will ask for the drink and allow you to go through. He’ll share it with the other guards on the gates, so those gates will also be accessible. Go through the gate, and you’ll reach Saffron City.