Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Fuchsia City
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, too.
"Behold! It’s Passion Pink!"
Fuchsia City is home to the Safari Zone, a Pokémon sanctuary.
The Warden of Safari Zone has lost his teeth, and he has trouble talking. Go over to the Warden’s house and try to converse with him.
Then go to the house next door. This is where the Fishing Guru’s older brother lives. He’ll give you a Good Rod. You may want to go through the back door and fish for water Pokémon.
You should first visit the Fuchsia City Pokémon Gym.
These gym leaders now seem to add more security to their gyms, to make sure you encounter the trainers before encountering the gym leader. Fuchsia’s Pokémon Gym is no exception. A master of poison Pokémon, Koga installed invisible walls in the gym. Koga appears close, but he’s really blocked off by an invisible wall. You can tell where the invisible walls are by the gaps in the lines on the floor.
Koga - The Poisonous Ninja Master Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version:
In Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version, use ground or psychic attacks and they’ll fall. The
three Venonats in Yellow are easy, but fainting Venomoth will take
much more work. Since they’re bugs, use a fire Pokémon to
defeat them.L37 Koffing- Tackle, Smog, Sludge, Smoke Screen L39 Muk- Disable, Poison Gas, Minimize, Sludge L37 Koffing- Tackle, Smog, Sludge, Smoke Screen L43 Weezing- Smog, Sludge, Toxic, Selfdestruct Yellow: L44 Venonat- Toxic, Sleep Powder, Psychic, Tackle L46 Venonat- Toxic, Psybeam, Supersonic, Psychic L48 Venonat- Psychic, Toxic, Double-Edge, Sleep Powder L50 Venomoth- Toxic, Double Team, Psychic, Leech Life |
Upon defeating Koga, you’ll receive the Soulbadge, which
raises your Pokémon’s Defense and allows you to use Surf
outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM06 (Toxic). Toxic poisons
Pokémon so much, that they suffer more and more as the
battle goes on. Now just leave the gym.
Back to Fuchsia again. Fuchsia City is famous for its Pokémon catching game in the Safari Zone. The entrance is at the top of Fuchsia City. First, you should learn how the Safari Zone works.
When you know how it works, go into the building and pass the hall to enter the Safari Zone.
You have a lot you should do in the Safari Zone, so you shouldn’t waste any time in the zone while you’re there. (You can still try to catch Pokémon when you encounter them.)
To start out, go all the way right, then up, then right to Area 1. Go right to the first staircase, then go up them, then go up and pick up the Carbos. Go back towards the steps and go left, and down the steps at the end. Go up, and to the small peninsula going into the center pond to get TM37 (Egg Bomb). Go left, then up some more to find a Max Potion. Go right, up the steps, right, down the steps, and right to pick up a Full Restore. Now go up, and all the way left, to the passage to Area 2. Go left until you can’t anymore, then go up to the raised land and go up the steps, then go left, then down, then down the steps. Now go left, then up, then right to pick up TM40 (Skull Bash). Now keep going right, then up, then left to find a Protein. Now keep going left, then all the way down to find the passage to Area 3. Go down and pick up the Gold Teeth, then go left and down to pick up TM32 (Double Team). Now, go west.
Now you’ve reached the Secret House, and with plenty of time to spare. Enter it, and talk to the man in the house. He’ll give you the prize, HM03 (Surf). Then, do what you want in the time you have left. Then when you hear the Ding-Dong, it’s time to leave.
Back to Fuchsia City, where you should visit the Warden’s house. Talk to him, and you give him the Gold Teeth. Now that he can talk, he gives you HM04 (Strength).