Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Indigo Plateau and the Elite Four
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, too.
Now you’ve collected all the badges you’ll need to enter the Pokémon League. Go west to Route 22 and through the grass. As you walk through the route, you’ll meet Gary once again.
After defeating Gary, continue on west.
Go over to the huge building at the end of the road. This is the
Pokémon League gate, where eight guards will ask for your
badges. You’ll need to bring a Pokémon that knows how to
surf and a Pokémon that knows Strength to get through the
league route.
The building at the very end leads to Victory Road.
This is the final test for your Pokémon before you can enter the Pokémon League. This is a cavern with boulders you can push. What you need to do is move the boulders to target-shaped switches to remove blocks that are blocking your way. The switches will help you find the exit.
Somewhere in the cave, you’ll find the legendary bird Pokémon, Moltres. Your Pokémon probably aren’t strong enough to weaken it enough for catching, but if you still want to try, save the game before battling Moltres.
Once you reach the exit, you’re finally out of the cave. Go north to Indigo Plateau.
Indigo Plateau and the Elite Four
In Indigo Plateau, you’ll fight the top four Pokémon trainers in battle. You must defeat all four of them in succession. If you lose, you’ll have to start all over. Make sure your Pokémon are trained to Level 60 or higher, and stock up on recovery items. Remember, once you enter the door leading to the Elite Four, there’s no turning back. After defeating each trainer, make any necessary repairs with your recovery items.
Above all, good luck.
Lorelei L54 Dewgong-Rest, Bubblebeam, Aurora Beam, Take
Lorelei uses ice and water Pokémon. Use
Pikachu/Jolteon/Zapdos for most of the battle, but use a fire
Pokémon on Jynx. Dewgong could take a while because of its
Rest.L53 Cloyster-Ice Beam, Clamp, Spike Cannon, Supersonic L54 Slowbro-Surf, Psychic, Amnesia, Withdraw L56 Jynx-Thrash, Ice Punch, Doubleslap, Lovely Kiss L58 Lapras-Hydro Pump, Blizzard, Confuse Ray, Body Slam |
Bruno L53 Onix-Rock Slide, Dig, Screech, Slam
The easiest battle of the four. Use Kadabra/Alakazam or another
psychic Pokémon on all of them. Water is also
effective.L55 Hitmonchan-Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Double Team, Fire Punch L55 Hitmonlee-Double Kick, Double Team, Mega Kick, Hi Jump Kick L56 Onix-Earthquake, Screech, Slam, Rock Slide L58 Machamp-Karate Chop, Strength, Leer, Submission |
Agatha L56 Gengar-Mega Drain, Substitute, Confuse Ray,
Immune to physical attacks, Agatha’s ghost Pokémon make this
battle quite difficult. Because of her lack of fighting, you should
use psychic, electric, or water types on these ghosts. Make sure
you use a psychic Pokémon in this battle.L55 Golbat-Supersonic, Wing Attack, Leech Life, Toxic L55 Haunter-Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Lick, Confuse Ray L58 Arbok-Glare, Acid, Screech, Wrap L60 Gengar-Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Confuse Ray, Psychic |
Lance L58 Gyarados-Hyper
Beam, Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydro Pump
Lance is the leader of the Elite Four and also the toughest. He
uses dragon Pokémon, which he says are "virtually
indestructible." They, however, have a weakness to ice attacks. Use
a Pokémon that knows Ice Beam or Blizzard, such as Articuno
or Blastoise or Cloyster. Electric attacks work wonders against
Gyarados.L56 Dragonair-Thunderbolt, Slam, Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave L56 Dragonair-Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Wrap, Hyper Beam L60 Aerodactyl-Hyper Beam, Wing Attack, Fly, Swift L62 Dragonite-Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Blizzard, Thunder |
Upon defeating the Elite Four, Lance names you Pokémon League champion, that is, if Gary hadn’t beaten you to it. Now fight Gary to reclaim your title.
Having defeated the Elite Four, your Pokémon may be very
weak by now. You’ll do fine with some recovery items. Gary has a
well-balanced team, so yours should be well balanced as well if you
want to beat Gary. Here’s how to defeat Gary’s
Pokémon: |
When you defeat Gary, you are the new champion. Professor Oak arrives and congratulates you on your victory and follows you to the next room. You and your Pokémon are now inducted into the Pokémon League Hall Of Fame.