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Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Pewter City

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Pewter City

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow

This information might be useful when playing Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, too.

Pewter City

Now your journey is under way. Go to the Pokémon center and heal your Pokémon.

Pewter City has a building called a Pokémon Gym. Pokémon Gyms are devoted to a single type of Pokémon, and also have a Gym Leader with strong Pokémon of that type. Defeat the Leader to earn a Pokémon League Badge. Visit the Pewter City Gym now.

The gym’s leader, Brock, uses ground and rock Pokémon such as Geodude and Onix. Use water or grass Pokémon to defeat them. There is only one trainer in the gym, besides Brock. To avoid a battle, just walk behind him.

imageUpon defeating Brock, you’ll receive the Boulderbadge, which raises your Pokémon’s Attack power and allows you to use Flash outside of battle. You’ll also receive TM34 (Bide). Now go east to Route 3.

By now, the boy has gone, and you can enter this route. The trainers are not too difficult to beat although they could be at times. Just weave through the route. To avoid battles, just keep your eyes off the trainers. If your Pokémon are tired, just go back to the Pokémon Center and heal them. Finally, you’ll reach the entrance of Mt. Moon, which, fortunately, has a Pokémon Center.

Go into the entrance of Mt. Moon.

Mt. Moon is named because the legendary Moon Stone fell on this mountain. It is rumored that Clefairys came from Mt. Moon. These are the first caverns you’ll meet in the game. There are also trainers on Mt. Moon.

A trainer (a Super Nerd) is guarding the two fossils on the mountain. The fossils contain prehistoric Pokémon inside. Defeat the nerd, and he’ll let you have one of the two fossils -- either the Dome Fossil or the Helix Fossil. Choose the fossil you want, and the nerd will take the other one. Now go to the ladder.

Now you can exit Mt. Moon to Route 4, and then proceed east to Cerulean City.

image Brock - The Rock Solid Pokémon Trainer
L12 Geodude- Tackle, Defense Curl
L14 Onix- Tackle, Screech, Bide, Bind

If you have Squirtle or Bulbasaur, this battle will be easy for you. Their attacks faint Brock’s Pokémon in one hit. For Charmander, train it to L14 before battling. For Pokémon Yellow Version, use Mankey or Nidoran (either sex), which you’ll find on Route 22.
image The Magikarp Deal

The man in the Pokémon Center near Mt. Moon wants to sell you a Magikarp (Level 5) for $500. There are several things you should consider before buying Magikarp:

  • Magikarp evolves to Gyarados, a very strong Pokémon, at level 20, but you’ll have a difficult time raising Magikarp because it doesn’t have any real attacks.
  • Even though Magikarp is a common Pokémon, it’ll be very hard for these Magikarp to keep up with the rest of your Pokémon since the fish are also Level 5.

In Pokémon Yellow Version, Jessie and James of Team Rocket will stop you and demand your fossil. Beat them in a Pokémon battle, and they’ll leave. Fortunately, they’re pretty easy to defeat.