Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Walkthrough - Viridian City Pokémon Gym
This information might be useful when playing Pokémon FireRed Version and Pokémon LeafGreen Version, too.
Viridian City Pokémon Gym
The leader of the Viridian Gym has returned, and not even your assistant knows who it is. Make your way around the gym. When you reach the end, you’ll find out that Viridian Gym’s leader is...
Giovanni Red-Blue:
L45 Rhyhorn L42 Dugtrio L43 Nidoqueen L45 Nidoking L50 Rhydon Yellow: L50 Dugtrio- Sand-Attack, Earthquake, Fissure, Dig L53 Persian- Slash, Screech, Fury Swipes, Double Team L53 Nidoqueen- Thunder, Tail Whip, Earthquake, Double Kick L53 Nidoking- Thunder, Earthquake, Thrash, Leer L55 Rhydon- Rock Slide, Fury Attack, Horn Drill, Again, Giovanni uses ground Pokémon, and as always, use a Pokémon like Blastoise or Cloyster. |
Upon defeating Giovanni, you’ll receive the Earthbadge, which
forces all Pokémon to obey you. You’ll also receive TM27
(Fissure). Go west to Route 22.