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Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - End of turn

Pokémon Ruby Version, Sapphire Version, and Emerald Version - End of turn

Tags: pokemon-ruby-sapphire-and-emerald, battle-system, in-depth-guides, end-of-turn

Before applying end-of-turn effects, the priority for the turn is again calculated.

Applied for each Pokémon.

  • End effect of Protect/Detect/Endure
  • Hyper Beam
  • Substitute breaks if it was defeated

Each step is applied for each side (player’s side, then foe’s side).

  • Reflect
  • Light Screen
  • Mist
  • Safeguard

Then for each unfainted Pokémon, in turn order, all of these steps are applied.

  • Wish
  • Rain Dance
  • Sandstorm
  • Sunny Day
  • Hail
  • Pokémon faints if it has reached 0 HP

Then the player’s Pokémon gain Exp. Points for fainted opposing Pokémon and new Pokémon in battle are chosen if necessary.

Then for each unfainted Pokémon, in turn order, all of the steps listed below are applied. If a step causes the Pokémon to reach 0 HP, the Pokémon faints immediately.

  • Ingrain
  • Rain Dish
  • Speed Boost
  • Truant
  • Shed Skin
  • Leftovers
  • Berry and Herb check
  • Leech Seed
  • HP loss because of Poison
  • HP loss because of Toxic
  • HP loss because of Burn
  • Nightmare
  • Curse
  • Multi-turn attacks
  • Uproar
  • Outrage/Thrash/Petal Dance
  • Reduce Disable count, if any, by 1
  • Encore
  • Taunt/Lock-on/Mind Reader
  • Yawn
  • If the Pokémon has fainted, the game is decided. If the opposite side has no Pokémon left, any Pokémon remaining on the player’s side gains Exp. Points, if possible and allowed.

Then the player’s Pokémon gain Exp. Points for unfainted Pokémon, if necessary. Then any fainted Pokémon become switched with others, if possible.

Then Future Sight/Doom Desire is resolved for each unfainted Pokémon in the order leader-first, opposing-first, leader-second, opposing-second. If a Pokémon faints this way, Exp. Points are gained if necessary and a new Pokémon in battle is chosen before this effect resolves for other Pokémon.

Then Perish Song is resolved for each unfainted Pokémon in turn order. If a Pokémon faints this way, Exp. Points are gained if necessary and a new Pokémon in battle is chosen before this effect resolves for other Pokémon.

After both Future Sight/Perish Song steps above, not in between, the game is decided.

Applied for each Pokémon.

  • End effect of Protect/Detect/Endure
  • Hyper Beam
  • Substitute breaks if it was defeated