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Pokémon Stadium - Gym Leader Castle - Elite Four

Pokémon StadiumPokémon Stadium - Gym Leader Castle - Elite Four

Tags: pokemon-stadium

Gym Leader Castle - Elite Four

All of the Elite Four’s Pokémon are set at Level 50.If you have a Pokémon on your team with a Lv. higher than 50, your opponents will match it.

image Lorelei
Dewgong-Aurora Beam, Rest, Take Down, Surf
Cloyster-Ice Beam, Clamp, Spike Cannon, Supersonic
Slowbro-Surf, Psychic, Thunder Wave, Tri Attack
Jynx-Thrash, Ice Punch, Reflect, Lovely Kiss
Lapras-Body Slam, Confuse Ray, Blizzard, Hydro Pump
Articuno - Bubblebeam, Sky Attack, Toxic, Double-Edge
image Bruno
Onix-Screech, Bind, Rock Slide, Earthquake
Hitmonchan-Thunderpunch, Ice Punch, Double Team, Fire Punch
Hitmonlee-Double Kick, Double Team, Mega Kick, Hi Jump Kick
Machamp-Karate Chop, STRENGTH, Leer, Submission
image Agatha
L56 Gengar-Mega Drain, Substitute, Confuse Ray, Lick
L55 Golbat-Supersonic, Wing Attack, Leech Life, Toxic
L55 Haunter-Dream Eater, Hypnosis, Lick, Confuse Ray
L58 Arbok-Glare, Acid, Screech, Wrap
L60 Gengar-Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Confuse Ray, Psychic
image Lance
L58 Gyarados-Hyper Beam, Dragon Rage, Leer, Hydro Pump
L56 Dragonair-Thunderbolt, Slam, Hyper Beam, Thunder Wave
L56 Dragonair-Bubblebeam, Ice Beam, Wrap, Hyper Beam
L60 Aerodactyl-Hyper Beam, Wing Attack, Fly, Swift
L62 Dragonite-Hyper Beam, Fire Blast, Blizzard, Thunder