Pokémon Stadium - Kids Club
Pick a Game
... any game. There are nine fun mini-games to choose from, from one to four players.
Magikarp’s Splash - Just make your Magikarp jump up and hit the counter.
Clefairy Says - This is almost a memory game. The Clefairy teacher will draw arrows on the chalkboard. When they disappear, use the Control Pad to repeat the combination you saw. You lose some health for every error.
Run Rattata Run - You race a Rattata using A to move faster and Up to jump over hurdles.
Snore War - You try to keep your Drowzee awake and prevent the others from using Hypnosis on you. This involves pressing A when the pendulum reaches the center.
Thundering Dynamo - You press the correctly colored button to charge up Pikachu or Voltorb on a lamp that changes color.
Sushi-Go-Round - You make your Lickitung eat the most expensive food on the table.
Ekans Hoop Hurl - You toss Ekans into Digletts to score points.
Rock Harden - Boulders will come flying at Metapod or Kakuna. Use their Harden attack to lessen the damage.
Dig! Dig! Dig! - Press the L and R buttons in a pattern to make Sandshrew dig.
Who’s the Best?
Here you can set the number of wins to win the match. The first game is chosen randomly. After that, the player that has the fewest points can pick the game.