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Pokémon Yellow (Special Pikachu Edition)

Pokémon Yellow (Special Pikachu Edition)

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow

Pokémon Yellow Version (Special Pikachu Edition) is a remake of Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version, with some additional features. For one thing, Pikachu in Pokémon Yellow Version is a major character: players get Pikachu as their first Pokémon, and can get the three "starter" Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) from Red and Blue. For another, the game includes some story elements from the animated series.

Many of the graphics for the Pokémon and trainers were redone to look more like in the TV series. Also, Pikachu turns out not to like its Pokeball, so it follows you as you walk. You can check its mood by facing Pikachu and pressing A.

Your rival starts out with Eevee. Its evolved form later on is determined by whether you win or lose against him:

  • Lose in first battle: Vaporeon
  • Win Route 24 battle: Jolteon
  • Lose or miss Route 24 battle: Flareon

There is a mini-game called Surfing Pikachu, which you can play after getting Surf on Pikachu.

You can print Pokédex pages and the stats for any Pokémon with the Game Boy Printer.

For Pokémon Yellow only is the Colosseum 2. This allows 2 players to battle it out with certain limitations and rules. There are 3 modes to the Colosseum 2: Petit Cup, Pika Cup, and Poké Cup, each with its own rules.