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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Frequently Asked Questions

Pokémon Gold and SilverPokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Frequently Asked Questions

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If you have a question or problem about getting through Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version, here’s where you can look.

Which Pokémon can learn this move?
Look up the move in the move checker.
I can’t trade one of my Pokémon to Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version, or Pokémon Yellow Version.
The Pokémon you’re trading must be one of the original 151. It can’t learn any new moves, and it can’t be holding any items. If that’s not the problem, be sure you’re trading in the Time Capsule. To activate this feature, visit the Ecruteak Pokémon Center and wait for the next day.
Can I play Pokémon Gold Version or Pokémon Silver Version on Pokémon Stadium?
No. Pokémon Stadium supports only the first 151 Pokémon and the moves supported in Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version, and Pokémon Yellow Version. It also says you can’t on the back of the box.
One of my Pokémon has something called Pokérus, what is it?
Pokérus is a virus that infects Pokémon. After getting it, the infected Pokémon will gain its stats twice as fast. You can read more about it.
How can I change the time for the game?
Here are some instructions.
How can I get the Radio?
In the Radio Tower of Goldenrod City, talk to the woman on the far right side of the counter. If you can answer 5 questions correctly, you’ll get a Radio Card for your Pokégear. To use it, select Pokégear from the menu, and point to the radio icon. Then, press Up/Down to tune to different stations.
There’s a man blocking the Blackthorn City Gym, how do I get past him?
First, you’ll need to save the Goldenrod Radio Tower from Team Rocket. To find out how, read the Walkthrough page on it. After that, return to Blackthorn City.
What is Daylight Saving Time (DST)?
In Daylight Saving Time, time moves up one hour and back one hour on certain days. In the United States, DST is as follows:
  • begins at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday of March (or the first Sunday of April before 2007), and clocks move up 1 hour
  • ends at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday of November (or the last Sunday of October before 2007), and clocks move back 1 hour
Some parts of the U.S. do not observe DST.
How can I remove an item from a Pokémon?
Select the Pokémon, select Item, and select Take. You can tell when a Pokémon’s holding something if there’s a small box near its icon.
How can I make a Pokémon hold something?
Select the Pokémon, select Item, and select Give. Then choose an item that you want the Pokémon to hold. Note that items in the Key Items pocket can’t be held by a Pokémon.