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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Status Conditions

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - In-Depth GuidesPokémon Mystery Dungeon - Status Conditions

Tags: pokemon-mystery-dungeon

Status Problems

The game considers the following as status problems:

  • Asleep, nightmare, yawning (but not napping)
  • Burned, poisoned, badly poisoned, paralyzed
  • Frozen, Leg Hold, wrapped (by or around foe), petrified, constriction
  • Cringing, confused, paused, cowering, Taunted, Encore, infatuated
  • Cursed, decoy
  • Leech Seed
  • Whiffer
  • Blinker, cross-eyed
  • Muzzled
  • Exposed
  • Perish Song
  • Has at least one sealed move
  • Movement Speed reduction is in effect

Healing Status Problems

When an effect heals all status problems, the game checks if the Pokémon has at least one status problem above. If so, it clears the status for the following groups of statuses:

  • Asleep, Sleepless, Nightmare, Yawning, Napping
  • Burned, Poisoned, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed
  • Frozen, Leg Hold, Wrapped around foe, Wrapped by foe, Ingrain, Petrified, Constriction
  • Cringing, Confused, Paused, Cowering, Taunted, Encore, Infatuated
  • Cursed, Decoy, Snatch
  • Sure Shot, Whiffer, Set Damage, Focus Energy
  • Blinker, Cross-Eyed, Eyedrops
  • Muzzled
  • Exposed
  • Perish Song

In addition, all sealed moves are no longer sealed and the Pokémon’s Movement Speed reductions are no longer in effect.

Duration Format

In the Duration column in the list of statuses, "X-Y" means "from X up to but not including Y." For example, 3-6 comprises 3, 4, and 5, but not 6. If X and Y are identical, the duration equals X. The duration is modified in these ways:

  • If the effect is a status problem and Self-Curer is enabled for the Pokémon, the duration is halved.
  • If the effect is a status problem and the Pokémon has Natural Cure, the duration is set to 5 if it’s greater than 5.
  • The duration is set to 1 if it’s less than 1.
  • If the duration format has a "+1", the duration rises by 1.

For the Terrified status, the duration is always equal to 3.

Sleep Durations

In addition to the duration calculation above, the steps below are also taken. This applies to the Asleep, Napping, and Nightmare statuses.

  • If the affected Pokémon has Early Bird, the duration is halved.
  • If the duration is 0, it becomes 1.

List of Statuses

Problem? = Whether the condition is a status problem for the purpose of calculating its duration.

Unless noted otherwise, a status condition can’t be applied to a Pokémon if it already has that condition.

Status Name Problem? Duration Description
Asleep Yes 3-7 Target takes no actions. (Stops using linked move.) Can’t be inflicted if target has the Asleep, Nightmare or Napping status. Target’s item can’t be taken using the "Take" command.
Sleepless No (10-12)+1 Napping, Nightmare status, The Asleep, and Yawning can’t be inflicted on affected Pokémon.
Nightmare Yes 4-8 Target takes no actions. (Stops using linked move.) When effect ends, affected Pokémon loses 8 HP. May be inflicted even if target has the Asleep or Napping status. Target’s item can’t be taken using the "Take" command.
Yawning Yes (2-2)+1 When effect ends, target falls asleep. Can’t be inflicted if target has the Asleep, Napping status, or Nightmare. Target’s item can’t be taken using the "Take" command.
Napping No 2-4 Target takes no actions. (Stops using linked move.) When affected Pokémon wakes up, all status problems are healed from it. Target’s item can’t be taken using the "Take" command. If inflicted while affected Pokémon is Asleep, Napping, or having a nightmare, its sleep duration is not reset.
Burned Yes Indefinite Affected Pokémon loses 5 HP at the end of its next turn, and every 20 turns after that. Removed if affected Pokémon enters a non-regular water tile (even if briefly, before warping). Can’t be inflicted if affected Pokémon is on a non-regular water tile.
Poisoned Yes Indefinite Affected Pokémon can’t regenerate HP. Affected Pokémon loses 4 HP at the end of its next turn, and every 10 turns after that.
Badly Poisoned Yes Indefinite Affected Pokémon can’t regenerate HP. Affected Pokémon loses 6 HP at the end of its next turn, and every 2 turns after that.
Paralyzed Yes (1-2)+1 Affected Pokémon’s Movement Speed is reduced by 1. Target can’t use attacks, moves, or orbs. (Stops using linked move.)
Frozen Yes (3-5)+1 Target takes no actions. Affected Pokémon doesn’t receive damage. (Stops using linked move.) A Fire-type attack can defrost the target. Removed if afflicted Pokémon enters a magma tile. Can’t be inflicted if affected Pokémon is on magma.
Leg Hold Yes (2-5)+1 Target can’t move. Can’t switch places with the team leader.
Wrapped around foe N/A N/A Affected Pokémon takes no actions. Can’t switch places with the team leader. (Stops using linked move.)
Wrapped by foe Yes (2-5)+1 Affected Pokémon takes no actions. Can’t switch places with the team leader. (Stops using linked move.) Affected Pokémon loses 6 HP on the next turn and every 2 turns after that.
Ingrain Yes (15-30)+1 Affected Pokémon can’t move. Can’t switch places with the team leader. Affected Pokémon gains 10 HP on the next turn and every 5 turns after that.
Petrified Yes (20-30)+1 Affected Pokémon takes no actions. Can’t switch places with the team leader. (Stops using linked move.) Can be inflicetd even if affected Pokémon is already petrified.
Constriction Yes (3-6)+1 Affected Pokémon can’t move. Can’t switch places with the team leader. Affected Pokémon loses 5 HP on the next turn and every 2 turns after that.
Cringing Yes (1-1)+1 Affected Pokémon can’t use attacks, moves, or Orbs. (Can still throw items. Stops using linked move.)
Confused Yes (6-12)+1 Affected Pokémon moves in a random direction. (Non-player character does so even if famished.) When affected Pokémon uses an attack, move, or Orb, it turns in a random direction first. Attacks by affected Pokémon can target its allies as though they were foes. (Direction of thrown items is unaffected.) Can’t switch places with the team leader.
Paused Yes (10-12)+1 Affected Pokémon takes no actions. (Not prevented from using rest of linked move.)
Cowering Yes (10-12)+1 When affected Pokémon uses an attack, move, or Orb, it turns in the opposite direction first. Attacks by affected Pokémon can target its allies as though they were foes. (Direction of thrown items is unaffected.)
Taunted Yes (11-12)+1 Non-damaging Orbs and non-damaging moves can’t be used or chosen for use by the target (flag "e" in the list of moves.) (Orbs that couldn’t be used are not consumed.)
Encore Yes (10-10)+1 All moves that affected Pokémon has other than the last move used are unusable. (This includes copies of moves.)
Infatuated Yes (4-6)+1 Affected Pokémon takes no actions. (Stops using linked move.)
Bide No (3-5)+1 When inflicted, resets damage dealt to 0. Affected Pokémon takes no actions. (Not prevented from using rest of linked move.) (Damage dealt uses same rule as Exp. Point gain.) When effect ends, uses GAMAN.
Solarbeam N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Solarbeam as its next attack.
Sky Attack N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Sky Attack as its next attack.
Razor Wind N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Razor Wind as its next attack.
Focus Punch N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Focus Punch as its next attack.
Skull Bash N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Skull Bash as its next attack. Affected Pokémon’s Defense stat stage rises by 1.
Flying N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Fly as its next attack.
Bouncing N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Bounce as its next attack.
Diving N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Dive as its next attack.
Digging N/A N/A Affected Pokémon uses Dig as its next attack.
Charging N/A N/A damage from Electric-type moves by affected Pokémon is doubled. This status ends after affected Pokémon uses a move or after its next turn.
Enraged No (4-10)+1 Whenever at least 1 damage is dealt to affected Pokémon, its Attack rises by 1 stage.
Reflect No (10-12)+1 damage from physical attacks against affected Pokémon is halved.
Safeguard No (15-20)+1
Light Screen No (10-12)+1 damage from special attacks against affected Pokémon is halved.
Counter No (6-12)+1 If affected Pokémon is dealt damage from a physical attack, that attack is returned to that attack’s user. Can’t be inflicted if affected Pokémon has the Counter or Mini Counter statuses.
Magic Coat No (10-12)+1 Certain kinds of attacks that are directed to affected Pokémon are directed to its user instead. (See Accuracy check.)
Wish No (10-12)+1 Target regenerates HP faster. (See notes.)
Protect No (2-6)+1 Target is unaffected by certain kinds of attacks and moves. (See Accuracy check.)
Mirror Coat No (10-12)+1
Enduring No (3-5)+1 If target’s HP would become 0 or less for any reason, it becomes 1 instead.
Mini Counter No (6-12)+1 Can’t be inflicted if affected Pokémon has the Counter or Mini Counter statuses.
Mirror Move Yes (3-5)+1 Certain kinds of attacks that are directed to affected Pokémon are directed to its user instead. (See Accuracy check.)
Conversion 2 No (10-10)+1 Whenever an attack by another Pokémon that isn’t of type None --- Can change to a type even if that type is one of affected Pokémon’s types. (Effective even if affected Pokémon has the Forecast ability. Applied after Color Change.)
Vital Throw No (15-20)+1
Mist No (10-14)+1 Effects can’t lower affected Pokémon stat stages or stat multipliers.
Cursed Yes (3-5)+1 Affected Pokémon loses 1/4 of its maximum HP, rounded down, on the next turn and every 10 turns after that.
Decoy Yes (20-50)+1 Affected Pokémon is a decoy. (If a non-player character, moves in a random direction, even if famished)
Snatch No (3-5)+1 Affected Pokémon receives the effect of certain moves used by other Pokémon. (See Accuracy Check.)
Leech Seed Yes (10-12)+1 On the next turn and every 2 turns after that, affected Pokémon loses 10 HP and Leech Seed’s user gains 10 HP.
Destiny Bond Yes (10-10)+1
Sure Shot No (10-12)+1 Most of target’s moves and attacks hit. (See Accuracy check.)
Whiffer Yes (1-6)+1 Most of target’s moves and attacks miss. (See Accuracy check.)
Set Damage No (2-4)+1 Attacks and moves by target reduce targets' HP by 35 instead of any other amount. [This also applies to one-hit KO moves.]
Focus Energy No (2-6)+1 Most of target’s attacks are critical hits. (See damage calculation.)
Long Toss No Indefinite Items, other than rocks, thrown by affected Pokémon have a range of 99 tiles instead of 10 tiles.
Pierce No Indefinite Items, other than rocks, thrown by affected Pokémon do not hit obstacles but pass through them.
Invisible No (10-15)+1
Transformed No Indefinite Affected Pokémon is transformed.
Mobile No Indefinite Target can move and use attacks and moves on water, lava, walls, and clouds. (See mobility types.)
Blinker Yes (10-10)+1 Affected Pokémon can see nothing except itself. Attacks by affected Pokémon can affect allies as though they were foes. (If a non-player character, keeps moving in a random direction, even if famished, until obstructed, upon which it may use a move)
Cross-Eyed Yes (10-10)+1 For affected Pokémon, other Pokémon look like decoys, and items and trick tiles look like flowers. (If a non-player character, moves in a random direction, even if famished)
Eyedrops No Indefinite Affected Pokémon can see hidden traps and invisible Pokémon.
Muzzled Yes (10-10)+1 Moves that require its user’s mouth will fail for the affected Pokémon. (No PP is spent for the move.) Affected Pokémon can’t eat or drink any items.
Stockpiling No N/A Storing energy, up to three times.
Power Ears No Indefinite While target is the team leader, locations of other Pokémon become visible on the map.
Scanning No Indefinite While target is the team leader, item locations become visible on the map.
Grudge No Indefinite If affected Pokémon is defeated during another Pokémon’s turn, the PP of the last move it used is reduced to 0 at the end of that Pokémon’s turn.
Exposed Yes Indefinite Normal- and fighting-type moves against target are normally effective against the Ghost type.
Terrified No 3 Affected Pokémon can only move. (Stops using linked move.)
Perish Song No (3-3)+1 After effect ends, afflicted Pokémon loses 9999 HP [not considered a one-hit KO], unless it has the Protect status.
Stair Spotter No Indefinite While target is the team leader, the location of the stairs becomes visible on the map.

Status Groups

Conditions in italics are not true status conditions. Conditions appearing on a single line are mutually exclusive.

  • Asleep, Sleepless, Nightmare, Yawning, Napping
  • Low HP: HP is 1/4 or less of its maximum HP
  • Burned, Poisoned, Badly Poisoned, Paralyzed
  • Identifying: Global effect, those Pokémon that are holding items are identified.
  • Frozen, Leg Hold, Wrapped around foe, Wrapped by foe, Ingrain, Petrified, Constriction
  • Famished: Team leader’s Belly is 0
  • Cringing, Confused, Paused, Cowering, Taunted, Encore, Infatuated
  • Sped up: Movement Speed is greater than 1
  • Bide, Solarbeam, Sky Attack, Razor Wind, Focus Punch, Skull Bash, Flying, Bouncing, Diving, Digging, Charging, Enraged
  • Slowed down: Movement Speed is 0 or less
  • Reflect, Safeguard, Light Screen, Counter, Magic Coat, Wish, Protect, Mirror Coat, Enduring, Mini Counter, Mirror Move, Conversion 2, Vital Throw, Mist
  • Weakened: At least one stat stage is below 10 or at least one stat multiplier is less than 1
  • Cursed, Decoy, Snatch
  • Hungry Pal: Non-team-leader’s Belly is 0
  • Leech Seed, Destiny Bond
  • Sure Shot, Whiffer, Set Damage, Focus Energy
  • Long Toss, Pierce
  • Invisible, Transformed, Mobile
  • Blinker, Cross-Eyed, Eyedrops
  • Muzzled
  • Stockpiling
  • Power Ears
  • Scanning
  • Grudge
  • Exposed
  • Terrified
  • Perish Song
  • Sped up attacks
  • Stair Spotter