Pokémon Stadium - Tips and Tricks
- Talking Pikachu
Upload Pokémon Yellow Version Pikachu to Pokémon Stadium. Do not register your team. When your Pikachu is out in battle it will speak its name and will perform certain moves differently.
- Amnesia Psyduck
When you register all 151 Pokémon in the Hall of Fame, you will be awarded a Psyduck that knows Amnesia.
- Pokémon Colors
It is well known that there are different color Pokémon in Stadium. The secret to the color variations lies in the names you give your Pokémon as well as your trainer ID number (assigned to you in Pokémon Blue, Red or Yellow, whenever you start a new game). While there are a few secret names that change only certain Pokémon’s colors, there are a few naming tricks that result in different color variations. For example:
Use only lower case letters (ie: poliwhirl)
Reverse the syllables (ie: DRILLBEE)
Abridge the names (ie: Pika) - Surfing Pikachu
In order to teach your Pikachu SURF which is a technique it would not normally learn, you need to first unlock the Round 2 mode. Now do the following:
Enter the Round 2 Prime Cup’s Master Ball division. In order to do this you have to beat the other three divisions first.
Assemble a team that contains a Pikachu that doesn’t yet know SURF. You must use a Pikachu from the Game Boy game, which means you can’t create Surfing Pikachu using a rental Pikachu. The other Pokémon should be non-rental Pokémon.
Do not register your team. Play the game directly from your Game Boy cartridge.
You now have to beat the Prime Cup’s Master Ball division using a three-Pokémon team that always contains Pikachu. Pikachu must be in every one of the eight battles, and you are not allowed to use any continues. You also can’t save the game; you must beat the cup in one sitting. If you save the game or use any continues, you won’t get Surfing Pikachu.
Once you’ve done all that hard work and beaten the cup, you are shown an award screen with Pikachu standing on a surfboard. Just download Pikachu to your Game Boy. From here on, Pikachu can use the SURF technique both in battle and during gameplay in your Game Boy versions of Pokémon. If you own Pokémon Yellow, you can now also access the hidden Surfing Pikachu mini-game. Simply go to the small hut on the northern beach of Route 19. - Rare Pokémon
Complete one of the Gym Leader Castles of the Elite Four or your rival to get one of the following Pokémon (chosen at random) that you can download to your Game Boy Pokémon game: Eevee, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Omanyte, Kabuto. Fortunately, you can do this again and again to get more Pokémon.
- Doduo/Dodrio Mode
There is a way for you to play your Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version, and Pokémon Yellow Version more quickly in Pokémon Stadium:
In order to get the first one, Doduo Mode, beat the Pok Cup. Once you have won all the Poké Cup tournaments, the GB Tower changes into Doduo GB Tower and a Doduo sticker appears on the Game Boy. The Doduo upgrade doubles the speed of the game play when playing the Game Boy game on your N64.
In order to get the second upgrade, Dodrio Mode, change the speed settings to Hyper Speed and play the Game Boy games. Then, you must beat the Prime Cup after already beating the Pok Cup. You can switch between the different GB Tower speed settings during gameplay by pressing C Right.
- Rental Mew
To make it possible to rent Mew, beat the Gym Leader Castle, plus beat all the cups in Master Ball and you will have unlocked a new gaming mode and Mew as a rental Pokémon. Mew can only be used in Prime Cup, Gym Leader Castle, and Free Battle (Prime Cup rules only). You will also have a new title screen.
- Dark Pokémon
At the title screen, press Up, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down. You should hear "pika pika" confirming that you got the code right. Afterward, all of your Pokémon should be dark-colored.
- New title screen
Beat both the Gym Leader Castle and Stadium modes to change the title screen (in addition to the map mode). The new title shows Pikachu, Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur and Mewtwo.
- Hyper difficulty
To gain the "Hyper" difficulty for the CPU opponents in the Kids' Club (minigames area), play "Who’s The Best?" mode on Hard difficulty. Set the number of wins needed to 5 or higher. You must win 5 games (stars) in a row without losing once. Once you manage to do this, a message will appear on screen saying that the CPU can now play at "Hyper" difficulty. This is the mode of difficulty you see on the demos if you leave it at the title screen long enough. It’s extremely difficult to win against these super-players, but if you’re looking for a challenge, go for it!
- Fainting in the sky
During a battle your Pokémon has to be poisoned and have to have at least low HP like 5 or 6 Hit Points and it must know Fly. Have it use Fly. When it faints from poison it will faint up in the sky like how it does on the ground, sort of like an invisible ground in the sky.
- Missingno.’s Picture?
Catch a Missingno. in the Red or Blue version of Pokémon. Upload it into your 64 and look at its stats. Missingno. will have a picture, although it will have no Pokédex entry. Note that Missingno.’s picture looks like the decoy used in the Substitute attack.