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Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Damage Calculation

Pokémon Diamond Version, Pearl Version, and Platinum Version - Damage Calculation

Tags: pokemon-diamond-pearl-and-platinum, battle-system, in-depth-guides, damage

The game does the following steps in this order.

  1. Some moves have a calculated power, the determination of which is handled here. This applies to Hidden Power, Rollout and Ice Ball, Reversal and Flail, Magnitude, and so on.
  2. If Helping Hand is in effect for the attacker, the power is multiplied by 1.5.
  3. If the attacker is holding a Muscle Band and the attack is physical, the power is multiplied by 1.1.
  4. If the attacker is holding a Wise Glasses and the attack is special, the power is multiplied by 1.1.
  5. If the attacker is holding certain kinds of items and the attack is of the appropriate type, the power is multiplied by 1.2
  6. If the attacker is Dialga, is holding an Adamant Orb, and the attack’s type is Steel or Dragon, the power is multiplied by 1.2.
  7. If the attacker is Palkia, is holding a Lustrous Orb, and the attack’s type is Water or Dragon, the power is multiplied by 1.2.
  8. If the attacker is Giratina, is holding a Griseous Orb, and the attack’s type is Ghost or Dragon, the power is multiplied by 1.2.
  9. If Charge is in effect for the attacker and the attack’s type is Electric, the power is doubled.
  10. If the attacker has Rivalry, the power is multipled by 125/100 if the attacker and the target are both male or both female, or by 75/100 if one is male and one is female.
  11. If the attacker has Reckless and the move causes recoil or is Jump Kick or Hi Jump Kick, the attack’s power is multiplied by 1.2.
  12. If the attacker has Iron Fist and the move is Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, DynamicPunch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, or ThunderPunch, the attack’s power is multiplied by 1.2.
  13. If the attacker has Technician and the power is 60 or less, the power is multiplied by 1.5.
  14. If the attacker has Blaze, the attack’s type is Fire, and the attacker has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, the power is multiplied by 1.5.
  15. If the attacker has Torrent, the attack’s type is Water, and the attacker has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, the power is multiplied by 1.5.
  16. If the attacker has Overgrow, the attack’s type is Grass, and the attacker has 1/3 of its maximum HP, rounded down, or less, the power is multiplied by 1.5.
  17. If the attack’s type is Ice, the power is halved if the target has Thick Fat.
  18. If the attack’s type is Fire, the power is halved if the target has Heatproof or Thick Fat, or multiplied by 125/100 if the target has Dry Skin.
  19. If Mud Sport is in effect for a Pokémon in battle and the attack’s type is Electric, the power is halved.
  20. If Water Sport is in effect for a Pokémon in battle and the attack’s type is Water, the power is halved.
  21. The attacker’s Attack or Special Attack and the target’s Defense or Special Defense are modified according to their stat stages, see below. If the attack is a critical hit, the Attack or Special Attack stat stage is treated as 0 if it is less than 0, and the Defense or Special Defense stat stage is treated as 0 if it is greater than 0. If the attacker has Simple, the attacker’s stat stages are doubled, but not to less than -6 or greater than 6. If the attacker has Unaware, the target’s Defense or Special Defense stat stage is treated as 0. If the target has Unaware, the attacker’s Attack or Special Attack stat stage is treated as 0.
  22. If the attacker has Huge Power or Pure Power, its Attack is doubled.
  23. If the attacker, its partner, or both has Flower Gift and Sunny Day is in effect, the attacker’s Attack is doubled.
  24. If the attacker has Guts and is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep, or if the attacker has Hustle, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5.
  25. If the attacker has Slow Start and it’s in effect for the attacker, its Attack is halved.
  26. If the attacker has Minus and the attacker’s partner has Plus, or vice versa, attacker’s Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5.
  27. If the attacker has Solar Power and Sunny Day is in effect, the attacker’s Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5.
  28. If the attacker has Choice Band, its Attack is multiplied by 1.5.
  29. If the attacker is Pikachu and has Light Ball, its Attack and Special Attack are doubled.
  30. If the attacker is Cubone or Marowak and has Thick Club, its Attack is doubled.
  31. If the attacker has Choice Specs, its Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5.
  32. If the attacker is Latias or Latios and has Soul Dew, its Special Attack is multiplied by 1.5 except in the Battle Tower and Battle Frontier.
  33. If the attacker is Clamperl and has DeepSeaTooth, its Special Attack is doubled.
  34. If the attack is Selfdestruct or Explosion, the target’s Defense is halved.
  35. If the target has Marvel Scale and is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep, its Defense is multiplied by 1.5.
  36. If the target, its partner, or both has Flower Gift and Sunny Day is in effect, the target’s Special Defense is multiplied by 1.5.
  37. If the target is Ditto and has Metal Powder, its Defense is doubled.
  38. If the attacker is Latias or Latios and has Soul Dew, its Special Defense is multiplied by 1.5 except in the Battle Tower and Battle Frontier.
  39. If the attacker is Clamperl and has DeepSeaScale, its Special Defense is doubled.
  40. If the target’s current type include Rock and Sandstorm is in effect, its Special Defense is multiplied by 1.5.
  41. The damage becomes equal to:


    where L is the attacker’s level, A is the attacker’s Attack or Special Attack value, P is the attack’s power, and D is the target’s Defense or Special Defense value. For physical attacks, use the Attack and Defense values. For special attacks, use the Special Attack and Special Defense values. Unlike in previous versions, it no longer depends on the type whether an attack is physical or special. See the List of Moves or Attack Explanations to see how the attack is classified.
  42. If the attacker is burned and doesn’t have Guts, and the attack is physical (even if it’s Facade), the damage is halved.
  43. If the attack is physical and not a critical hit, and Reflect is in effect for the target’s side, the damage is halved as long as there is only one Pokémon in battle on the user’s side, and multiplied by 2/3 otherwise.
  44. If the attack is special and not a critical hit, and Light Screen is in effect for the target’s side, the damage is halved as long as there is only one Pokémon in battle on the user’s side, and multiplied by 2/3 otherwise.
  45. If the attack targets "all opposing Pokémon" and there were two Pokémon on the opposing Pokémon’s side with at least 1 HP as the attacker began to use the move, the damage is multiplied by 3/4.
  46. If the attack targets "all Pokémon except user" and there were two or more Pokémon other than the target with at least 1 HP as the attacker began to use the move, the damage is multiplied by 3/4. (For Selfdestruct and Explosion, the user’s current HP is treated as zero for the purposes of this step.)
  47. If no Pokémon in battle has the Cloud Nine or Air Lock ability, the damage is modified as follows.
    • If the weather is sunny, damage from Fire-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and damage from Water-type attacks is halved.
    • If the weather is rain, damage from Water-type attacks is multiplied by 1.5 and damage from Fire-type attacks is halved.
    • During Hail, Rain Dance, fog, or Sandstorm, SolarBeam’s damage is halved.
  48. If the attacker’s Flash Fire ability was activated, the damage is multiplied by 1.5 if the attack is of Fire type.
  49. Add 2 to the calculated damage.
  50. If the attack is a critical hit (see below), the damage is tripled if the attacker has Sniper and doubled otherwise.
  51. If the attacker has Life Orb, the attack’s damage is multiplied by 1.3.
  52. If the attacker has the item Metronome, the attack’s damage is multiplied by 1, 1.1, 1.2, and so on (up to 2.0) for each consecutive use of the move.
  53. If the attack was used with Me First, the attack’s damage is multiplied by 1.5.
  54. The damage is multiplied by X, where X is a random integer from 85 through 100, and divided by 100. This step is called "damage variance." If the result would be 0, it becomes 1.
  55. If the attack type shares a type with one of the attacker’s types, multiply the damage by 1.5. (This is called Same Type Attack Bonus.)
  56. For each type the target has, a number is multiplied according to the attack type’s type matchup to that type. See below.
  57. If the attack’s type is "super effective" against the target’s types (as determined in the previous step), the damage is multiplied by 3/4 if the target has Solid Rock or Filter, then multiplied by 1.2 if the attacker has an Expert Belt, then halved if the target is holding one of certain kinds of berries and the attack is of the appropriate type (Occa Berry: Fire; Passho Berry: Water; Wacan Berry: Electric; Rindo Berry: Grass; Yache Berry: Ice; Chople Berry: Fighting; Kebia Berry: Poison; Shuca Berry: Ground; Coba Berry: Flying; Payapa Berry: Psychic; Tanga Berry: Bug; Charti Berry: Rock; Kasib Berry: Ghost; Haban Berry: Dragon; Colbur Berry: Dark; Babiri Berry: Steel). If the attack’s type is "not very effective" against the target’s types (as determined in the previous step), the damage is doubled if the attacker has Tinted Lens.
  58. If the target holds Chilan Berry and the attack’s type is Normal, the damage is halved.