Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Turn phases
An overview of a turn
Every turn of a Pokémon battle consists of these steps in this order.
- Commands: Both players choose their commands (see below)
- Pokémon that chose to use an item will now do so.
- Turn order is calculated.
- Pokémon that chose to switch out will now do so.
- Pokémon use their attacks.
- End of the turn.
At the beginning of the turn, the menu of commands appears with "Fight", "Pokémon", "Pack", and "Run."
- Fight: Choose a move from the list of moves that appears. This move chosen is called the move "chosen for use" for this turn.
- Pokémon: Check data on Pokémon or switch the Pokémon in battle. Switching is not usable if a Pokémon "can’t switch out" because of a move’s effect.
- Pack: Use an item on the Pokémon in battle, who skips its attack this turn.
- Run: Attempt to run from a wild Pokémon battle. See the Chance of Running in wild Pokémon Battles section, below, for how the game calculates the escape rate.