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Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Turn phases

Pokémon Gold Version, Silver Version, and Crystal Version - Turn phases

Tags: pokemon-gold-silver-and-crystal, battle-system, in-depth-guides, turn-phases

An overview of a turn

Every turn of a Pokémon battle consists of these steps in this order.

  1. Commands: Both players choose their commands (see below)
  2. Pokémon that chose to use an item will now do so.
  3. Turn order is calculated.
  4. Pokémon that chose to switch out will now do so.
  5. Pokémon use their attacks.
    1. Before the attack
    2. Obedience check
    3. During the attack
    4. Critical Hits
    5. Damage calculation (also see Stat Stages and the Type Matchup Chart)
    6. Accuracy Check
    7. After the attack
  6. End of the turn.


At the beginning of the turn, the menu of commands appears with "Fight", "Pokémon", "Pack", and "Run."

  • Fight: Choose a move from the list of moves that appears. This move chosen is called the move "chosen for use" for this turn.
  • Pokémon: Check data on Pokémon or switch the Pokémon in battle. Switching is not usable if a Pokémon "can’t switch out" because of a move’s effect.
  • Pack: Use an item on the Pokémon in battle, who skips its attack this turn.
  • Run: Attempt to run from a wild Pokémon battle. See the Chance of Running in wild Pokémon Battles section, below, for how the game calculates the escape rate.