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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Items

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - In-Depth GuidesPokémon Mystery Dungeon - Items

Tags: pokemon-mystery-dungeon

When a Pokémon eats a Seed, Berry, or drink, its Belly is filled by 5.


No information available.


A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.

Iron Thorn

A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.

Silver Spike

A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.

Gold Fang

A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.

Cacnea Spike

A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.

Corsola Twig

A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.


A throwing item that flies in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss statuses.

Geo Pebble

A throwing item that flies in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss statuses.

Mobile Scarf

A hold item that enables the Pokémon to move and attack through walls and on magma, and so on. The Pokémon’s Belly will go down faster while traveling through walls, however.

Heal Ribbon

Speeds HP regeneration, but makes the Belly empty faster. (See Notes.)

Twist Band

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack from going down.

Scope Lens

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s critical-hit rate for moves and attacks.

Patsy Band

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s chances of taking critical hits from enemy moves and attacks.

No-Stick Cap

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon’s items from becoming sticky and gummed up.

Pierce Band

Holder +Pierce.

Joy Ribbon

At the end of each turn, holder earns Exp. Points equal to the HP it lost that turn.

X-Ray Specs

A hold item that enables the Pokémon to see the locations of items and foes.

Persim Band

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from becoming Confused.

Power Band

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack.

Pecha Scarf

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from being poisoned or badly poisoned.


A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from going to sleep, napping, having a nightmare, or yawning.

Warp Scarf

A hold item that occasionally warps the Pokémon to another place on the same floor.

Tight Belt

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon’s Belly from going down each turn.

Sneak Scarf

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from awakening sleeping foes. It only works against foes that are asleep to begin with.

Gold Ribbon

An item that has no effect even if it is held by a Pokémon. It can be sold for a good price.

Goggle Specs

A hold item that improves the Pokémon’s vision. It reveals hidden traps and invisible Pokémon.

Diet Ribbon

A hold item that changes the Pokémon’s status to Hungry Pal and prevents its Belly from filling. If the team leader is holding it, its Belly will go down faster.

Trap Scarf

A hold item that prevents traps from going off if they are stepped on by the Pokémon.

Racket Band

A hold item that helps awaken hostile sleeping Pokémon. It only works against Pokémon that were asleep from the start.

Def. Scarf

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Defense.

Stamina Band

A hold item that slows how quickly the Pokémon’s Belly goes down.

Plain Ribbon

No effect.

Special Band

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Attack.

Zinc Band

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Defense.

Detect Band

A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Evasion.

Alert Specs

A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from having its held item snatched away or swatted down.

Dodge Scarf

A hold item that prevents any thrown item from hitting the Pokémon.

Bounce Band

Thrown items bounce off the holder and travel the rest of their movement in the opposite direction

Curve Band

A hold item that makes thrown items bounce off walls and fly sideways. It has no effect if the Pokémon’s status is Pierce or if a rock is thrown.

Whiff Specs

A hold item that prevents items thrown by the Pokémon from hitting another Pokémon.

No-Aim Scope

A hold item that causes items thrown by the Pokémon to fly wildly in any direction.

Lockon Specs

A hold item that raises the accuracy of items thrown at foes by the Pokémon.

Munch Belt

A hold item that slightly boosts the Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack. However, it also makes the Pokémon’s Belly go down faster.

Pass Scarf

Enables the holder to pass off moves and attacks. (See the Accuracy Check page for details.)

Weather Band

No weather effects are applied to the holder.

Friend Bow

When held by the team leader, this hold item makes it easier to recruit defeated Pokémon into the rescue team.

Beauty Scarf
Sun Ribbon
Lunar Ribbon

Evolution items.

Ring D
Ring E
Ring F

(Probably placeholders for more evolution items.)

Heal Seed

A food item that heals all status problems.

Wish Stone

A mysterious stone shaped like a musical note. It is said to make a wish come true if it is held while exploring the depths of Wish Cave.

Oran Berry

Recovers all HP to target.

Sitrus Berry

If target’s HP is full, raises target’s maximum HP by 2. Recovers all HP to target.

Eyedrop Seed


Reviver Seed

An item that could revive a fainted Pokémon. It becomes a Plain Seed after use. If held, it revives only the holder. It can only be used by an Item Master.

Blinker Seed


Doom Seed

Reduces target’s level by 1 and reduces stats normally gained when the target reaches that level.

Allure Seed


Life Seed

Raises target’s maximum HP by 3.

Rawst Berry

A food item that heals the Pokémon’s burn.

Hunger Seed

If target is the team leader, lowers maximum Belly size by 5. If target is not the team leader, instead empties Belly to 0.

Quick Seed

Raises target’s Movement Speed by 1 stage.

Pecha Berry

Target is cured of poisoning.

Cheri Berry

Target is cured of paralysis.

Totter Seed

Confuses target.

Sleep Seed

Puts target to sleep.

Plain Seed

No effect.

Warp Seed

A food item that warps the Pokémon to a different place on the same floor.

Blast Seed

A food item that makes the Pokémon breathe highly damaging fire.


A drink that boosts the power of the Pokémon’s set move. It may not have any effect on certain kinds of moves.

Joy Seed

A food item that raises the Pokémon’s level by one.

Chesto Berry


Stun Seed


Max Elixir

A drink that completely restores the PP of all the Pokémon’s moves.


A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack.


A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Attack.


A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Defense.


A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Defense.


A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size.

Big Apple

A food item that amply fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size.

Grimy Food

A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. However, it will cause a variety of status problems.

Huge Apple

A food item that completely fills the Pokémon’s Belly. It also slightly enlarges the Belly size.

White Gummi - Normal
Red Gummi - Fire
Blue Gummi - Water
Grass Gummi - Grass
Yellow Gummi - Electric
Clear Gummi - Ice
Orange Gummi - Fighting
Pink Gummi - Poison
Brown Gummi - Ground
Sky Gummi - Flying
Gold Gummi - Psychic
Green Gummi - Bug
Gray Gummi - Rock
Purple Gummi - Ghost
Royal Gummi - Dragon
Black Gummi - Dark
Silver Gummi - Steel

Gummis. More information.


A rare food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size. It is occasionally found inside walls.


A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Mankey love to eat this.


Money used at shops, and so on.

King’s Rock
Sun Stone
Moon Stone
Fire Stone
Water Stone
Metal Coat
Leaf Stone
Dragon Scale
Link Cable

Evolution items.

Ice Part
Steel Part
Rock Part

If these three items appear in the Toolbox, they turn into a Music Box. If one of these three items is used, it "crumbles away."

Music Box

An enchanting music box that plays a beautiful melody. It is said to draw something special to it when it is kept close by.


To be used in the Solar Cave.

Used TM

The remains of the item $i0 after use. It can be restored using the move Recycle. This item can’t be placed in storage.

Focus Punch - Focus Punch
Dragon Claw - Dragon Claw
Water Pulse - Water Pulse
Calm Mind - Calm Mind
Roar - Roar
Toxic - Toxic
Hail Orb - Hail
Bulk Up - Bulk Up
Bullet Seed - Bullet Seed
Hidden Power - Hidden Power
Sunny Orb - Sunny Day
Taunt - Taunt
Ice Beam - Ice Beam
Blizzard - Blizzard
Hyper Beam - Hyper Beam
Light Screen - Light Screen
Protect - Protect
Rainy Orb - Rain Dance
Giga Drain - Giga Drain
Safeguard - Safeguard
Frustration - Frustration
Solarbeam - Solarbeam
Iron Tail - Iron Tail
Thunderbolt - Thunderbolt
Thunder - Thunder
Earthquake - Earthquake
Return - Return
Dig - Dig
Psychic - Psychic
Shadow Ball - Shadow Ball
Brick Break - Brick Break
Evasion Orb - Double Team
Reflect - Reflect
Shock Wave - Shock Wave
Flamethrower - Flamethrower
Sludge Bomb - Sludge Bomb
Sandy Orb - Sandstorm
Fire Blast - Fire Blast
Rocky Orb - Rock Tomb
Aerial Ace - Aerial Ace
Torment - Torment
Facade - Facade
Secret Power - Secret Power
Rest - Rest
Attract - Attract
Thief - Thief
Steel Wing - Steel Wing
Skill Swap - Skill Swap
Snatch Orb - Snatch
Overheat - Overheat
Wide Slash - Wide Slash
Excavate - Excavate
Spin Slash - Spin Slash
See-Trap Orb - See-Trap
Mug Orb - Takeaway
Rebound Orb - Rebound
Lob Orb - Bloop Slash
Switcher Orb - Switcher
Blowback Orb - Blowback
Warp Orb - Warp
Transfer Orb - Transfer
Slow Orb - Slow Down
Quick Orb - Speed Boost
Luminous Orb - Searchlight
Petrify Orb - Petrify
Stayaway Orb - Stay Away
Pounce Orb - Pounce
Trawl Orb - Trawl
Cleanse Orb - Cleanse
Observer Orb - Observer
Decoy Orb - Decoy Maker
Slumber Orb - Siesta
Totter Orb - Totter
Two-Edge Orb - Two-Edge
Silence Orb - No-Move
Escape Orb - Escape
Scanner Orb - Scan
Radar Orb - Power-Ears
Drought Orb - Drought
Trapbust Orb - Trap Buster
Rollcall Orb - Wild Call
Invisify Orb - Invisify
One-Shot Orb - One-Shot
Identify Orb - HP Gauge
Vacuum-Cut - Vacuum-Cut
Reviver Orb - Reviver
Shocker Orb - Shocker
Sizebust Orb - Echo
One-Room Orb - One-Room
Fill-In Orb - Fill-In
Trapper Orb - Trapper
Possess Orb - Possess
Itemizer Orb - Itemize
Hurl Orb - Hurl
Mobile Orb - Mobile
Toss Orb - Item-Toss
Stairs Orb - See Stairs
Longtoss Orb - Long Toss
Pierce Orb - Pierce

TMs and Orbs.

Rock Smash

Hidden Machines. Each Hidden Machine "doesn’t break, but can’t be used in a dungeon."

Link Box

A marvelous box that enables the user to link and delink moves. Linked moves become separated if their combined PP drops to zero.

Switch Box

A curious box that enables the user to switch the rescue team’s leader. Only official team members may become the team leader.

Weavile Fig

Weavile statue.

Mime Jr. Fig

Mime Jr. statue.

Beatup Orb - Beat Up
G Machine 6

Synthesis item

G Machine 7

Synthesis item

G Machine 8

Synthesis item