Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Items
When a Pokémon eats a Seed, Berry, or drink, its Belly is filled by 5.
- Nothing
No information available.
- Stick
A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.
- Iron Thorn
A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.
- Silver Spike
A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.
- Gold Fang
A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.
- Cacnea Spike
A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.
- Corsola Twig
A throwing item that inflicts damage if it hits.
- Gravelerock
A throwing item that flies in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss statuses.
- Geo Pebble
A throwing item that flies in an arc to clear obstacles and strike the target. It is not affected by Pierce or Long Toss statuses.
- Mobile Scarf
A hold item that enables the Pokémon to move and attack through walls and on magma, and so on. The Pokémon’s Belly will go down faster while traveling through walls, however.
- Heal Ribbon
Speeds HP regeneration, but makes the Belly empty faster. (See Notes.)
- Twist Band
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack from going down.
- Scope Lens
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s critical-hit rate for moves and attacks.
- Patsy Band
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s chances of taking critical hits from enemy moves and attacks.
- No-Stick Cap
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon’s items from becoming sticky and gummed up.
- Pierce Band
Holder +Pierce.
- Joy Ribbon
At the end of each turn, holder earns Exp. Points equal to the HP it lost that turn.
- X-Ray Specs
A hold item that enables the Pokémon to see the locations of items and foes.
- Persim Band
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from becoming Confused.
- Power Band
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack.
- Pecha Scarf
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from being poisoned or badly poisoned.
- Insomniscope
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from going to sleep, napping, having a nightmare, or yawning.
- Warp Scarf
A hold item that occasionally warps the Pokémon to another place on the same floor.
- Tight Belt
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon’s Belly from going down each turn.
- Sneak Scarf
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from awakening sleeping foes. It only works against foes that are asleep to begin with.
- Gold Ribbon
An item that has no effect even if it is held by a Pokémon. It can be sold for a good price.
- Goggle Specs
A hold item that improves the Pokémon’s vision. It reveals hidden traps and invisible Pokémon.
- Diet Ribbon
A hold item that changes the Pokémon’s status to Hungry Pal and prevents its Belly from filling. If the team leader is holding it, its Belly will go down faster.
- Trap Scarf
A hold item that prevents traps from going off if they are stepped on by the Pokémon.
- Racket Band
A hold item that helps awaken hostile sleeping Pokémon. It only works against Pokémon that were asleep from the start.
- Def. Scarf
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Defense.
- Stamina Band
A hold item that slows how quickly the Pokémon’s Belly goes down.
- Plain Ribbon
No effect.
- Special Band
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Attack.
- Zinc Band
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Defense.
- Detect Band
A hold item that boosts the Pokémon’s Evasion.
- Alert Specs
A hold item that prevents the Pokémon from having its held item snatched away or swatted down.
- Dodge Scarf
A hold item that prevents any thrown item from hitting the Pokémon.
- Bounce Band
Thrown items bounce off the holder and travel the rest of their movement in the opposite direction
- Curve Band
A hold item that makes thrown items bounce off walls and fly sideways. It has no effect if the Pokémon’s status is Pierce or if a rock is thrown.
- Whiff Specs
A hold item that prevents items thrown by the Pokémon from hitting another Pokémon.
- No-Aim Scope
A hold item that causes items thrown by the Pokémon to fly wildly in any direction.
- Lockon Specs
A hold item that raises the accuracy of items thrown at foes by the Pokémon.
- Munch Belt
A hold item that slightly boosts the Pokémon’s Attack and Special Attack. However, it also makes the Pokémon’s Belly go down faster.
- Pass Scarf
Enables the holder to pass off moves and attacks. (See the Accuracy Check page for details.)
- Weather Band
No weather effects are applied to the holder.
- Friend Bow
When held by the team leader, this hold item makes it easier to recruit defeated Pokémon into the rescue team.
- Beauty Scarf
- Sun Ribbon
- Lunar Ribbon
Evolution items.
- Ring D
- Ring E
- Ring F
(Probably placeholders for more evolution items.)
- Heal Seed
A food item that heals all status problems.
- Wish Stone
A mysterious stone shaped like a musical note. It is said to make a wish come true if it is held while exploring the depths of Wish Cave.
- Oran Berry
Recovers all HP to target.
- Sitrus Berry
If target’s HP is full, raises target’s maximum HP by 2. Recovers all HP to target.
- Eyedrop Seed
- Reviver Seed
An item that could revive a fainted Pokémon. It becomes a Plain Seed after use. If held, it revives only the holder. It can only be used by an Item Master.
- Blinker Seed
- Doom Seed
Reduces target’s level by 1 and reduces stats normally gained when the target reaches that level.
- Allure Seed
- Life Seed
Raises target’s maximum HP by 3.
- Rawst Berry
A food item that heals the Pokémon’s burn.
- Hunger Seed
If target is the team leader, lowers maximum Belly size by 5. If target is not the team leader, instead empties Belly to 0.
- Quick Seed
Raises target’s Movement Speed by 1 stage.
- Pecha Berry
Target is cured of poisoning.
- Cheri Berry
Target is cured of paralysis.
- Totter Seed
Confuses target.
- Sleep Seed
Puts target to sleep.
- Plain Seed
No effect.
- Warp Seed
A food item that warps the Pokémon to a different place on the same floor.
- Blast Seed
A food item that makes the Pokémon breathe highly damaging fire.
- Ginseng
A drink that boosts the power of the Pokémon’s set move. It may not have any effect on certain kinds of moves.
- Joy Seed
A food item that raises the Pokémon’s level by one.
- Chesto Berry
- Stun Seed
- Max Elixir
A drink that completely restores the PP of all the Pokémon’s moves.
- Protein
A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Attack.
- Calcium
A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Attack.
- Iron
A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Defense.
- Zinc
A drink that boosts the Pokémon’s Special Defense.
- Apple
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size.
- Big Apple
A food item that amply fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size.
- Grimy Food
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. However, it will cause a variety of status problems.
- Huge Apple
A food item that completely fills the Pokémon’s Belly. It also slightly enlarges the Belly size.
- White Gummi - Normal
- Red Gummi - Fire
- Blue Gummi - Water
- Grass Gummi - Grass
- Yellow Gummi - Electric
- Clear Gummi - Ice
- Orange Gummi - Fighting
- Pink Gummi - Poison
- Brown Gummi - Ground
- Sky Gummi - Flying
- Gold Gummi - Psychic
- Green Gummi - Bug
- Gray Gummi - Rock
- Purple Gummi - Ghost
- Royal Gummi - Dragon
- Black Gummi - Dark
- Silver Gummi - Steel
Gummis. More information.
- Banana
A rare food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Eating this when its Belly is full will slightly enlarge its Belly size. It is occasionally found inside walls.
- Chestnut
A food item that somewhat fills the Pokémon’s Belly. Mankey love to eat this.
Money used at shops, and so on.
- Upgrade
- King’s Rock
- Thunderstone
- Deepseascale
- Deepseatooth
- Sun Stone
- Moon Stone
- Fire Stone
- Water Stone
- Metal Coat
- Leaf Stone
- Dragon Scale
- Link Cable
Evolution items.
- Ice Part
- Steel Part
- Rock Part
If these three items appear in the Toolbox, they turn into a Music Box. If one of these three items is used, it "crumbles away."
- Music Box
An enchanting music box that plays a beautiful melody. It is said to draw something special to it when it is kept close by.
- Key
To be used in the Solar Cave.
- Used TM
The remains of the item $i0 after use. It can be restored using the move Recycle. This item can’t be placed in storage.
- Focus Punch - Focus Punch
- Dragon Claw - Dragon Claw
- Water Pulse - Water Pulse
- Calm Mind - Calm Mind
- Roar - Roar
- Toxic - Toxic
- Hail Orb - Hail
- Bulk Up - Bulk Up
- Bullet Seed - Bullet Seed
- Hidden Power - Hidden Power
- Sunny Orb - Sunny Day
- Taunt - Taunt
- Ice Beam - Ice Beam
- Blizzard - Blizzard
- Hyper Beam - Hyper Beam
- Light Screen - Light Screen
- Protect - Protect
- Rainy Orb - Rain Dance
- Giga Drain - Giga Drain
- Safeguard - Safeguard
- Frustration - Frustration
- Solarbeam - Solarbeam
- Iron Tail - Iron Tail
- Thunderbolt - Thunderbolt
- Thunder - Thunder
- Earthquake - Earthquake
- Return - Return
- Dig - Dig
- Psychic - Psychic
- Shadow Ball - Shadow Ball
- Brick Break - Brick Break
- Evasion Orb - Double Team
- Reflect - Reflect
- Shock Wave - Shock Wave
- Flamethrower - Flamethrower
- Sludge Bomb - Sludge Bomb
- Sandy Orb - Sandstorm
- Fire Blast - Fire Blast
- Rocky Orb - Rock Tomb
- Aerial Ace - Aerial Ace
- Torment - Torment
- Facade - Facade
- Secret Power - Secret Power
- Rest - Rest
- Attract - Attract
- Thief - Thief
- Steel Wing - Steel Wing
- Skill Swap - Skill Swap
- Snatch Orb - Snatch
- Overheat - Overheat
- Wide Slash - Wide Slash
- Excavate - Excavate
- Spin Slash - Spin Slash
- See-Trap Orb - See-Trap
- Mug Orb - Takeaway
- Rebound Orb - Rebound
- Lob Orb - Bloop Slash
- Switcher Orb - Switcher
- Blowback Orb - Blowback
- Warp Orb - Warp
- Transfer Orb - Transfer
- Slow Orb - Slow Down
- Quick Orb - Speed Boost
- Luminous Orb - Searchlight
- Petrify Orb - Petrify
- Stayaway Orb - Stay Away
- Pounce Orb - Pounce
- Trawl Orb - Trawl
- Cleanse Orb - Cleanse
- Observer Orb - Observer
- Decoy Orb - Decoy Maker
- Slumber Orb - Siesta
- Totter Orb - Totter
- Two-Edge Orb - Two-Edge
- Silence Orb - No-Move
- Escape Orb - Escape
- Scanner Orb - Scan
- Radar Orb - Power-Ears
- Drought Orb - Drought
- Trapbust Orb - Trap Buster
- Rollcall Orb - Wild Call
- Invisify Orb - Invisify
- One-Shot Orb - One-Shot
- Identify Orb - HP Gauge
- Vacuum-Cut - Vacuum-Cut
- Reviver Orb - Reviver
- Shocker Orb - Shocker
- Sizebust Orb - Echo
- One-Room Orb - One-Room
- Fill-In Orb - Fill-In
- Trapper Orb - Trapper
- Possess Orb - Possess
- Itemizer Orb - Itemize
- Hurl Orb - Hurl
- Mobile Orb - Mobile
- Toss Orb - Item-Toss
- Stairs Orb - See Stairs
- Longtoss Orb - Long Toss
- Pierce Orb - Pierce
TMs and Orbs.
- Cut
- Fly
- Surf
- Strength
- Flash
- Rock Smash
- Waterfall
- Dive
Hidden Machines. Each Hidden Machine "doesn’t break, but can’t be used in a dungeon."
- Link Box
A marvelous box that enables the user to link and delink moves. Linked moves become separated if their combined PP drops to zero.
- Switch Box
A curious box that enables the user to switch the rescue team’s leader. Only official team members may become the team leader.
- Weavile Fig
Weavile statue.
- Mime Jr. Fig
Mime Jr. statue.
- Beatup Orb - Beat Up
- G Machine 6
Synthesis item
- G Machine 7
Synthesis item
- G Machine 8
Synthesis item