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Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Battle System

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Battle System

Tags: pokemon-red-blue-and-yellow, in-depth-guides, battle-system


Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Timing Notes

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Timing

During each turn of the battle:

  • Each player chooses a command for his or her Pokémon, at the same time. Each player can choose one of the following have his or her Pokémon in battle use one of its moves; use an item from the Bag (in battles that allow it); run from the battle (in battles that allow it); or switch it out for another Pokémon (that Pokémon must be an unfainted Pokémon not in battle, controlled by that player).
    • If a player chooses an item, it’s used immediately, at that point.
  • Pokémon that chose to switch out do so (the order is not relevant, since in Link Battles, the Pokémon switches out without waiting for the other player to finish choosing commands).
  • Attacks are used.

In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, the opposing side uses an item at the same time it would use the attack; that is, the item is used after the player’s attack if the opposing side strikes second.

Here are all the steps taken during a Pokémon’s attack segment.

  1. Sleep check
  2. Freeze check
  3. If the opposing Pokémon is under effect of a multi-turn attack, it doesn’t use an attack.
  4. Hyper Beam check. If the last move the Pokémon chose for use is Hyper Beam, the Pokémon"must recharge" and skips its attack and then Hyper Beam’s effect ends. (If the Pokémon also flinches, the "X must recharge!" message isn’t shown but Hyper Beam’s effect will still end.)
  5. Disable check
  6. Confusion check
  7. Paralysis check
  8. Obedience check (see below)
  9. Attack is used
  10. Reduce move’s PP by 1
    • If the PP can’t be reduced this way, the Pokémon doesn’t use that move instead. The exception to PP reduction is Struggle when it’s chosen for use automatically because the Pokémon has no moves it could choose. In Pokémon Red Version, and Pokémon Blue Version, Pocket Monsters Green, and Pokémon Yellow Version, no PP is reduced from a move if an opposing Pokémon controlled by the AI uses it.
  11. Accuracy check (see "Stat stages")
  12. Damage calculation (see below)
  13. Perform effect of attack
  14. Substitute
  15. Critical hit message; "super effective" message; "not very effective" message
  16. Recoil/Drain
  17. Additional effect if the opposing Pokémon hasn’t fainted
  18. Check if the opposing Pokémon faints
  19. Rage check (treats each hit of a multi-hit attack separately)
  20. Defrost check
  21. End of attack segment
  22. HP loss because of poison/burn
  23. HP loss because of Leech Seed
  24. Flinch check (for the opposing Pokémon if attacker struck first)
      No flinch check is done if the opposing Pokémon is asleep or frozen, or if the opposing Pokémon is an AI-controlled opposing Pokémon that’s about to use an item.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Turn Order

All attacks are categorized in three priority levels. The attack chosen for use with the higher priority level strikes first. When two attacks are of the same priority level, the Pokémon with the higher Speed strikes first. If both Pokémon have the same Speed, the one who goes first is randomly determined.

Quick Attack -> All other attacks -> Counter

The attacks last chosen for use on both sides determine the priority of attacks in a turn. If a Pokémon becomes asleep or frozen, its "attack last chosen for use" won’t be reset. It becomes reset when the Pokémon leaves the battle,.

Whenever Speed is calculated, it is calculated in this order:

  1. The Speed is multiplied by the multiplier for the current Speed stat stage.
  2. In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, if the Pokémon is controlled by the player and the player has the Thunder Badge, the Speed rises by 1/8 of its previous value.
  3. If the Pokémon is paralyzed, the Speed is multiplied by 1/4.

The effects mentioned above are calculated in advance, rather than at the time turn order is determined.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Obedience check

In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, only after choosing an attack, the game checks to see if the Pokémon is of a different ID from that of the player. (The OT name is not considered.) If so, the following process is used:

  • The badge level (B) is determined based on the player’s Badges.
    • If the player has no Badges, B is 10.
    • If the player has the Cascade Badge, B is 30.
    • If the player has the Rainbow Badge, B is 50.
    • If the player has the Marsh Badge, B is 70.
    • If the player has the Earth Badge, B is 101.
  • If the Pokémon’s level (L) is greater than B and a random integer from 0 through (L + B - 1) is greater than or equal to B and the Pokémon is attempting to use a move, the Pokémon becomes disobedient. When disobedient, the Pokémon no longer has a move it last used (but still has a move it last chose for use), and one of the following happens:
    • If another random integer from 0 through (L + B - 1) is greater than or equal to B:
      • C is set to N - (L - B), where N is a random integer from 0 through 255.
      • If C is 0 or greater and is greater than or equal to L minus B, one of the following messages is used: "X is loafing around", "X ignored orders!", "X turned away!", "X won’t obey!"
      • If C is 0 or greater and is less than L minus B, the message shown is "X won’t obey!" and the Pokémon deals confusion damage to itself.
      • If C is less than 0, the message shown is "X began to nap!" and the Pokémon goes to sleep. (Not prevented by Substitute.)
    • Otherwise, the Pokémon will attempt to use a different move if possible, even if that move has zero PP. (It could not use a different move while asleep or during the effect of Disable.) If it can’t, one of the following messages is used: "X is loafing around", "X ignored orders!", "X turned away!", "X won’t obey!" If the Pokémon uses a different move, the last move it used and last move it chose for use are set to that different move, and PP is reduced from the move ordered instead of from that different move. (If the move is used this way and it has 0 PP, the game erroneously subtracts 0 by 1, resulting in the value 255 (that is, 256 minus 1, wrapping around to 8 bits), or 63 PP (low 6 bits) and 3 PP Ups used (high 2 bits).)

No obedience check is done while Thrash, Petal Dance, Bide, Rage, multi-turn attacks, or two-turn attacks are continuing for the Pokémon.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Damage Calculation Process

  1. Stat stage modifying attacks modify the appropriate stat (Attack, Defense, or Special). (This effect is calculated in advance, rather than during damage calculation.)
  2. In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, the badges have the appropriate stat multiplied by 9 and divided by 8 for Pokémon controlled by the player. The badges that increase a Pokémon’s stats in battles in which Exp. Points can be gained are the Boulder Badge (Attack), the Thunder Badge (Speed), the Soul Badge (Defense), and the Volcano Badge (Special). (This effect is calculated in advance, rather than during damage calculation.)
  3. If the attacker is burned, halve the Attack value. (This effect is calculated in advance, rather than during damage calculation.)
  4. If the attack is a critical hit, the steps above are ignored and the level is doubled. (See "Critical Hits", below.)
  5. Selfdestruct and Explosion halve the opposing Pokémon’s Defense.
  6. If the Attack or Defense stat exceeds 255, both stats are equal to ((((X/2)%255)/2)%255). (The "%" means "modulo," or remainder. X means Attack or Defense.)
  7. If Reflect is in effect for the opposing Pokémon and the attack isn’t a critical hit, the Defense equals ((Orig. value*2)/4) and Attack equals (Orig. value/4).
  8. If Light Screen is in effect for the opposing Pokémon and the attack isn’t a critical hit, the opposing Pokémon’s Special equals ((Orig. value*2)/4) and attacker’s Special equals (Orig. value/4).
  9. If the Attack, Defense, or both is 0, it becomes 1.
  10. The damage becomes equal to

    int(int(int(2*L / 5+2)*A*P / D)/50)

    where L is the attacker’s level, A is the attacker’s Attack/Special value, P is the attack’s power, and D is the opposing Pokémon’s Defense/Special value. For physical attack types (Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost), use the Attack and Defense values. For special attack types (Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Psychic, Dragon), use the Special value.
  11. If the damage calculated is greater than 997, it becomes 997.
  12. Add 2 to the calculated damage.
  13. If the attack type shares a type with one of the user’s types, then the damage is multiplied by 1.5. (This is commonly called Same Type Attack Bonus.)
  14. The damage calculated is multiplied by the number that depends on the attacker’s and the opposing Pokémon’s types (see the Type Matchup Chart, below).
  15. Finally, in a process called "damage variance", unless the damage is 768 or more, a random integer from 217 through 255 is multiplied in the currently calculated damage, and divided by 255.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Stat stages

Stat stages refer to levels that raise or lower stats during a battle. Each stat stage has 13 different levels.

Stat Stage (except Evade) -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Evade Stat Stage 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Stat Multiplier 0.25 0.28 0.33 0.4 0.5 0.66 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

The term "stat stages" refers to those for Attack, Defense, Speed, Special, Evade and Accuracy.

At the start of a battle, each Pokémon’s stat stages begin at 0. The stat stages for a Pokémon are reset to 0 when the Pokémon leaves the battle,. Each stat stage can’t go lower than -6 or higher than 6.

To apply stat stages, multiply the stat by the stat multiplier for the corresponding stat stage.

An attack’s accuracy is multiplied by its user’s Accuracy multiplier, as shown in the table above, and multiplied by its the opposing Pokémon’s Evade multiplier, as shown in the table above. If the accuracy is 0, it becomes 1. If it’s greater than 255, it becomes 255. The attack will hit if a random integer from 0 through 255 is less than its accuracy. The moves Bide and Swift, however, ignore accuracy checks and will always hit.

Stat Modification

  • An effect that raises Attack, Defense, Special, or Speed will do nothing if the stat stage for the corresponding stat is +6, or if the corresponding stat is 999.
  • An effect that lowers Attack, Defense, Special, or Speed will do nothing if the stat stage for the corresponding stat is -6, or if the corresponding stat is 1.
  • When an effect reduces a Pokémon’s Accuracy, Attack, Defense, Evade, Special, or Speed stat stage, the new value of the stat being reduced is the original stat modified by stat stages, badges, paralysis, and burns, but not less than 1 or greater than 999; and the new value of other stats is the current stat modified by badges, paralysis, and burns, but not less than 1 or greater than 999. (Evade and Accuracy are not stats.)
  • When an effect raises a Pokémon’s Attack, Defense, Special, or Speed stat stage, the new value of the stat being raised is the original stat modified by stat stages and badges, but not greater than 999; and other stats remain unchanged.
  • When a Pokémon enters the battle, the value of each of its stats is the original stat modified by badges, paralysis, and burns, but not less than 1 or greater than 999.
  • When an effect paralyzes or burns a Pokémon, the current Speed or Attack, respectively, is reduced to 1/4 of its previous value, rounded down, but not less than 1, and other stats remain unchanged.
  • When Transform is used, the opposing Pokémon’s Attack, Defense, Special, and Speed stats, as determined in the preceding sentences, are copied and the user’s current stats become equal to those values, and the opposing Pokémon’s original Attack, Defense, Special, and Speed stats are copied and the user’s original stats become equal to those values until Transform’s effect ends.
  • Using Haze (by either Pokémon in battle), using an item to cure poison, burn, paralysis, freezing, or sleep, and gaining a level (after calculating new stats) each reset the stats to their original unmodified values.
  • Using Rest doesn’t recalculate stats.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Critical Hits

X = max(255,int(int(S/2)*N))

  • S = Pokémon’s race value (commonly called "base stat") for Speed
  • N = Modifier: N starts at 1. If the attacker has used Focus Energy, divide N by 4.* If the attacker is using Crabhammer, Karate Chop, Razor Leaf, or Slash, multiply N by 8.

If a random number, from 0 to 255, is less than X, the attack is a critical hit.

* It is known that Focus Energy reduces the chances of a critical hit. This problem has been fixed in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan) (in which N should be multiplied, instead of divided, by 4).

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Type Matchup Chart

Attack types are the rows; Pokémon types are the columns. If a Pokémon has two types, the type matchups from both types are multiplied.

NORMAL 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 1x 0 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x
FIGHTING 2x 1x 1/2 1/2 1x 2x 1/2 0 1x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 2x 1x
FLYING 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 2x 1x 1x 1x 2x 1/2 1x 1x 1x
POISON 1x 1x 1x 1/2 1/2 1/2 2x 1/2 1x 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x
GROUND 1x 1x 0 2x 1x 2x 1/2 1x 2x 1x 1/2 2x 1x 1x 1x
ROCK 1x 1/2 2x 1x 1/2 1x 2x 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 1x
BUG 1x 1/2 1/2 2x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 1/2 1x 2x 1x 2x 1x 1x
GHOST 0 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 0 1x 1x
FIRE 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 2x 1x 1/2 1/2 2x 1x 1x 2x 1/2
WATER 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 2x 1x 1x 2x 1/2 1/2 1x 1x 1x 1/2
GRASS 1x 1x 1/2 1/2 2x 2x 1/2 1x 1/2 2x 1/2 1x 1x 1x 1/2
ELECTRIC 1x 1x 2x 1x 0 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x 1/2 1/2 1x 1x 1/2
PSYCHIC 1x 2x 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 1x 1x
ICE 1x 1x 2x 1x 2x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1/2 2x 1x 1x 1/2 2x
DRAGON 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 2x

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Fainting and Switching Out

If a Pokémon faints at any time during its attack segment, including the end of its attack segment, any end-of-attack effects are applied to the Pokémon before it faints if the opposing Pokémon hasn’t fainted and the fainting by the Pokémon occurred before the end of its attack segment and didn’t occur as part of the use of Selfdestruct or Explosion (the end-of-attack effects are poison, burn, and Leech Seed); no end-of-attack effects are applied to the new Pokémon; and if the Pokémon struck first, the opposing Pokémon’s attack segment is skipped. (If the opposing Pokémon used Hyper Beam on the previous turn, it "must recharge" on the next possible attack segment.)

If a Pokémon faints before the end of an opposing Pokémon’s attack segment, usually as the result of an attack, no end-of-attack effects are applied to the opposing Pokémon.

When a Pokémon switches out, the Pokémon that replaces it does nothing during its attack segment but any end-of-attack effects are still applied to that Pokémon.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Chance of Running in Wild Battles

In a wild Pokémon battle, if the current Speed of the Pokémon trying to run is equal to or greater than the opposing Pokémon’s, running is successful. Otherwise, the formula below is used.



  • A = Current Speed of Pokémon trying to run
  • B = Remainder of (D / 4) divided by 256 where D is the current Speed of the opposing Pokémon. If B equals 0, running is successful.
  • C = Number of times the player already tried to run this battle, not counting the current attempt. Doesn’t count attempts to run when an effect (such as Mean Look) prevents the Pokémon from running. This variable is reset to 0 when the player chooses the Fight command, but doesn’t change when the player’s Pokémon changes.

If X is greater than 255, running is successful. Otherwise, if a random integer from 0 through 255 is less than or equal to X, running is successful. Otherwise, running fails.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Tag Team Battles

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), two players can team up on a single side. Each player on a side enters six Pokémon, then chooses three of them before a battle begins. Each player on a side with two players can choose only a Pokémon he or she controls when it switches out. If all Pokémon on a single side faint, that side loses.

Things such as same-species and same-item restrictions are enforced only for each player’s team individually, not for the combined team when a battle begins.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Attack Explanations

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Last move used

Each Pokémon in battle has a "last move used" , which is the last move that the Pokémon chose for use and was not prevented from being used. Mirror Move, for example, depends on the "last move the opposing Pokémon used." When a Pokémon leaves the battle, the "last move the opposing Pokémon used" and "last move user used" are reset to zero.

In Pokémon Red Version, and Pokémon Blue Version, Pocket Monsters Green, and Pokémon Yellow Version, for two-turn attacks, the move is considered the "last used" only when it’s used on its second attack segment.

A move that can’t be used or chosen for use because of an effect can be successfully used by use of Mirror Move.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Last move chosen for use

The "last move chosen for use" changes when the player moves the cursor on the list of moves. The "last move chosen for use" is retained when a Pokémon leaves the battle (except when a battle ends). Each Pokémon in battle has a different "last move chosen for use" variable.

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), the controller of a frozen or sleeping Pokémon or a Pokémon that’s using a multi-turn attack can still select a move.

If a Pokémon was somehow forced not to choose a move for use in a turn, (for instance, when that Pokémon is asleep or is the opposing Pokémon of a multi-turn attack), then it simply doesn’t use any moves in that turn (unless the attack is Thrash, Petal Dance, Rage, Bide, a multi-turn attack, a two-turn attack, or Hyper Beam, and that Pokémon is continuing the attack). If a Pokémon can’t choose a move for use at the beginning of a turn, it chooses Struggle for use instead.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Last damage dealt

The "last damage dealt" variable begins at zero. It is set whenever the attack process determines the HP to reduce to an opposing Pokémon, usually by applying the damage formula. It is not reset by switching out. If an attack that would affect an opposing Pokémon (including a non-damaging attack) misses, fails, becomes ineffective, or otherwise doesn’t deal damage, this variable is set to zero. This variable is set before damage is passed to a substitute (therefore, Bide and Counter are affected by damage dealt to a substitute). Because each hit of a multi-hit attack deals damage separately, only the final hit of multi-hit attacks can count as the "last damage dealt" for the purposes of Bide and Counter. Recoil doesn’t count as "damage dealt". Damage from confusion, and HP loss because of a miss from Jump Kick and Hi Jump Kick, can count as the "last damage dealt".

The "last damage dealt" variable is shared among all Pokémon in battle.

Damage dealt is adjusted to the opposing Pokémon’s current HP, but not when the opposing Pokémon is a substitute.

When Metronome or Mirror Move is used, the "last damage dealt" is reset before that move uses the move it calls.

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), this variable is reset when switching out, being unable to move because of paralysis, or beginning to use a two-turn attack.

In the Game Boy games, this variable is not reset when a battle starts or ends, or when an item is used.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Descriptions of Common Effects

Effects that are common to many attacks are described below. Of the effects listed here, a Pokémon will remain poisoned, burned, paralysis, frozen, and asleep even when the Pokémon leaves the battle, including when a battle ends. (However, a Pokémon will stop being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, and asleep, as well as have full HP and PP, when it’s taken to a Pokémon Center nurse, but not when it’s placed in a PC storage box.) An effect can’t cause poison, burn, paralysis, freezing, or sleep against a Pokémon if it already has one of these five conditions or if it has fainted.

Poison (PSN)

If a Pokémon is poisoned, it loses 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) at the end of its attack segment. Poison types can’t become poisoned, not even by Twineedle. Outside of battle, a poisoned Pokémon loses 1 HP every four steps the player walks. (The effect of Toxic is similar to poison, see " Toxic ".)

Paralysis (PAR)

When a Pokémon becomes paralyzed, its Speed is recalculated so that it is reduced to 25% (see the section "Stat Stages"). If a Pokémon is paralyzed, there is a 25% chance that it will lose its chance to attack. Ground-type Pokémon can’t become paralyzed by Electric-type attacks.

Burn (PSN)

When a Pokémon becomes burned, its Attack is recalculated so that it is halved (see the section "Stat Stages"). If a Pokémon is burned, it loses 1/16 of its maximum HP (but not less than 1 HP) at the end of its attack segment. Fire-type Pokémon can’t become burned.

Sleep (SLP)

A sleeping Pokémon can’t choose any moves. When a Pokémon becomes asleep, it receives a count of 1 to 7 (or 1 to 3 in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan)). At a sleep check, this count is reduced by 1. If the count reaches zero, the Pokémon wakes up, but can’t attack on the same attack segment. The game stores the current duration of a Pokémon that’s asleep, in case the Pokémon leaves battle and enters the battle in another one.

Frozen (FRZ)

A frozen Pokémon can’t choose any moves. Use of Haze or Fire-type moves by the opposing Pokémon will cure freezing. Ice-type Pokémon can’t become frozen. If the Pokémon didn’t strike first and was defrosted by fire, it will use the last move chosen for use if possible, even if that move has zero PP. (If the move is used this way and it has 0 PP, the game erroneously subtracts 0 by 1, resulting in the value 255 (that is, 256 minus 1, wrapping around to 8 bits), or 63 PP (low 6 bits) and 3 PP Ups used (high 2 bits).)

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), it is possible to choose a move while the Pokémon is frozen.


When a Pokémon becomes confused, it receives a count of 2 to 8. At the beginning of the Pokémon’s attack segment, this count is reduced by 1, then if it is greater than 0, there is a 50% chance that the Pokémon will deal damage to itself rather than use an attack. The self-inflicted confusion attack is a physical attack, has a power of 40, has no type, is not varied with a random number, and ignores the effect of Reflect. (The attack can be a critical hit.) Confusion is removed from the Pokémon when it leaves the battle.

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), messages concerning confusion are displayed after the message concerning the move to be used.


After another Pokémon uses a move that causes a Pokémon to flinch in the same turn, it skips its attack this turn. A Pokémon can’t flinch if it is asleep or frozen.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Two-turn attacks

In a two-turn attack, the user prepares for the attack on the first of its attack segments, and hits the opposing Pokémon on the next of its attack segments. The user can’t take any action during the two-turn attack’s effect. The two-turn attack ends on the next possible attack segment in which the user doesn’t flinch and isn’t asleep, frozen, or under the effect of a multi-turn attack. If none of those events happen on that attack segment, and the attack isn’t otherwise prevented from being used, the last move chosen for use is used on that attack segment and is considered the "last move used" by the user, and PP is deducted from the two-turn attack’s move.

No PP is deducted from a two-turn attack on the first attack segment of its use.

A two-turn attack is not a multi-turn attack, and vice versa.

For all two-turn attacks, on the first attack segment of the attack’s use, no accuracy check is done and no check is made to determine whether the attack will be ineffective against the opposing Pokémon or otherwise be avoided by the opposing Pokémon.

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), Bide will miss when used when the user is using Dig or Fly.

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), a two-turn attack is considered the "last move used" by the user on the attack segment that the effect began.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Notes for Specific Moves


In the Japanese games Pocket Monsters Red , Pocket Monsters Green , Pocket Monsters Blue , and Pocket Monsters Pikachu (other than in Colosseum Mode), Blizzard’s chance of freezing the opposing Pokémon is 77/256 instead.


If the last move used by the user on the previous turn is not set, Haze resets the last move chosen for use to the invalid 0xFF, which causes erroneous behavior if Hyper Beam was used immediately before it became frozen: the Pokémon can’t make a move until it faints, even after being defrosted by the opposing Pokémon’s Haze.

Bind/Wrap/Fire Spin/Clamp

If the opposing Pokémon switches out before the multi-turn attack’s effect ends, the effect ends and the user will use the last move chosen for use by the user, even if has zero PP. (In that case, if the user is an AI-controlled Pokémon in a battle in which Exp. Points can gained, the user will have chosen a move for use in this turn by itself. ) (If the move is used this way and it has 0 PP, the game erroneously subtracts 0 by 1, resulting in the value 255 (that is, 256 minus 1, wrapping around to 8 bits), or 63 PP (low 6 bits) and 3 PP Ups used (high 2 bits).)

On the last attack segment of the multi-turn attack’s effect, if the user attacks, the effect ends at the end of the turn (the opposing Pokémon "can’t move" during that turn.) Otherwise (for example if the user uses an item), the effect ends before each Pokémon’s attack segment begins.


If a wild Pokémon is under the effect of Transform and it is caught, its species becomes Ditto, regardless of its original species. After it is caught, its stats and moves become those of a wild Ditto at the same level, except current HP.

Even if Transform is in effect for the user, its stats are recalculated according to its level when it levels up.

In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, the player’s Pokémon gain Exp. Points based on the original species of the enemy Pokémon under Transform.


Toxic uses a value called T to calculate how much HP to remove from the opposing Pokémon. When Toxic is used, T is set to 0. At the end of the opposing Pokémon’s attack segment every turn, including the current one, T rises by 1 and the opposing Pokémon’s HP is reduced by int(maximum HP/16)*T, but not less than 1 HP, as long as the opposing Pokémon remains poisoned. (This HP loss happens instead of the HP loss for regular poisoning.) This is also the amount of HP lost by an opposing Pokémon that’s under the effect of Leech Seed, and is also the amount of HP the user of Leech Seed gains from that effect. T will stop increasing and its effect will end when the battle ends or the opposing Pokémon leaves the battle, upon which all poisoning on the opposing Pokémon’s side reverts to normal poison. Curing the poison will, of course, also end the effect.

Toxic’s effect causes poison like other effects. It will fail, however, if the opposing Pokémon is already poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, or asleep.

Rest has no effect on T, in Pokémon Red Version , Pokémon Blue Version , Pocket Monsters Green , and Pokémon Yellow Version .

Haze resets T to zero and ends the effect of Toxic.


Substitute creates a copy of the user called a substitute; to make a substitute, the user loses 1/4 of its maximum HP. (The amount of HP lost can be 0.) This attack fails if the if the user has less than that amount (or in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), less than or equal to that amount). The substitute has life points equal to 1 plus the HP lost this way. (The term "life points" is used here to differentiate it from HP, to avoid confusion when describing Substitute’s effect.)

If an effect is absent in this description, it is assumed to work as normal both with and without Substitute’s effect.

These are the main effects that happen while the user has a substitute:

  • Confusion as a primary effect, paralysis as an additional effect, poison, freezing, flinching, burns, and effects that reduce the user’s stat stages can’t be inflicted by the opposing Pokémon against the user, and confusion as an additional effect can’t be inflicted by the opposing Pokémon against the user if the attack causes the substitute to break. In addition, in Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), all effects of confusion, all effects of paralysis, as well as sleep, can’t be inflicted by the opposing Pokémon against the user. Effects mentioned above that are additional effects are prevented even if the attack causes the substitute to break.
  • If the user would lose HP because of a damaging attack by the opposing Pokémon, the user’s substitute loses that many life points instead.

Note that the last effect listed above is a replacement effect.

When the substitute has no life points left, it breaks and Substitute’s effect ends.

Any other effects that affect the user’s HP do not involve the substitute in any way. This applies to reductions of the user’s HP from poison, Leech Seed, recoil, and so on; and to effects that make the user gain HP. Moreover, effects that need to know the user’s HP (user’s substitute) won’t use the substitute’s life points in place of the user’s HP. (This is why "life points" is used instead of HP to describe the substitute’s vitality.)

The substitute will be removed, and Substitute’s effect will end, when the user leaves the battle or if the user faints before the substitute breaks.

Other notes regarding Substitute are given below.

  • Recoil from a user’s recoil attack is given to the user. HP loss because of a miss from Jump Kick and Hi Jump Kick is also given to the user.
  • While the user has a substitute, damage from the user’s confusion is erroneously directed to the opposing Pokémon’s substitute, even if the opposing Pokémon doesn’t have a substitute.
  • Bide and Counter are affected by damage dealt to a substitute as normal (both moves use the "last damage dealt" variable). Rage is also affected by damage dealt to a substitute.
  • The opposing Pokémon can use Disable, Leech Seed, and Transform normally. Damage from multi-turn attacks is given to the substitute, as the continuous attack is an attack by the opposing Pokémon.
  • The opposing Pokémon can use a recoil move and receives recoil according to the number of life points lost by the substitute, but doesn’t receive recoil after breaking a substitute.
  • Pay Day won’t cause the attacker to gain money from that attack if the attack breaks a substitute.
  • The effects of multi-hit attacks end after the attack breaks a substitute.
  • Haze is unaffected by Substitute.
  • In Pokémon Red Version , Pokémon Blue Version , Pocket Monsters Green , and Pokémon Yellow Version , if the opposing Pokémon uses Selfdestruct or Explosion to break the substitute, it won’t faint.
  • Absorb, Dream Eater, Leech Life, or Mega Drain, when it hits a substitute, cause their user to gain HP according to the number of life points lost by the substitute. In Pokémon Red Version , Pokémon Blue Version , Pocket Monsters Green , and Pokémon Yellow Version , if such a move breaks a substitute, no HP is restored to its user. In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), such moves will fail for the opposing Pokémon while the user has a substitute.

Hyper Beam

After using Hyper Beam, if the user tries to use an attack, it "must recharge" instead. If the user becomes asleep or frozen, it flinches, or it becomes defrosted, these events end the effect of Hyper Beam. In Pokémon Red Version , Pokémon Blue Version , Pocket Monsters Green , and Pokémon Yellow Version , if a multi-turn attack targets the user (even if it misses), this event also ends the effect of Hyper Beam.

If Hyper Beam ends by an event mentioned above on the next turn, and the user strikes second, the user will use the last move it chose for use (which will usually be Hyper Beam) without recharging for the previous use, even if that move now has zero PP. (In the case that Haze’s defrosting was the event that ended Hyper Beam, it won’t have a valid last move chosen for use.) (If the move is used this way and it has 0 PP, the game erroneously subtracts 0 by 1, resulting in the value 255 (the 8-bit two’s complement signed integer form of -1), or 63 PP (low 6 bits) and 3 PP Ups used (high 2 bits).)

In Pokémon Stadium (known as Pokémon Stadium 2 in Japan), a "recharge" attack segment is required every time it’s used.


If one PP is spent on the copied move while Mimic has 0 PP, the game erroneously subtracts 0 (Mimic’s PP) by 1, resulting in the value 255 (that is, 256 minus 1, wrapping around to 8 bits), or 63 PP (low 6 bits) and 3 PP Ups used (high 2 bits).


Disable causes a random move of the opposing Pokémon (with at least 1 PP) to be prevented from being used or chosen for use. When Disable is used, the opposing Pokémon receives a count of 1 to 8 (random). Every turn, including the current turn, during the effect, this count is reduced by 1 when the opposing Pokémon tries to use the move (upon reaching the Disable check). When the count is reduced to zero or the opposing Pokémon leaves the battle, the opposing Pokémon’s Disable effect ends. During the effect, Disable will fail for the user. If the opposing Pokémon uses Transform, the moves located where the affected moves were, become affected by Disable until Disable’s effect ends.

In the unusual case that the opposing Pokémon has more than one copy of the attack, the first copy will be prevented from being chosen, and the other copies will be prevented from being used.

Apparently, using Disable against the opposing Pokémon (even if it fails in Pokémon Red Version , and Pokémon Blue Version , Pocket Monsters Green , and Pokémon Yellow Version ) counts as a hit for the purposes of Rage.

If the Pokémon can’t choose a move for use and one of its moves is affected by Disable, the Pokémon won’t automatically choose Struggle for use instead unless all its moves have zero PP.

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - List of Moves

Extra explanation can be found in the supplement to this list.

View moves by name - View moves by effect

Name Type Power Accuracy (/255) PP Description
AbsorbGRASS2025520 If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
AcidPOISON4025530 May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Acid ArmorPOISON025540 Raises user’s Defense by 2 stages.
AgilityPSYCHIC025530 Raises user’s Speed by 2 stages.
AmnesiaPSYCHIC025520 Raises user’s Special by 2 stages.
Aurora BeamICE6525520 May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage.
BarrageNORMAL1521620 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
BarrierPSYCHIC025530 Raises user’s Defense by 2 stages.
BideNORMAL025510 If successful and isn’t already in effect, the effect begins and a variable X is set to zero. If user uses this attack, the las...
BindNORMAL1519120 Multi-turn attack. Unless this attack misses, even if opponent is immune to this attack, the effect begins if this attack isn’t...
BiteNORMAL6025525 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (26/256 chance).
BlizzardICE1202295 May freeze the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
Body SlamNORMAL8525515 May paralyze the opposing Pokémon. Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
Bone ClubGROUND6521620 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (26/256 chance).
BonemerangGROUND5022910 Calculates damage, then deals that much damage to the opposing Pokémon two times in a row.
BubbleWATER2025530 Additional effect chance is 77/256 in
BubbleBeamWATER6525520 Additional effect chance is 77/256 in Additional effect chance is 77/256 in
ClampWATER3519110 Multi-turn attack. Unless this attack misses, even if opponent is immune to this attack, the effect begins if this attack isn’t...
Comet PunchNORMAL1821615 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
Confuse RayGHOST025510 Confuses the opposing Pokémon.
ConfusionPSYCHIC5025525 May confuse the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
ConstrictNORMAL1025535 Additional effect chance is 77/256 in
ConversionNORMAL025530 Changes user’s type(s) to that/those of the opposing Pokémon. User retains the new type until user leaves the battle.
CounterFIGHTING125520 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las... This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
CrabhammerWATER9021610 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
CutNORMAL5024230 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Defense CurlNORMAL025540 Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
DigGROUND10025510 Two-turn attack. While user is using this attack, user won’t receive effects from all attacks other than Bide or Swift.
DisableNORMAL014020 During effect, a random move of the opposing Pokémon can’t be used or chosen for use by that Pokémon.
Dizzy PunchNORMAL7025510 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Double KickFIGHTING3025530 Calculates damage, then deals that much damage to the opposing Pokémon two times in a row.
Double TeamNORMAL025515 Raises user’s Evade by 1 stage.
Double-EdgeNORMAL10025515 If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In
DoubleSlapNORMAL1521610 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
Dragon RageDRAGON125510 Not affected by type immunities. Deals 40 damage to the opposing Pokémon.
Dream EaterPSYCHIC10025515 Fails unless opponent is asleep. If successful, user gains half of HP lost by opponent because of this attack.
Drill PeckFLYING8025520 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
EarthquakeGROUND10025510 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Egg BombNORMAL10019110 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
EmberFIRE4025525 May burn the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
ExplosionNORMAL1702555 User faints, after damage calculation. The opposing Pokémon’s Defense is treated as halved in the damage calculation.
Fire BlastFIRE1202165 May burn the opposing Pokémon (77/256 chance).
Fire PunchFIRE7525515 May burn the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
Fire SpinFIRE1517815 Multi-turn attack. Unless this attack misses, even if opponent is immune to this attack, the effect begins if this attack isn’t...
FissureGROUND1765 One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to opponent. Ineffective if user’s current Speed is lower than opponent’s current Speed. Affect...
FlamethrowerFIRE9525515 May burn the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
FlashNORMAL017820 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
FlyFLYING7024215 Two-turn attack. While user is using this attack, user won’t receive effects from all attacks other than Bide or Swift.
Focus EnergyNORMAL025530 Attacks by user have a reduced chance for a critical hit in Pokémon Red Version, Pokémon Blue Version...
Fury AttackNORMAL1521620 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
Fury SwipesNORMAL1820415 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
GlareNORMAL019130 Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Not affected by type immunities.
GrowlNORMAL025540 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Attack by 1 stage.
GrowthNORMAL025540 Raises user’s Special by 1 stage.
GuillotineNORMAL1765 One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to opponent. Ineffective if user’s current Speed is lower than opponent’s current Speed. Affect...
GustNORMAL4025535 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
HardenNORMAL025530 Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
HazeICE025530 Resets each stat stage of each Pokémon in battle to zero. The opposing Pokémon is cured of statuses. Ends effect of Focus Energ...
HeadbuttNORMAL7025515 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (77/256 chance).
Hi Jump KickFIGHTING8522920 If this attack misses or becomes ineffective, user loses 1 HP.
Horn AttackNORMAL6525525 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Horn DrillNORMAL1765 One-hit KO. Deals 65,535 damage to opponent. Ineffective if user’s current Speed is lower than opponent’s current Speed. Affect...
Hydro PumpWATER1202045 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Hyper BeamNORMAL1502295 User can’t attack or switch on the next turn, unless this attack misses, faints the opposing Pokémon, or breaks its Substitute.
Hyper FangNORMAL8022915 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (26/256 chance).
HypnosisPSYCHIC015320 Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Ice BeamICE9525510 May freeze the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
Ice PunchICE7525515 May freeze the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
Jump KickFIGHTING7024225 If this attack misses or becomes ineffective, user loses 1 HP.
Karate ChopNORMAL5025525 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
KinesisPSYCHIC020415 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
Leech LifeBUG2025515 If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
Leech SeedGRASS022910 After opponent’s attack segment, opponent loses X HP and user gains X HP, where X is opponent’s maximum HP divided by 16.
LeerNORMAL025530 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
LickGHOST2025530 May paralyze the opposing Pokémon. Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
Light ScreenPSYCHIC025530 During effect, user’s Special is effectively doubled for attacks by the opposing Pokémon, except in a critical hit.
Lovely KissNORMAL019110 Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Low KickFIGHTING5022920 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (77/256 chance).
MeditatePSYCHIC025540 Raises user’s Attack by 1 stage.
Mega DrainGRASS4025510 If this attack is successful, user gains half of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack.
Mega KickNORMAL1201915 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Mega PunchNORMAL8021620 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
MetronomeNORMAL025510 Uses a random move, which becomes the last move used by user and the last move user chose for use. Doesn’t use Metronome or Str...
MimicNORMAL025510 In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, copies an opponent’s move of player’s choice. In other battles, copies a random...
MinimizeNORMAL025520 Raises user’s Evade by 1 stage.
Mirror MoveFLYING025520 Uses last move the opposing Pokémon used, which becomes the last move user used and the last move the user chose for use.
MistICE025530 attacks with stat stage reduction as a primary effect, when they are used by a Pokémon on the opposing Pokémon’s side, will fail.
Night ShadeGHOST025515 Not affected by type immunities. Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to user’s level.
Pay DayNORMAL4025520 In battles in which Exp. Points can be gained, if successful, an amount equal to twice user’s current level is added to the mon...
PeckFLYING3525535 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Petal DanceGRASS7025520 User uses this attack for three or four attack segments and can’t take any action. Effect ends at end of the turn in which this...
Pin MissileBUG1421620 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
Poison GasPOISON014040 Poisons the opposing Pokémon.
Poison StingPOISON1525535 May poison the opposing Pokémon (52/256 chance).
PoisonPowderPOISON019135 Poisons the opposing Pokémon.
PoundNORMAL4025535 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
PsybeamPSYCHIC6525520 May confuse the opposing Pokémon (26/256 chance).
PsychicPSYCHIC9025510 May lower the opposing Pokémon’s Special by 1 stage (85/256 chance).
PsywavePSYCHIC120415 Not affected by type immunities. Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to a random integer from 1 through ((user’s level)*1.5)-1.
Quick AttackNORMAL4025530 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las... Always strikes before other moves.
RageNORMAL2025520 User uses this attack during each of its attack segments and can’t take any other action. If user loses HP because of an oppone...
Razor LeafGRASS5524225 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Razor WindNORMAL8019110 Two-turn attack.
RecoverNORMAL025520 Recovers HP. Will fail if user’s HP is full, or the user’s maximum HP minus user’s current HP plus 1 is divisible by 256. User gains half of its maximum HP.
ReflectPSYCHIC025520 During effect, user’s Defense is effectively doubled except in a critical hit. Effect ends when user leaves the battle.
RestPSYCHIC025510 Recovers HP. Will fail if user’s HP is full, or the user’s maximum HP minus user’s current HP plus 1 is divisible by 256. User gains all HP, and user sleeps with a sleep count of 2, even if user is poisoned, burned, paralyzed, or frozen.
RoarNORMAL025520 Ends wild Pokémon battles. Fails if battle is a trainer battle.
Rock SlideROCK7522910 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Rock ThrowROCK5016515 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Rolling KickFIGHTING6021615 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (77/256 chance).
Sand-AttackNORMAL025515 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
ScratchNORMAL4025535 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
ScreechNORMAL021640 Lowers user’s Defense by 2 stages.
Seismic TossFIGHTING125520 Not affected by type immunities. Deals damage to the opposing Pokémon equal to user’s level.
SelfdestructNORMAL1302555 User faints, after damage calculation. The opposing Pokémon’s Defense is treated as halved in the damage calculation.
SharpenNORMAL025530 Raises user’s Attack by 1 stage.
SingNORMAL014015 Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
Skull BashNORMAL10025515 Two-turn attack.
Sky AttackFLYING1402295 Two-turn attack.
SlamNORMAL8019120 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
SlashNORMAL7025520 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Sleep PowderGRASS019115 Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
SludgePOISON6525520 May poison the opposing Pokémon (103/256 chance).
SmogPOISON2017820 May poison the opposing Pokémon (103/256 chance).
SmokeScreenNORMAL025520 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Accuracy by 1 stage.
SoftboiledNORMAL025510 Recovers HP. Will fail if user’s HP is full, or the user’s maximum HP minus user’s current HP plus 1 is divisible by 256. User gains half of its maximum HP.
SolarBeamGRASS12025510 Two-turn attack.
SonicBoomNORMAL122920 Not affected by type immunities. Deals 20 damage to the opposing Pokémon.
Spike CannonNORMAL2025515 Multi-hit attack. Calculates damage, and then deals that much damage to opponent two to five times in a row. 37.5% for 2 or 3 t...
SplashNORMAL025540 Does nothing.
SporeGRASS025515 Puts the opposing Pokémon to sleep.
StompNORMAL6525520 May make the opposing Pokémon flinch (77/256 chance).
StrengthNORMAL8025515 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
String ShotBUG024240 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Speed by 1 stage.
StruggleNORMAL5025510 If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In If successful, user loses half of HP lost by opponent because of this attack (recoil). No PP is deducted from this attack. In
Stun SporeGRASS019130 Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Not affected by type immunities.
SubmissionFIGHTING8020425 If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In
SubstituteNORMAL025510 Creates a substitute using 1/4 of its maximum HP.
Super FangNORMAL122910 Deals damage to opponent equal to the greater of 1 or half of opponent’s current HP. Not affected by type immunities.
SupersonicNORMAL014020 Confuses the opposing Pokémon.
SurfWATER9525515 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
SwiftNORMAL6025520 Hits without fail.
Swords DanceNORMAL025530 Raises user’s Attack by 2 stages.
TackleNORMAL3524235 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Tail WhipNORMAL025530 Lowers the opposing Pokémon’s Defense by 1 stage.
Take DownNORMAL9021620 If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In If successful, user loses 1/4 of HP lost by the opposing Pokémon because of this attack (recoil). In
TeleportPSYCHIC025520 Ends wild Pokémon battles. Fails if battle is a trainer battle.
ThrashNORMAL9025520 User uses this attack for three or four attack segments and can’t take any action. Effect ends at end of the turn in which this...
ThunderELECTRIC12017810 May paralyze the opposing Pokémon. Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
Thunder WaveELECTRIC025520 Paralyzes the opposing Pokémon. Not affected by type immunities.
ThunderPunchELECTRIC7525515 May paralyze the opposing Pokémon. Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
ThunderShockELECTRIC4025530 May paralyze the opposing Pokémon. Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
ThunderboltELECTRIC9525515 May paralyze the opposing Pokémon. Additional effect doesn’t happen if the opposing Pokémon shares a type with this attack’s type.
ToxicPOISON021610 Poisons the opposing Pokémon. "Badly" poisons the opposing Pokémon.
TransformNORMAL025510 User’s current types, moves, Attack, Defense, Speed, Special, stat stages, and species become those of opponent. Each move copi...
Tri AttackNORMAL8025510 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
TwineedleBUG2525520 May poison the opposing Pokémon. Calculates damage, then deals that much damage to the opposing Pokémon two times in a row.
ViceGripNORMAL5525530 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Vine WhipGRASS3525510 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
Water GunWATER4025525 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
WaterfallWATER8025515 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
WhirlwindNORMAL021620 Ends wild Pokémon battles. Fails if battle is a trainer battle.
Wing AttackFLYING3525535 This attack deals damage to opponent equal to 2 times the last damage dealt. Will miss unless this attack strikes last, the las...
WithdrawWATER025540 Raises user’s Defense by 1 stage.
WrapNORMAL1521620 Multi-turn attack. Unless this attack misses, even if opponent is immune to this attack, the effect begins if this attack isn’t...

Pokémon Red Version, Blue Version, and Yellow Version - Items


The HP of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is half of its maximum HP, rounded down, if it has fainted.

Max Revive

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner has all HP if it has fainted.


If this item is in the pack, all Pokémon earn experience and stat experience in a battle, even if it didn’t participate in that battle (See experience).

Pok Flute

In battle, awakens all Pokémon (both in battle and not in battle) on both sides; outside of battle, awakens all Pokémon in the player’s party.

Guard Spec.

Begins the effect of Mist for the current Pokémon controlled by its owner (unless it’s already in effect).

Dire Hit

Begins the effect of Focus Energy for the current Pokémon controlled by its owner (unless it’s already in effect).

X Attack

Raises the Attack of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.

X Defend

Raises the Defense of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.

X Speed

Raises the Speed of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.

X Special

Raises the Special Attack of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.

X Accuracy

Raises the Accuracy of the current Pokémon controlled by its owner by 1 stage.


The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 20 HP.

Max Potion

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains all HP.

Hyper Potion

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 200 HP.

Super Potion

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 50 HP.

Fresh Water

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 50 HP.

Soda Pop

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 60 HP.


The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains 80 HP.

Full Restore

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner gains all HP and stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.

Full Heal

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner stops being poisoned, burned, paralyzed, frozen, asleep, and confused.


Restores 10 PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (If the current move at the chosen position was learned with Mimic or Transform, that move’s current PP is changed to the original move’s new current PP, adjusting for original but not current maximum PP.)

Max Ether

Restores all PP to a single original move of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (If the current move at the chosen position was learned with Mimic or Transform, that move’s current PP is changed to the original move’s new current PP, adjusting for original but not current maximum PP.)


Restores 10 PP to all original moves of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (If a move at a given position for that Pokémon was learned with Mimic or Transform, that move’s current PP is changed to the original move’s new current PP, adjusting for original but not current maximum PP.)

Max Elixir

Restores all PP to all original moves of the chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner. (If a move at a given position for that Pokémon was learned with Mimic or Transform, that move’s current PP is changed to the original move’s new current PP, adjusting for original but not current maximum PP.)

Ice Heal

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is defrosted.

Burn Heal

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of burns.


The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner wakes up.


The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of poison.

Parlyz Heal

The chosen Pokémon controlled by its owner is cured of paralysis.