Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Dungeons
Note that this list also includes dungeons that do not normally exist. These are probably tests made in the early stages of game development and are not meant to be accessed.
- Tiny Woods
- Thunderwave Cave
- Mt. Steel
- Sinister Woods
- Silent Chasm
- Mt. Thunder
- Mt. Thunder Peak
- Great Canyon
- Lapis Cave
- Mt. Blaze
- Mt. Blaze Peak
- Frosty Forest
- Frosty Grotto
- Mt. Freeze
- Mt. Freeze Peak
- Magma Cavern
- Magma Cavern Pit
- Sky Tower
- Sky Tower Summit
- Stormy Sea
- Silver Trench
- Meteor Cave
- Mt. Freeze Peak
- Western Cave
- Boss 3
- Boss 4
- Wish Cave
- Buried Relic
- Pitfall Valley
- Northern Range
- Boss 9
- Desert Region
- Southern Cavern
- Wyvern Hill
- Fiery Field
- Northwind Field
- Solar Cave
- Lightning Field
- Darknight Relic
- Wondrous Sea
- Murky Cave
- Grand Sea
- Uproar Forest
- Oddity Cave
- Remains Island
- Marvelous Sea
- Fantasy Strait
- Rock Path
- Snow Path
- Autopilot
- D50
- D51
- Dojo Registration
- Howling Forest
- D54
- Fantasy Strait
- Waterfall Pond
- Unown Relic
- Joyous Tower
- Far-off Sea
- Mt. Faraway
- D61
- Purity Forest
- Normal Maze
- Fire Maze
- Water Maze
- Grass Maze
- Electric Maze
- Ice Maze
- Fighting Maze
- Ground Maze
- Flying Maze
- Psychic Maze
- Poison Maze
- Bug Maze
- Rock Maze
- Ghost Maze
- Dragon Maze
- Dark Maze
- Steel Maze
- Team Shifty
- Team Constrictor
- Team Hydro
- Team Rumblerock
- Rescue Team 2
- Rescue Team Maze